
the first step is the will

Is an easy life really better than one filled with hardships? Is there a determined path or can I become something that I myself desire?

DaoistCpDMGE · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs


As I was searching for the desired path I wished to take the woman in front of me had a wild grin on her face as she stared at me like looking at some prised treasure.

<I can't believe what I'm seeing>

I murmured as I barely could contain my enthusiasm.

In the wild expanse that is all existence, there is a universal way to measure power or at least one agreed upon by all distinguished antiquities, beings who are an infinite distance away from our understanding as they started threading the path of truth.

A path that is, of course, walked on by all living beings.

Whether is cultivation or other forms of training we all wish to become stronger, and smarter.

To achieve a higher form of being.

A god is an existence hailed by all lower beings, a being who is detached from mortality, from the filth and suffering, from the ugliness and despair the mortality brings.

An existence that can bring salvation or welcome suffering.

Those below the power of gods can strive for their power, they train and suffer only so they will have a better future.

To help their friends, family and foremost...... Themselves.

If a being can train and attain power with a shaky heart and an unstable soul.

Then one can become a god only when one found their path and united their whole being into one single concept.

As Ananke is the goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity, Chronos is the god of time, and Nyx is the goddess of the night so will those beings have to find the path that will define their godhood.

And such a feat is something that a lot of beings struggle with, some take decades or even more to find it, and some can't even start since they are too lost.

So seeing this living, breathing human that doesn't even have 100 points of power do something that even higher-ranking races find hard makes my skin shiver and my blood run cold.




I look at the young man whose murmurs are getting louder and I can't help but pinch my skin so I could make sure I'm not in an illusion.


If I am in a car and someone decides to hit me and makes me slip into a pole then I am dead.

If someone decides he wants to stab me then I can only lament my luck.


I.....don't wish to leave my fate to luck, to be uncertain whether I'm going to live tomorrow or if death is gonna catch up.