

"Hi." he greeted as he sat beside me.

"Hey," I greeted him. I felt him sat beside me so I stood up.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head before packing up my lunch. "You've been avoiding me..."

"I am not... avoiding you..." I said with a calm voice.

"Then what are you doing?" he is right. What am I doing?

"I don't know either. I'm sorry..." I said before walking away.

I feel guilty. I feel selfish and... bad. am I being selfish? I'm just saving myself from falling hard.

"Hey. do you wanna grab lunch together?" Mike asked. Mike and I are in the same class.

"Sure." I said before opening up my computer for our next subject.

"Let's go?" I approached him when the professor dismissed our class.

"Sure!" Mike happily said.

"Uhm.. just the two of us?" I asked him when I noticed that we're the only one walking on the hallway going to the cafeteria.

"Yeah. Is it fine with you?" he shyly asked. Mike is nice so I have no problem about eating lunch with him!

"of course it is!" i happily said before entering the cafeteria. As I walked past through the door... our eyes locked. He is sitting on one of the cafeteria's bench... with the boys (football varsity) and with... Meredith. The girl he's dating. Adan's hand is resting on Meredith's leg. What? that's too much! can't they just get a room?

"Hey... is that okay if we sit right over there?" mike asked as he pointed the left side of the cafeteria. of course! it's better because I won't see them if we choose to sit on the opposite side of them.

"I'll order for us..." Mike said.

"No, I can pay for mine!" I insisted.

"It's okay. I don't let girls pay. So what do you want?" I smiled at him. He is such a gentleman.

"I will have a bacon clubhouse and mac and cheese." he nodded

"How about the drink?" he asked.

"I'm fine with water."

"Okay. I'll be right back!" he said as he walk away. I shrugged before placing my elbow on the table.

"gosh-Ah!" I cried when I felt someone sat next to me. "What are you doing!?" I asked a little annoyed.

"What now?" he asked arrogantly.

"You scared me!" I said before moving a little to give us some space. Because... damn! his face is so freaking close to mine!

"I'm sorry. Why are you going out with him?" he asked.

"What? who?" I asked a little confused. "Oh! you mean Mike?"

"So... Mike is the name?" my eyes widened.

"Don't you dare..." I warned him. He raised both of his hands as if giving up.

"I won't do anything..."

"god! stop meddling with my life.." I said as I look down In my feet.

"You stop meddling with my mind first..." he said as he stood up. He gave me an arrogant smile. "See you... later." then he walked away.

"Is that... Adan?" Mike asked before putting down the tray of food that he ordered for us.

"Yeah.." I feel guilty! I'm with mike yet I'm thinking about other people.

'You stop meddling with my mind first...' What does he mean by that?


"Bye heather!" one of my classmate waved at me as I walk pass the hallway.

"Bye! take care guys!" I said as I wave my hand to them.

"Going home?" he asked.

"Are you a stalker Adan?" I calmly asked.

"No. I'm not. why?" I laughed because he sound like a child.

"Okay.. you're not." I mocked him.

"Are you mocking me?" he asked seriously.

"No. I'm not. why?" I mocked him. then I Burst out laughing. he looked pissed!

"Yep. You're mocking me." he sighed before pulling my wrist and dragging me inside the library.

"What are we doing here?" I asked. My eyes widened when I saw Meredith staring at us! I quickly removed my wrist from his grip. "Idiot! your girlfriend is there! staring at us!"

"Meredith." he coldly said. I looked at the two of them. Meredith's eyes gazed over me. Scanning me with her fist clenched.

"What's the meaning of this?" she asked as she looked at me.

"I-i...." damn! I'm even lost for words! "You got it wrong. We're just friends."

"Friends huh?" I sighed before looking at Adan.

"You take care of this mess. I still got a lot of things to do." I sad before walking away from them.

Damn Adan. I didn't do anything wrong. Why do you always choose to play with me?

"Ella... I'm home." I said as I opened the door.

"Hi! how's school?" she asked while she remain seated.

"It was... fine." I sighed before taking off my sneakers. "What do you want for dinner? I'll cook for us." I asked

"Really!?" she cried. "Damn girl! I missed those!"

"Calm down woman..." I chuckled before putting on the apron. I opened the fridge to find something to cook.

"Let's have mashed potato and roast chicken for dinner. Is that okay with you?" I asked her as I pull out a bag of potatoes from the veggie corner.

"Of course! anything will do!" she shouted then winked at me.

"Okay then." I said before proceeding to cook our dinner. I started up by washing the chicken. I brushed it with some olive oil, rosemary, and butter. I putted it on the oven to roast before I chopped the potatoes to bring them to a boil.

"That smell is great! aaah!" she dramatically said.

"Yeah. It will be ready in any minute now." I said as I take the chicken out so it could rest a bit.

My phone rang so I have to get it from the counter.

Incoming call....Adan?

"Hello?" I answered.

"Where are you now?" he asked deeply

"At home. why?" I asked.

"Won't you come to work?" I sighed before leaning close on the counter.

"It's my day off. What do you need?"

"Can I come over then?"

"What? no way!"

"Why?" I sighed

"You can't Adan..." I won't let you play me anymore. "I'm sorry." I said as I ended the call. Right after I put my phone down I received a message from him.

From: Adan

Pushing me away again huh?

if you're reading this... thank you for reading my story! :)

AyekiLeycreators' thoughts