
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Kỳ huyễn
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55 Chs

The element part 2

After waking up in the office of the elemental testing center, I could hear John questioning Henry about whether this was supposed to happen. I tried to get up and stand, but I had no energy, so all I could do was shout, "I'm awake! I'm okay!"

John was relieved to see that Reo was okay, and when he was loudly interrupted during Henry's questioning, he told Reo, "Let's go." However, Reo couldn't stand, so John had to carry him on his back before they left. Henry immediately asked which school he would be choosing. Reo then informed him that he would be attending the school of element, because that's where Amelia had been accepted. Henry said he would speak with the school about accepting me as well.

As he left on John's back, John informed him that he possessed a rare element known as darkness, which explained why he had passed out.

Although I couldn't see John face, I could sense his worry. So, I reassured him that I was just feeling tired and sleepy and that I would be back to my usual self after a good night's sleep. However, deep down, I wasn't entirely certain if I would fully recover.

Eventually, we reached home and were warmly welcomed by Sonia. As soon as we stepped in, she bombarded us with questions. "Where have you been? What happened to Reo? And why did you bring him on your back ?" Taking me to my room first, he then proceeded to explain the whole situation to Sonia.

From the tone of her voice, it was clear that she was quite upset. Apparently, she hadn't been informed about my visit to the elemental testing center. However, she was relieved to hear that I had successfully acquired an element.

I couldn't move, so they had to bring me dinner. At 9:37, I managed to stand up and go to the bathroom. When I returned to my bed to get ready for sleep, I noticed that Amelia was in her own bed. She heard my footsteps and congratulated me on acquiring an element.

As I lay down on my bed, I mentioned that I wanted to try getting into the school of elements. Amelia responded positively, encouraging me to go for it. But before she could finish, I interrupted her and added that I wanted to go with her. She asked why I would want to go, and I explained that she had always wanted someone to accompany her, and now I had the chance. Up until today, I was just an ordinary person, but now, after reading three books and having an element, I had dreams and aspirations. I want to embark on an adventure, exploring the worlds and uncovering their unsolved mysteries. I yearned to travel and meet new people, having fun along the way. I really hope that one day, when we reflect on this moment, we'll wish we could go back and experience it all over again, every single second. So, I have to ask, would you like to embark on a journey full of uncertainty with me?

Well, when you put it like that, how could anyone possibly say no? But there's a catch: we'll have to wait for two years because you haven't been accepted into the school yet, and we need to make some preparations. Don't worry, though. John has already submitted his form and Henry, the guy who tested my elemental abilities, promised to speak to the school on your behalf. Meanwhile, I'll search the library for a book on ice element and darkness.

By the way, have you ever wondered why it's called the School of Elements and not just a regular boarding school? As I gazed up at the stars, I replied that, in my opinion, it's simply better that way. Plus,it not exactly like a boarding school. As we both slowly drifted off to sleep, our minds filled with anticipation for the future.