
The Female Lead

#WSA2024 Have you ever wished of traveling to another world? Traveling to a place filled with magic and magical creatures, being part of a wonderful and powerful family? Being loved and admired by people, especially cute, hot and dreamy guys?. Well, guess what? You are not the only one. One of the things she has ever wished for was to transmigrate to another world, leave her awful, stressful, God forsaken life behind. Meeting handsome and hot guys who would do anything and everything for her attention. Well if wishes were horses, riders would ride. And truly wishes were horses because it finally came true. After another stressful, boring day of work just as she slowly drifted off to sleep Emilia Jones finally transmigrated to her favorite novel ‘Twisted Fate'. A novel that is on everyone's lips, it is all over social media, everyone is dying to know what would happen next as each pages unfold, discovering new path each character takes and not to forget how hot the characters are, especially the male leads. Now Emilia Jones is finally part of the novel but here is a twist, she did not transmigrate to the heroine, who has the purest of heart, her silver long, silky hair glows in the moonlight, with twinkling blue eyes that captivates every soul that gazes at it, her voice was as angelic as ever, enticing every one to it's tune, she was the ride or die of all the male leads. She also didn't transmigrate to the villainess, her heart is colder than ice, her hair darker than ebony and her eyes red as velvet, she was the one many people in the novel feared. Being the one with magical powers that transcended all except the Royal family, she took everything and anything she wanted but she could not have the hearts of the male leads. You would think that she transmigrated as a supporting character but nope, an extra…. Maybe. Her soul passed into the body of a thick skull, half-witted, her stupidity knew no bound. The only thing good about her was that she came from one of the powerful families in the country, her power was known to be the weakest, a flicker of a flame. She was a beauty to a point and she had only a few scenes in the novel and experienced a very idiotic death. She was the beanbrain that Emilia transmigrated into. This was not part of her wish!!.

Starr_light · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
32 Chs


I let out a deep breath, basking myself in the tub filled with warm water, it was sprinkled with rose petals, The smell of lavender and roses, filled the air in the room.

Resting my head on the tub, I slowly closed my eyes.

>>>>It was dark and soundless, I looked around me, there was no sign of light anywhere. I looked up and noticed what seemed like a drop of sunlight touch the ground beside me. I watched it bring to life my surroundings, I stood in the middle of a dandelion field. A crape myrtle tree stood as it center and it was in bloom. Its flowers looked radiant as they basked in the sun's embrace, absorbing its rays, dancing to the rhythm of the gentle breeze.

I heard sounds of laughter and followed it, it led me to the tree. Behind it were two little red haired children playing with the dandelions.

The little girl looked so much like Rosalind while the boy had a resemblance with one of her brothers described in the novel.

They looked so happy as they chased each other down the field, giggling and laughing in delight.

"Those were the good old days!" A voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see an older Rosalind watching the children with longing and sadness in her eyes, her long red hair were like flames under the sun as they moved in an undulating motion.

"You looked really happy!" I said, staring at the playful children.

She turned to me and smiled "I was!".

"Don't you miss it?" I asked.

She approached me, her hands clasped behind her.

"Do you mean the fun or the insults or the being used by someone or being mocked and looked down on just because of how weak a person is?" She asked, there was anger tinged with hurt in her voice.

Something within me understood how she felt and I kind of felt guilty because I too, looked down on her. Just like everyone I called her a dummy, I really felt sick to my stomach realising that I was among the people who ridiculed her even when I knew nothing about her.

"I don't miss it!" She said with a smile "I do miss my Father and my brothers though but apart from them, I don't think there is anyone or anything that I miss!".

"So, why did you choose me to…"

"That's because I didn't want them to be alone!" She said, cutting me off "I needed someone who despised her life more than anyone, that she'd wish to leave her terrible life behind and you fitted everything in my list!"

"Oh!" I felt too shock to reply to that. To think that I was qualified because of how miserable I was, seemed a bit hurtful.

I took a deep breath letting everything sink in. She probably needs me to do something for her, like take revenge on her enemies or something close to that, since that's what usually occurs in all the transmigration books I've read.

"So, do you want me to take revenge on your haters or…" she cut me off.

"No! No!" She shook her head "Just be yourself!".

Her reply stunned me. It was not what I expected at all.

"So I just need to live my life?" I asked just to be sure.

She gave a light nod.

I felt excited, knowing that I do not have any difficult mission from her. This is turning out better than expected.

I beamed at her, she simply smiled.

"One more thing, Emilia!" The tone in her voice was different than earlier and stern. I looked at her, puzzled on what she wanted to say.

"Try and survive!" She said.

I let out a light gasp as she slowly faded into star dust, floating in the wind ascending to the sky.

Her last words rang in my ear.

Try and survive? What did she mean by that?.

"Wait! Rosalind, I have one more question!" I yelled at the dust floating away.

I sighed. So many questions ran through my head. I needed help with so many things and she was already gone.

"What! What is it?" A familiar voice yelled.

I shrieked when I saw her suddenly standing in front of me, looking a bit angry.

