
The Female Lead

#WSA2024 Have you ever wished of traveling to another world? Traveling to a place filled with magic and magical creatures, being part of a wonderful and powerful family? Being loved and admired by people, especially cute, hot and dreamy guys?. Well, guess what? You are not the only one. One of the things she has ever wished for was to transmigrate to another world, leave her awful, stressful, God forsaken life behind. Meeting handsome and hot guys who would do anything and everything for her attention. Well if wishes were horses, riders would ride. And truly wishes were horses because it finally came true. After another stressful, boring day of work just as she slowly drifted off to sleep Emilia Jones finally transmigrated to her favorite novel ‘Twisted Fate'. A novel that is on everyone's lips, it is all over social media, everyone is dying to know what would happen next as each pages unfold, discovering new path each character takes and not to forget how hot the characters are, especially the male leads. Now Emilia Jones is finally part of the novel but here is a twist, she did not transmigrate to the heroine, who has the purest of heart, her silver long, silky hair glows in the moonlight, with twinkling blue eyes that captivates every soul that gazes at it, her voice was as angelic as ever, enticing every one to it's tune, she was the ride or die of all the male leads. She also didn't transmigrate to the villainess, her heart is colder than ice, her hair darker than ebony and her eyes red as velvet, she was the one many people in the novel feared. Being the one with magical powers that transcended all except the Royal family, she took everything and anything she wanted but she could not have the hearts of the male leads. You would think that she transmigrated as a supporting character but nope, an extra…. Maybe. Her soul passed into the body of a thick skull, half-witted, her stupidity knew no bound. The only thing good about her was that she came from one of the powerful families in the country, her power was known to be the weakest, a flicker of a flame. She was a beauty to a point and she had only a few scenes in the novel and experienced a very idiotic death. She was the beanbrain that Emilia transmigrated into. This was not part of her wish!!.

Starr_light · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Roderick's Teacher

The sound of swords clashing against each other, followed by the grunting of men engaged in a bit of a wrestle resounded in the air. We inched closer into the training grounds, it was my first time seeing one and I had to admit it looked exactly like how I imagined it would be. A group of men fighting with each other in order to prove who is stronger, some wielded swords while others depended on their fists and muscles. There were a group of archers at the farthest end of the training grounds, shooting arrows with their bows, some missed their targets, others didn't even reach their targets, only a few did.

I scoured the vast area, looking for the perfect teacher for him.

"If I may ask, what are you looking for my lady?" Roderick asked.

"I am looking for the perfect teacher to train you!" I replied without giving him a glance "But it is difficult to…"

"Who would have thought that our dear Princess of the dukedom would visit the training grounds?" A deep hoarse voice echoed behind us.

We turned to notice, a tall dark, brawny man grin at us. He held two defenseless men on each hand in a choke hold. I observed as they tried to wriggle themselves free from his grasp.

Abruptly, a memory flashed in my head. I saw a little version of Rosalind and Edward running round the training grounds holding little wooden swords as they were being playfully chased by him.

I beamed knowing who he was "it is finally nice to meet you, Sir Richard!".

"May I know what brings you here?" He asked, maintaining his hold on the men which strangely reminded of little worms wringling themselves free from predators.

I held in my laugh at the image. "You were the one that I wanted to see actually!"

He shot me a strange look before letting go of them. They held their throat whilst coughing profusely, grasping for air.

"What may I do for you Lady Rosalind?" He asked approaching me. For a moment, I felt the ground beneath me quiver along with the pebbles, as he marched forward. He looked frightening like a giant. I gulped. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Roderick's reaction, he stood there unfazed by the hulk. I felt proud knowing that he wasn't intimidated by him.

"I need you to help me train someone!" I said cheerfully, pushing my fears aside.

He raised his brows at me, utterly confused by my statement.

"You are the best of the best when it comes to training knights and you also trained my brother, Edward!" I added "And he turned out great! It won't hurt to train one more!" I said in my sweetest voice.

He shifted his gaze from me to Roderick, glaring at him. Roderick's face was the same as it was, composed, stoic and completely undaunted.

"Fine I will do it!" he said after a few minutes.

I yelped out for joy, hearing that "Thank you so much!".

"I am doing it not because you asked.." he said abruptly, killing whatever joy I felt earlier "... I see something in him that I haven't seen in a long while and I need someone else to manhandle" he cracked his knuckles, his face wore a menacing, deadly grin "these guys are weak!" He referred to the men around us.

"Sure! Whatever makes you happy!" I replied, not being terrified at all.

"Have you told your Father yet?" He questioned.

"He may…or…may not know!" I said nervously "But I will let him know the sooner I meet with him!" I quickly said.

