
the first step is the will

Is an easy life really better than one filled with hardships? Is there a determined path or can I become something that I myself desire?

DaoistCpDMGE · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Fast food

What a refreshing feeling.

I thought about the difference between rank 2 and 3, and to say that the difference is like heaven and earth is not an understatement.

My bones feel hard as diamonds and my skin can now resist missiles and even the blast of a nuke.

My mind and soul have also gotten close to fusing with my origin.

Such a thing will get me into the realm of immortals and will allow for an even brother way of travel.

A rank 4 being is one infinitely close to age immortality.

The realm of mortal detachment, THE MIGHTY RANK 4!

However, I am only rank 3 now so I will have to grind some more for rank 4.

As I'm having these thoughts a similar level of existence is coming close.


As the man had these thoughts he lifted his foot and before it could touch the ground he already vanished.

The woman who was watching the scene from a distance felt something as she looked to her right.

There,20 meters away could be seen a man floating in the air while looking at the woman with a small smile.

His straight, long, and dark hair cascaded on his back as his red eyes looked at the woman in front.

His clothes were consisting of a white shirt and black pants.

His face was of an unseen handsomeness, a valid 10/10.

The woman has a short look of surprise when she saw his face as his looks were truly something she hasn't seen before.

But what truly surprised her was that a being from this planet managed to achieve rank 3 so early.

She clearly knew that this world was a young one, only 2 billion years old.

For such a being to be able to achieve rank 3 so early meant that his level of genius was unprecedented.

Of course, the being in question was not aware of his incredible feat since he continued scanning her whole body and thinking of ways to subdue her.

She wanted to recruit this man in her faction, his help would be life-saving for her faction's wellbeing as they were at war with too many sections and people.

She opened her mouth as she was determined to recruit this man with all she had.


I looked at this woman as she changed her facial expressions several times before she looked decided and opened her mouth to speak.

<Hello, my name is Nora and I am coming from planet Winterfrost.>

The pale woman spoke as she made a courtesy.

<I passed by your planet and since I was searching for members to recruit for my faction I decided to stop by>

<You see, our planet is older than yours and so our people had more time to train and reach higher levels>

<So our highest level power on the planet is rank 5>

She began speaking of her home planet's environment and power structure as she hoped he would be tempted by the promise of evolving his own power.

He looked at her with a little bit of interest in his eyes which made her more hopeful.

Rank 3 beings were proud people and showing clear interest would be wanting too much but even this much meant that he was slightly interested.

She didn't worry about him harming her as she clearly told him about their leader's rank 5 power and the difference between realms.

In her organization was called a sect her current authority was that of an elder and her means and weapons were very powerful.

She looked at him with a hopeful look but before she could do anything he abruptly disappeared as a millisecond later he appeared behind her back and hit her neck.

His hand which was covered by a bit of energy cleaved through her neck as her head and body were separated.

As he held her body and head his thoughts were clear on one thing.

{My grind might not be as hard as I thought}


After killing that woman I went to my house and I turned my head to look at her face.

Her eyes were wide open as she seemed to die with grievances.

But worry not as I could extract her memories very easily.

I put my hand on her head as energy began spreading throughout her whole head.

Her eyes seemed to become alive again as she started screaming and her eyes that were looking at me with hate started bleeding.

But as I always said as long as you can punch it, you can fix it.


After extracting and organizing her memories I managed to get a lot of useful information.

Her planet's location as well as her clan's layout.

I looked at the sky as I was prepared to do some exploring.


The government officials who noticed that the woman didn't come back started getting worried and started making calls to check what happened.

When they found out that the woman meet another man and disappeared their faces went pale and their throats dry.


Friday morning,9 am

Today is a special day since the grumpy lady finally decided to take some air after all that napping.

I looked at her with a smile as she seemed happier today.

Was it because I brewed her some good tea or because I fucked her?

Either way, this combo was a tested success so I will repeat this later since I can always brew some tea now.

<I didn't expect you to progress so fast.

At first, I thought you would at least take 20 or maybe 15 years to pass the threshold but you surprised me again with your genius aptitude>

{And tools}

I silently thought as I continued looking and nodding from time to time.

<The average time required to reach rank 3 is 60 years.

And the fastest record was of 12 years>

She spoke those words calmly as though she was talking about buying vegetables.