
The Female Lead

#WSA2024 Have you ever wished of traveling to another world? Traveling to a place filled with magic and magical creatures, being part of a wonderful and powerful family? Being loved and admired by people, especially cute, hot and dreamy guys?. Well, guess what? You are not the only one. One of the things she has ever wished for was to transmigrate to another world, leave her awful, stressful, God forsaken life behind. Meeting handsome and hot guys who would do anything and everything for her attention. Well if wishes were horses, riders would ride. And truly wishes were horses because it finally came true. After another stressful, boring day of work just as she slowly drifted off to sleep Emilia Jones finally transmigrated to her favorite novel ‘Twisted Fate'. A novel that is on everyone's lips, it is all over social media, everyone is dying to know what would happen next as each pages unfold, discovering new path each character takes and not to forget how hot the characters are, especially the male leads. Now Emilia Jones is finally part of the novel but here is a twist, she did not transmigrate to the heroine, who has the purest of heart, her silver long, silky hair glows in the moonlight, with twinkling blue eyes that captivates every soul that gazes at it, her voice was as angelic as ever, enticing every one to it's tune, she was the ride or die of all the male leads. She also didn't transmigrate to the villainess, her heart is colder than ice, her hair darker than ebony and her eyes red as velvet, she was the one many people in the novel feared. Being the one with magical powers that transcended all except the Royal family, she took everything and anything she wanted but she could not have the hearts of the male leads. You would think that she transmigrated as a supporting character but nope, an extra…. Maybe. Her soul passed into the body of a thick skull, half-witted, her stupidity knew no bound. The only thing good about her was that she came from one of the powerful families in the country, her power was known to be the weakest, a flicker of a flame. She was a beauty to a point and she had only a few scenes in the novel and experienced a very idiotic death. She was the beanbrain that Emilia transmigrated into. This was not part of her wish!!.

Starr_light · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

I Hate My Life

I slowly pushed the door and dragged myself in. Today was not one of those days. Let's start from the beginning of the bad events.

First, I got yelled by my boss for spilling coffee on his laptop. It was not my fault that I missed a step and tripped. Then I had to skip lunch because of one annoying old lady who didn't understand the words that came out of my mouth, not only was she slow-witted, she was also as slow as a snail and couldn't speak English so basically, I didn't understand the words she said, so it was not very productive and I wasted and sacrificed my time for nothing.

Thirdly and lastly, the one that crowns it all up, was the walk back home, A buffoon removed a warning sign on an opened sewer and I fell right into it, it took a couple of men to pull stinky me up. The only good thing was that I got pulled out with no injuries and I ended up yelling at the construction workers, they promised to pay for the damages but the deed was already done. I had to stick with the stinky, disgusting, nauseating smell and endure the nasty looks I received as I reached my apartment.

Sighing, I turned to look at the bathroom mirror, my face stained with sewer water, I stared at my reflection. It was the same as always, pale green eyes with short lashes, chapped nude lips, bushy eyebrows, messy hair and my glasses which didn't do much to the look.

My phone vibrated in my hand distracting me, I hesitated before reading the text, knowing what it was made my mood darker.

"Don't forget to send the money for your brother's tuition. Love Mom!" my croaked voice read out.

I screamed as loud as I could.

I am tired! I am tired of everything. I am tired of my parents using me as their personal ATM for their annoying, ridiculous needs. I am tired of my annoying stunted growth boss and his terrible, stressful demands.

I need a life! For once I just want to be loved and liked by someone, to be pampered and spoiled rotten.

When last did I go on a date with a guy? When last did a man walk up to me and be like 'Hey girl! You are so beautiful, wanna go out sometime?'.

I groaned! Knowing that it has never happened in this life. My looks always screamed 'Don't talk to me! I am a weirdo!'. I have never been asked out because of how ugly I am and I have accepted that, I just wished that someone will love the me within. Even if it is not in this world but probably a world where I am extremely beautiful and men are dying just to talk to me.

"I wish to leave this world and be in a world where I will be beautiful and noticed!" I yelled at the top of my croaked voice.

I let out a sad, deep breath. It was never going to happen, so why do I waste my time wishing for it?.

My phone beeped in my hand and a notification popped up. I beamed, looking at it. The latest chapter of the novel 'Twisted Fate' is out.

I have been reading this book since, I saw the comments about it and the characters description online. I got hooked after the first chapter, ever since then I have been an ardent reader.

The story is based in a flourishing empire Alderia, where magic and power is everything. It is one thing to possess magic but imagine if the magic is imbued with power, you would be unstoppable.

The female lead, Lady Adeline comes from a middle class family, they didn't have much but they had each other, her parents loved her to bits and grants her tiny, little wishes however they could.

Her beauty was unmatched in the whole empire of Alderia. Her silver hair kissed by the moon's ethereal glow, shimmered as bright as the stars in the sky, her innocent blue eyes captivated anyone fortunate to gaze upon it and her voice was as angelic as ever. It was no surprise that she captured the hearts of all the four male leads. She had a power of light which was not quite rare. Lady Adeline could lit up an entire dark room with just a snap of her finger, the power within her was as pure as her heart.

Prince Cedric fell in love with her at their first encounter during a Royal ball thrown for his victory in the war with the empire of the South. Lady Adeline melted his heart with her warm, enchanting smile sending his heart racing.

I can vividly remember his thought as his eyes first laid on her.

'...to think the woman in front of me could cause this turmoil within me. I have never felt this confused, excited and nervous all at the same time. Even in the war I won, none of these emotions troubled me but yet, here she is staring at my direction so innocently, smiling so warmly at me, her pure and pristine nature sends my heart racing and calms my soul. Who is she? I must know her!'.

Prince Cedric was known to be a cold-hearted man with no soul, his crystal blue eyes were dark and horripilating, mirroring into a depth of enigma and solitude. The aura he exuded ignited fear to anyone who gazed upon him. He was feared and ruthless, known to be cruel to his enemies, never giving a second thought before striking them out. A tyrant to many and an upholder of justice to a few.

I let out a dreamy sigh, letting the memory of the novel flow through me slowly. I loved their chemistry, he was a dark tyrant and she was the light that brightened his world. Together they were a match made in heaven.

I quickly rushed and took a hot shower, my toes were tingly knowing that the latest chapter of Twisted fate was out, I just couldn't wait to read it.

After an hour of scrubbing, rubbing and washing. I was finally done, feeling cleaner than ever. I plopped on my couch with my phone in one hand and a bag of chips in the other, ready to devour the next chapter whole.