
The Female Lead

#WSA2024 Have you ever wished of traveling to another world? Traveling to a place filled with magic and magical creatures, being part of a wonderful and powerful family? Being loved and admired by people, especially cute, hot and dreamy guys?. Well, guess what? You are not the only one. One of the things she has ever wished for was to transmigrate to another world, leave her awful, stressful, God forsaken life behind. Meeting handsome and hot guys who would do anything and everything for her attention. Well if wishes were horses, riders would ride. And truly wishes were horses because it finally came true. After another stressful, boring day of work just as she slowly drifted off to sleep Emilia Jones finally transmigrated to her favorite novel ‘Twisted Fate'. A novel that is on everyone's lips, it is all over social media, everyone is dying to know what would happen next as each pages unfold, discovering new path each character takes and not to forget how hot the characters are, especially the male leads. Now Emilia Jones is finally part of the novel but here is a twist, she did not transmigrate to the heroine, who has the purest of heart, her silver long, silky hair glows in the moonlight, with twinkling blue eyes that captivates every soul that gazes at it, her voice was as angelic as ever, enticing every one to it's tune, she was the ride or die of all the male leads. She also didn't transmigrate to the villainess, her heart is colder than ice, her hair darker than ebony and her eyes red as velvet, she was the one many people in the novel feared. Being the one with magical powers that transcended all except the Royal family, she took everything and anything she wanted but she could not have the hearts of the male leads. You would think that she transmigrated as a supporting character but nope, an extra…. Maybe. Her soul passed into the body of a thick skull, half-witted, her stupidity knew no bound. The only thing good about her was that she came from one of the powerful families in the country, her power was known to be the weakest, a flicker of a flame. She was a beauty to a point and she had only a few scenes in the novel and experienced a very idiotic death. She was the beanbrain that Emilia transmigrated into. This was not part of her wish!!.

Starr_light · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
32 Chs

Grand Master

Rays of moonlight filtered through the leaves of the trees, lighting up the thick forest. The sound of footsteps and the hooting owls, reverberated from every corner of the forest.

They stood in a circle waiting for each member to arrive, situated at the middle of the circle was the crackling blue flames nestled on the burning woods.

"Did you find it?" A female voice demanded once the actual number was met, her face concealed by the cloak she wore.

A member trooped forward and fell on one knee, he lowered his head avoiding her supreme gaze.

"No! Grand master. We searched the site of the last battle. Every rubble and evey stone was turned, there was no sign of the dragon heart!" He reported.

She exhaled forcefully, her shoulders heaved with unpleasantness of the report.

"You know how crucial it is for us to retrieve the dragon heart?" She asked, her voice tinged with anger.

"Yes, Grand master. That is why we are vetting everywhere for it!" He said firmly.

"Well look harder!" Her voice echoed in the forest, sending sleeping birds flying away from their nests. "We do not have much time!" She said slowly, staring at him with a rage that could burn the entire forest.

He felt the air around them thicken with fear, as her presence grew ominous "I understand, grand master!" He replied.

Another member trooped forward, kneeling beside him.

"We have discovered where he was buried. Would you permit us to investigate it, perhaps a map leading to the location of the two dragon hearts might be found there?" He requested, looking downward while awaiting her reply.

"Fine! If that is what you want. You have my permission!" She said with a dismissive wave.

"Thank you Grand master, Only you are supreme!" He yelled.

"Only you are supreme!" They yelled in unison.

A dark smile tugged the corner of her lips hearing those words.

* * * * * *

"You requested to see me, Your Majesty!" Adeline said with a curtsey.

The Queen studied her, her eyes wandered about from her face down to the gown she wore. She felt like she was an examined art piece.

"You are a beaut!" The Queen said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I am honored for the words you have spoken!" She said politely whilst lowering her head.

"You may sit!" She gestured for the couch across the table. Adeline nodded and did as she was told.

"Tea?" She offered, with a wave of her hand a maid approached them with a tray full of tea pot and cups.

"May I politely decline, Your Majesty?" She asked in a courteous manner.

She kept quiet, not knowing what to say about her decline.

"More for me then!" On cue, the maid placed the tray on the table and began pouring the tea into the tea cup. As soon as she was done serving, she departed from the ladies.

"I heard that you capture hearts wherever you go!" She said while taking a sip of the tea.

