
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

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Book 2

Reo concluded with Book 2 of the Energy series on Wednesday after dedicating two full days to it. The book contained remarkable learning about elemental powers. The plot sets in a world where certain individuals are selected by a singular element— the choices range widely, including darkness, light, earth, lightning, water, ice, wind, and fire.

Intriguingly, the elements of light and darkness are the least common, yet they are also one another's susceptibilities. The interaction amongst these contradictory forces presents an engrossing dynamic.

An additional revelation from the book: notwithstanding both parents originating from esteemed families and possessing elemental powers, their offspring might be born devoid of any such abilities. This highlights how the possession of these abilities is not purely a matter of genetic transfer.

It is indeed fascinating how individuals with the same elemental affinity can manifest their abilities in distinct ways. To exemplify, consider two persons sharing the fire element. Though they both are able to manipulate fire, their specific skills may differ significantly. One could possess the ability to craft a cloud of fire and consequently cause a rain of flames from above, while the other can manufacture fire-based explosives that detonate upon touch. Despite the discrepancy in their manipulation techniques, their shared affinity for using flames distinctly aligns them.

Upon mastering two skills rooted in their innate element, these individuals can then proceed to unearth exceptional abilities unrelated to their principal element. To illustrate, a person with an alignment to the ice element might develop a prowess in gravity manipulation. Mimic these steps for all the elements. Use markdown language to highlight these topics for easy understanding and readability.

It's essential to highlight that beyond the unique and elemental skills, ultimate skills exist which are significantly more potent. These skills carry the capacity to instigate changes in the environment and the climate, thereby granting the wielder a considerable advantage in battle.

In the second volume, it is unveiled that those who have mastered two elemental skills, seven unique skills, and the ultimate skill, possess the potential to metamorphose into mythical creatures or hybrids that combine traits of humans, beasts, knights, archers, and others.

These hybrid forms empower individuals to utilize unique skills and elements that may not naturally be part of their abilities set. Nonetheless, caution should be taken as some of these forms could be exceedingly perilous. Possessing the power to control factors such as climate, gravity, and fire, these forms also have the ability to impact critical elements of the world. In certain instances, these forms can construct illusions so convincing that they can inflict actual damage or even cause fatalities.

A key form discussed in this context is 'Zeus.' This particular form possesses the power to invoke tempestuous weather, cause havoc and potentially demolish entire cities. Unsurprisingly, it is both feared and revered around the world.

The second crucial factor to address is the immense amount of energy required to release these skills. It has been typically observed that the individuals tapping into these abilities often end up feeling completely exhausted, to the point of considering sleep. Naturally, the intensity of the energy drain is proportional to the potency of the skill accessed. This crucial aspect explains why such variants are brought into play only in extreme circumstances during a fight, given the severe exhaustion they can instigate on a person's energy reserves.

In conclusion, while these variants provide mind-boggling abilities, they are not without significant potential risks and high energy usage. It's important to keep this in mind before attempting to leverage these skills.