"I thought you… weren't you…" I pointed at her and then at the sky.

"You said you had another question!" She replied crossly.

"Oh, so you came back because of that?" I asked, still baffled.

"Do you have a question or not?" She asked, infuriated "You need to hurry up, because I am missing something called a 'movie' and I have been waiting for it for the longest of time!".

I blinked at her severally, too confused to speak.

"You watch movies where you are?" I asked slowly.

"Is that the question?" She asked in a stoic manner.

"No! That's not it!" I took a deep breath before approaching the main question "So earlier today, I felt a surge of power within me because of what your maid said and I know that you are the weakest of the weak, no offense!"

"None taken!"

"I just wanted to know what that power was!" I said.

Rosalind walked closer to me, she stood a few feet from me and snapped her fingers, a tiny flame visualized, floating above them. It looked so weak with no ray of life.

"This is my power!" She said, referring to the flame "What you felt earlier must have been yours!".

I gasped "I have powers!" Out of everything she said that was the only thing I understood.

She nodded "It seems so, it looks very powerful, your flame is vibrant and full of life!" She said, her far-flung gaze landed on my chest. I felt like she could see right through me, deep into my soul.

"Oh well, if there are no more questions I would like to leave and watch the thing called 'movie'!" She said, the tone in her voice was higher than usual.

"Yeah!" I replied absentmindedly.

She nodded and took a deep breath, fading away like She did before.

"Oh and Emilia!" She called out from the stardust.

"Yeah?" I looked up at the sky.

"Nurture your flame, it will be of great help to you in the future and make sure that you survive!" Her last words echoed in the field.

The darkness slowly drew forward after the encounter, devouring the light until there was nothing left. I found myself alone in it like I was earlier.

* * * *

The sound of people hovering around me brought me back.

I blinked and slowly opened my eyes, looking around me. Three men with a similar red hair to mine stood by my right, the older one clenched my hand whilst weeping while the other two had a grieved look on their face as they stared at me. At the far corner of the room, the maid I threatened earlier looked saddened as she hung her head.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked slowly.

They beamed in delight as they saw me. The oldest of them all quickly hugged me taking me by surprise.

"Oh my darling daughter! I thought I lost you! You almost drowned in the bath tub. Luckily, your personal maid found you!" He said between sobs.

He must be Rosalind's Father. In the novel, it states that he loved his daughter more than everything he had and owed, even more than his own sons. She reminded him of his dead wife, he vowed to protect her from anyone who dared to harm her.

I hugged him back gently, feeling a bit awkward.

"It is okay Father, I am fine. Nothing happened to me!" I said in an awkward tone.

He quickly let go of me and suddenly grabbed my face in his hands, examining it for injuries.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I nodded.

"You are not hurt, are you?" The older of the two boys asked, grabbing my right hand, vetting it for injuries.

I looked at him. He must be Rosalind's eldest brother. Leopold Everhart. The young duke of the East, and the heir to their Father's dukedom. Leopold is known to be indifferent to people and very impassive but not when it comes to his family especially his little sister Rosalind. His flame is known to be the most powerful in the House of Everhart making him more special and more popular than his siblings.

He had a sad look in his turquoise eyes and I felt touched knowing that I had people that cared for me. Back in my world no one did, not even my Parents or brother.

"I am okay Leo!" I said in a sincere tone.

He blushed on hearing me call him that. He loved it whenever Rosalind called him Leo, for some weird reasons it made him flustered. He hid his face away from me but it was a bit late I had already seen his flushed face.

"Father, I think we should have her maids be with her whenever she is having a bath!" The other man suggested.

"What!" I exclaimed "That will not be necessary Father!".

It was already too late to protest, it seemed that Duke Everhart was considering the decision.

"It might be a good idea!" He said thoughtfully.

I glared at my other brother. Edward Everhart, he was a few years older than me but two years younger than Leopold, he is known to possess the blue flame, the rarest flame of all and a known master of archery. He is also the closest friend of Sir Alexander Norwyn, the third male lead of the novel.

"What?" He asked all innocently.

"Nothing!" I replied. I didn't want to start an argument with him.

A short man in a white coat approached me and they made way for him. He reminded me of my stunted boss and I hated it.

"Can you check up on her Doctor?" Duke Everhart asked.

"Of course your Majesty!" He replied.

He placed his hands on mine, I felt my body glow as a different flow of power surge through me.

After a few minutes, he let go of me and the power faded. He shot me a strange look before turning to my anxious Father.

"She is okay Duke Everhart, everything is fine, even her…" he turned to look at me with that same strange look, before diverting his attention to my Father "... Even her soul is normal. Nothing to worry about!" He said, turned around and headed towards the door.

My gaze followed him, I didn't like the look he gave me and I felt uneasy as he turned back to look at me. Our eyes met and he quickly looked away, leaving the room.

My Father and brothers kept fawning over me, telling me things like 'I shouldn't leave the bed' and 'I should ring for them if I ever needed their company' but I paid no heed to them.

The things that bothered me more were, speaking to the doctor one on one and figuring out how to survive this world like Rosalind said.