"Fine by me!" He said with a shrug and left us to bully another set of trainees.

"He is terrifying!" I said, my face grew pale as I watched him flip three guys over all at once.

"I can take him!" Roderick said boldly, standing beside me.

I beamed at him "I like your confidence!" He smiled at the compliment "But don't overdo things no matter how tough you think you are!" I added.

"Of course my lady!" He replied.

I took a deep breath as I continued to watch Sir Richard break more bones of more men.

"He is definitely terrifying!" I said with a shudder. Turning around, I left the training grounds, pondering ways to tell my dear Father about Roderick.

* * * *

I took a deep breath, trying to ease in on the conversation. We were halfway through dinner and after that I may loose the opportunity I had to tell him.

"Rosalind!" My Father called out.

I turned to look at him, pondering on the reason he called me. It seemed that I wasn't the only one who wondered why, Leo and Edward abruptly stopped eating and looked at me. I gave them a half shrug letting them know that I knew nothing.

"Yes Father!".

"I heard that you went to the capital today. Did you buy anything interesting?" He asked, beaming at me.

"I, uh__well, I didn't buy anything per se for me!" I said thoughtfully, choosing my words wisely "I found someone that I'd like to be my personal guard!".

He shot me a strange look "A personal guard? What about the Everhart knights? You can choose the strongest of them!" He suggested.

"I am not comfortable with them Father!" I said slowly.

"I don't know Rosalind, you bringing a stranger to the estate and choosing him to be your guard, it's…" He paused thinking of the correct word to use.

"Please Father!" I said, pouting my lips. No one can resist cuteness not even my dear Father, I gave him the puppy dog eyes, blinking slowly. He shook his head trying to resist the temptation, I smiled a bit knowing that it was working.

"I don't…."

"Pretty please!" I pleaded. He sighed, giving in.

"If that's what you want then alright!" He said finally.

Joy engulfed me on hearing his decision.

"Father, are you really going to allow a complete stranger to guard her?" Edward asked.

I shot him a look. I felt the joy within me earlier, slowly wither away at the question. I had to prevent him from changing his mind.

" He is currently under training as we speak. Sir Richard is training him!" I said sternly.

Edward didn't look convinced one bit.

"What if he fails to protect you? What happens then?" He asked.

"Then I will protect both of us!" I seethed.

Edward chuckled, taking me by surprise. "Um… Rosalind I don't mean to be rude but your power isn't actually the protecting kind. You know because of it's..." Leopold nudge him before he could finish the sentence.

"...Weak!" I said, I felt anger vibrate through my being at his words, taking a deep breath I turned to him. "You know it is bad enough that I have to hear how weak my flame is from strangers but you know what hurts most? Hearing it from the people close to me!" I threw my napkin on the table angrily, stood up to the surprise of everyone seated and left the dining room.

"Now look what you have done!" Leopold said angrily, as soon as she exited the dining room.

"I didn't mean to make her that upset!" Edward replied, he turned to see his Father glare at him with a rage that could burn his entire being.

"You better apologize to your sister Edward!" He said, his voice was low, deep and stern.

Edward exhaled, staring at her empty seat. He immediately felt bad for the words he said but it was too late to cry over spilled milk. Now he had to apologize to her, hopefully she may accept his sincere apology.

>>>> I slammed the door of my room, recalling the event earlier. The rage within me grew weak. I sighed, knowing that Edward was right about one thing made me feel worse. My flame was weak and if I had to protect myself and Roderick during a dangerous moment I had to be strong.

Rosalind's last words rang in my ear; 'Nuture your flame it will be of great help to you in the future and make sure that you survive!'.

I exhaled, I didn't know what she meant by that but she had a point, if I want to survive I had to be strong enough to protect myself. I clenched my fist at my determination to become stronger.

* * * *

Deep in the dark forest situated between the boundaries of Alderia and Novara, the western empire. Roars of magical beast could be heard from every corner of the forest. No one dares venturing into the forest due to the unsteady magical energy it possesses, the only inhabitants were the malicious looking beasts that were ready to devour whatever human they sense.

Within a swarthy, sinister cave located at the most dense part of the forest, the circle gathered. Each member wore a cloak covering their facial features, they numbered a hundred. They surrounded a green flame of fire which was the only source of light in the cave. It gave off an eerie, deleterious feeling as they stared at it.

Two members stepped forward from their number and approached the flame.

"Is it time yet?" One of them asked.

The other shook his head slightly "No, the grand master said it is not yet ready and only she knows when the right time comes!" He replied, his voice echoed at every inch of the cave.

The flames increased with a high level of luminous intensity, it grew more as each member vanished, immediately the last member was gone, it devour anything in sight until there was nothing left but ultimate darkness.