
The Female Lead

#WSA2024 Have you ever wished of traveling to another world? Traveling to a place filled with magic and magical creatures, being part of a wonderful and powerful family? Being loved and admired by people, especially cute, hot and dreamy guys?. Well, guess what? You are not the only one. One of the things she has ever wished for was to transmigrate to another world, leave her awful, stressful, God forsaken life behind. Meeting handsome and hot guys who would do anything and everything for her attention. Well if wishes were horses, riders would ride. And truly wishes were horses because it finally came true. After another stressful, boring day of work just as she slowly drifted off to sleep Emilia Jones finally transmigrated to her favorite novel ‘Twisted Fate'. A novel that is on everyone's lips, it is all over social media, everyone is dying to know what would happen next as each pages unfold, discovering new path each character takes and not to forget how hot the characters are, especially the male leads. Now Emilia Jones is finally part of the novel but here is a twist, she did not transmigrate to the heroine, who has the purest of heart, her silver long, silky hair glows in the moonlight, with twinkling blue eyes that captivates every soul that gazes at it, her voice was as angelic as ever, enticing every one to it's tune, she was the ride or die of all the male leads. She also didn't transmigrate to the villainess, her heart is colder than ice, her hair darker than ebony and her eyes red as velvet, she was the one many people in the novel feared. Being the one with magical powers that transcended all except the Royal family, she took everything and anything she wanted but she could not have the hearts of the male leads. You would think that she transmigrated as a supporting character but nope, an extra…. Maybe. Her soul passed into the body of a thick skull, half-witted, her stupidity knew no bound. The only thing good about her was that she came from one of the powerful families in the country, her power was known to be the weakest, a flicker of a flame. She was a beauty to a point and she had only a few scenes in the novel and experienced a very idiotic death. She was the beanbrain that Emilia transmigrated into. This was not part of her wish!!.

Starr_light · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

The Doctor

"Do you have any idea of what you want, My Lady?" Lenora inquired.

I tapped my chins thoughtfully, scouring the buildings around us. The streets were lightly dense with people trooping in and out of each building, chattering and giggling to themselves.

"I don't know, Lenora!" I replied a bit unsure, I looked around once more. A sign tugged my attention, 'Weaponry!' was inscribed on it. Making my way through the thick crowd, I walked towards it while Lenora scampered behind me.

The bell situated above the door rang as I walked in with Lenora. My eyes widened at the different arrays of weapons in the shop. Swords, spears, arrows, crossbows and a lot more that I never knew existed where displayed. It felt like a safe haven or museum for weapons.

"My Lady, why did you come here? Are you planning on buying a weapon for your brothers?" Lenora questioned.

"Not really!" I said approaching the display of swords.

"These swords look amazing! Maybe you could buy one for Sir Leopold. He definitely loves swords!" She stated.

"I am sure he has swords better than these ones!" I replied without sparing her a glance.

I inched a bit closer, a sword caught my attention. Its blade was made with what seemed to be silver, it bore strange markings on it. The handle was made with a strange wooden material and had a cerulean stone nestled in it.

I picked it up and looked it over. It felt lighter as I swung it around in mid-air.

"My Lady please be careful with it. You could cut yourself!" Lenora shrieked.

For a moment, a glint of light sparkled within the stone. I gasped, suddenly enchanted by it.

"Aah! It seems that you have taken a liking to the sword!" A voice said, startling us.

A vivid figure of an elderly man approached us. He placed the crossbow he held on the nearest table. He wore a warm smile, staring at the sword I held.

"It is a unique sword!" I stated.

"Indeed it is, unfortunately I have no information about the sword!" He removed the glasses he wore, rubbing his eyes a bit.

"Then how come it is in your possession?" I questioned.

"Well, it was dropped off by a stranger a few decades back, I have been with it ever since!" He explained.

I looked it over once more. It gave off an eerie feeling.

"My Lady, the stone in it looks like a mana stone!" Lenora stated.

"You might be right, Lenora!" I replied staring intently at the stone.

