
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Kỳ huyễn
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55 Chs

One year difference

It has been a year since I discovered my affinity for elemental manipulation, and the journey has been arduous. Both Amelia and I must commit to rigorous daily exercise routines to maintain our physical fitness, and hours of meditation are necessary to harness our abilities.

Through extensive meditation, I have now attained the ability to channel elemental energy, manifesting as sinister darkness flowing from my hands. However, when Amelia taps into her power, water freezes at her touch, causing sensations of coldness in those she contacts. In contrast, when I interact with others, they experience a temporary loss of vision, perceiving only darkness.

Startled, I exclaimed, "Amelia!" as I shook her awake from her slumber. Today marked an important milestone in our journey - mastering the creation of our elemental weapons. Filled with anticipation, she swiftly rose from the bed and hurried to the bathroom. After ten minutes, she emerged and joined me in the kitchen, where I had prepared breakfast. Unable to contain my curiosity, I asked, "What type of weapon are you planning to manifest?"

Smiling mischievously, she replied, "That is a secret," before delving into her meal."I assume a cross-legged position, readying myself for meditation and visualizing the desired weapon. My intention is to conjure a weapon distinct from the conventional choices of a sword, scythe, shield, or bow, and I conjure a mental image of this weapon as my ominous aura permeates from within, taking shape and materializing into the envisioned form.

As I open my eyes, I am astounded to witness the manifestation of my creation—a spear with a blade that closely resembles that of a sword. An elated smile forms on my face, for it has materialized exactly as I had imagined. Now, it is Amelia's turn to engage in this practice, and she too begins to meditate while her frigid aura begins to flow, molding into the shape of her chosen weapon—a bow. I inquire about her preference for a bow and express my opinion that bows are typically associated with individuals who prefer to maintain distance in combat scenarios.

Amelia replies, affirming my observation, and adds that this choice was deliberate. Upon awakening her innate ability, her perception has sharpened to an exceptional degree. By focusing her aura into her eyes, she is capable of perceiving objects up to five miles away. This revelation surprises me, and I realize that Amelia's decision to wield a bow is influenced by her newfound vision and her desire to exploit its advantages.

I conducted thorough research on the subject matter, referring to various educational texts that provided explicit instructions accompanied by historical illustrations depicting individuals proficiently handling said implements. Subsequently, our group engaged in intense and diligent practice sessions until John's timely return home, at which point we proudly showcased our newly acquired weapon skills to him. His reaction was one of astonishment, not only due to our significant progress achieved independently, but also because Amelia's weapon of choice happened to be a bow, contrary to his initial assumption that she would opt for a sword.

Upon changing into appropriate attire, John proceeded to partake in our physical exercises, and amidst this, he disclosed that Sonia would undertake the culinary duties for the day. This arrangement arose from her advantageous circumstances, as she was free from professional obligations on account of it being a Saturday, thereby affording her a rare leisure day. Additionally, John imparted the news that I had been accepted into the esteemed School of Elements, albeit with the caveat that the program would span four years. Such prolonged duration was attributed to the presence of students hailing from privileged backgrounds, and the administration's calculated decision to accommodate their potential opposition towards us.