Adeline was thrown off by her statement, she pondered for a moment of the suitable answer to give.

"You flatter me, Your Majesty!" She spoke after much thought.

"I don't!" She replied casually "That's just what I happen to hear. Infact. . ." She laid the cup on the saucer ". . .There is someone that I would love for you to capture his heart!".

Her brow quirked up by what she said, confusion and bewilderment shadowed all over her as she pondered on what The Queen meant.

"I do not understand, Your Majesty!" She said finally.

The Queen shrugged lightly, she needed a better way to ease into it.

"You have quite a presence Lady Ashbourne!" She said suddenly "It is almost as if you light up a room whenever you walk in!" She flattered.

"Thank you, Your Majesty for the kind words!".

"You know who would love your presence the most?" She asked.

"I have no idea whom, Your Majesty!" She replied, puzzled.

"My dear son, Cedric!" She said with a forceful smile "You are exactly what he needs. Someone to light his world, to make him peaceful and lessen his burdens!".

"You really think so, Your Majesty?" Adeline asked, her brows drew together as she stared at the smiling Queen.

"Yes! You and my son will make a wonderful couple. You will be perfect together!" She said with clapped hands whilst grinning at her.

"But Your Majesty. . ." Her smile faded as she spoke the words " The Crown Prince has his eyes set on another!".

"I am sure it is just an infatuation!" She said quickly, dismissing the topic.

"What if it is more than that? What if he has fallen for her?" Adeline asked, laying down her worries.

"The Crown Prince is incapable of falling in love!" She replied crossly, her face reddened with rage. "Even if he does fall in love. It will be with you, don't you think?" She asked, forcefully.

Adeline was mute. She didn't know what to say, anything she said at that moment might anger The Queen further.

Her eyes softened when she realized that she was frightening her, in order to make this work she had to put up a facade.

"Don't you want the Crown Prince's affection? Don't you want to be a Princess, To be loved and adored by everyone especially him?" She asked, her face etched with a guile concern.

"Well, I would be lying if I said that I didn't!" She said, bashfully.

She grinned like a Cheshire cat, finally she has gotten her.

"So, will you make the Crown Prince fall for you?" She asked, grinning wildly anticipating for a positive reply.

Adeline let out a breath, she stared at the grinning Queen. Her expression suddenly became impassive, her cheerful, pristine persona faded and was transposed to a sinister demeanor.

"Tell me Your Majesty! What do you really want?" She demanded.

"Excuse me?" She asked, perplexed.

"You suddenly called me to the Palace and requested for me to make the Crown Prince fall head over heels for me!" She said, her brows drew together, creating a thoughtful mien.

"You have an ulterior motive don't you, Your Majesty?". She stared at the baffled Queen anticipating her reply.

"What made you think that?" She asked.

"It is because I am not a beanbrain. I can perceive when someone has a hidden agenda!" She stated.

The Queen scoffed. It seems like she had underestimated the lady before her. Here she was thinking that it would be an easy feat to manipulate her, but she was wrong. Something about her felt off, she was definitely hiding something. Well, if she wanted to know so badly, she will tell her. Her reaction will determine her fate.

"I want to control the empire and I cannot do that without controlling the one who will reign it one day!" She admitted.

Adeline fell silent. She was not expecting her to confess that quickly.

"Why?" She asked.

"Well, it has been my main goal since I married the King. Cedric's birth was a mistake. I never wanted children but since his birth, it ruined everything. . .!" She spoke forcefully, her tone filled with rage ". . . I have tried to get rid of him since his childhood but it seems that he always finds a way to survive" she clenched her fist, angrily till it whitened "Since I cannot kill him, I have to control the woman he loves. That's why I need you to make him fall for you!" She explained.

"I will do what you want!" Adeline said suddenly.

The Queen squinted her eyes at her. She could not discern what her real motive was by agreeing to it.

"Why are you agreeing to it?".

"We will both gain something from it, won't we?" She asked "You will get to control him through me while I, well. . ." She paused ". . .I have other plans!".

"And what are they?" She inquired.

Adeline laughed, her voice echoed across the dark room. The Queen stared at her, surprised.

"We are not close enough for me to tell you that, Your Majesty!" She replied.

A light chuckle fell from The Queen's lips.

'Lady Adeline Ashbourne, I can not wait to unravel what your true intentions are!' she thought.