I turned to him, a question floating in my mind "If it possesses a mana stone. Does it mean that it may have an effect on its wielder?".

His brows furrowed as he thought, pondering on my question . "You may have a point, My Lady!".

"Will it be alright with you, if I purchased the sword?" I asked.

He stared at me, contemplating on an answer.

* * * * *

"I cannot believe he gave it to you for free My Lady!" Lenora said, elated as we stepped out of the shop.

"He did say it was never for sell!" I responded, gazing at the sheathed sword. "I think I know who to give this to!". A pair of emerald eyes appeared in my mind. "It would be a great gift to him!" I said softly.

"To who My Lady?" Lenora inquired.

I was about to reply her when I noticed someone familiar scurry through the crowd.

"Um. . .Lenora will you please take the sword back to the carriage?" I handed over the sword to her, my eyes never left the figure. I left her and followed him, my heart pulsated as I tailed him.

I watched him walk into a building, once the coast was clear, I headed towards the same building and walked in. He had his back to me as he approached the shelves decorated with different numerous bottles, each bearing liquids of different colors. He picked up one of the bottles and began dusting it.

"If you keep on staring, you might end up creating a hole in my head!" He said while vetting the bottle.

I was startled a bit by how he discovered my presence. With my hands clasped behind me, I approached him.

"You knew that I was following you?" I asked.

He placed the bottle back to its rightful place and picked the one next to it. "Well, you weren't being discreet as you struggled with your gown whilst dragging your feet, tailing me!" He replied dryly.

I was lost for words, surprised by his cleverness and a bit infuriated at how easily I was caught.

"You are not her!" He said all of a sudden.

My heart skipped a beat hearing that. My blood ran cold knowing that I have been discovered.

"What?" I managed to say.

"You are not the Everhart princess, You are not Lady Rosalind Everhart!" He reiterated.

"Hold on!" I said, still awestruck "You knew that I was not her! How did you. . . Why didn't you say anything that day?".

I watched his shoulders heave with emotions as he placed the bottle back on the shelves. He turned around and looked at me. The same eyes that stared at me that day put me on edge.

"I didn't want to trouble the Duke further. He fretted when you were unconscious, telling him that the lady who laid before him was not his daughter would have made things more complicated!" He explained.

I stared at him with slightly parted lips, blinking slowly as I tried to absorb his words.

"How did you know?" I asked finally.

He looked thoughtful before he responded, "Well, first of all, when I examined you, checking for your life force, I noticed the differences in your souls, yours is very much dissimilar from Rosalind's and not to talk about how brightly your flame burned. All these details could only pinpoint to one thing. . ." He paused, staring intently at me ". . .You are not of this world, you are an outlander!".

I gulped nervously, clenching my trembling fist. I tried so hard not to reveal how shaken I was but I could sense that he already knew that.

"So, what do you want?" I asked, my voice came out shaky.

He shrugged "Nothing!".

I squinted my eyes at him, not believing him for a second.


"Yes, well. . ." He paused, he had a far flung gaze as he pondered on something. ". . . I am a little curious on how you got here. I am more curious about where you came from, about your world!" He looked at me expectantly.

I held my head high as I gazed back at him.

"I have no answers to give!" I replied.

He slouched, disappointment etched his eyes.

"But I do want you to keep what you know a secret. You have to promise not to tell a soul!" I spoke firmly, not breaking our eye contact.

He kept mute, his expression grew impassive. For a moment I thought he would disagree.

"Alright! I promise!" He said finally.

I felt lighter hearing those words, it felt like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. Joy engulfed me knowing that he would keep to his promise.

"But. . ." My smile slowly ebbed away as quickly as it appeared "You do have to be careful. If I could figure it out, it will not be long for another to. Do not act too out of character, if you wish not to raise suspicions, outlander!" He said.

I took a steady deep breath, confidence surged within me at his advice. "I will. Thank you for not ratting me out!" I said sincerely.

He gave a light nod whilst smiling warmly at me.

I turned on my heel and headed towards the door, exiting the building, joyful that I solved the doctor issue.