
The Favored Heiress

The engagement of the most adored daughter of the Li Family was broken off. Her furious family members railed against the heartless man and vowed to make him pay the price. * Later on, Li Qiao met her ex-fiancé’s big brother by chance. Some said he was the most mysterious man in Nanyang and his name was Shang Yu, aka Shang Shaoyan. While some others called him the overbearing and obsessive underground Overlord of Nanyang from whom everyone should stay away. Standing in the misty rain, Li Qiao gazed at the ruthless and untamed man with a shallow smile, said, “Hello, I’m Li Qiao.” She would become her ex-fiancé’s sister-in-law, if not wife. * Li Qiao and her ex-fiancé met again on the street several months later when he sneered at her, “Are you following me? Haven’t you given up hope yet?” A harsh voice berated him from behind, “Show some respect to your sister-in-law!” From now on, only one rumor was circulating in Nanyang City – The merciless Overlord of Nanyang had one woman he uncritically doted on. Her name was Li Qiao.

Manxi · Thành thị
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147 Chs

Chapter 86: It's Time for You to Leave

At that moment, a gentle breeze swept by, creating ripples on the surface of Inner River, and a few strands of hair also brushed onto Li Qiao's face with the wind.

She gazed at Qiu Huan with a dangerously charming faint smile, lifting her delicate chin, "So it was Master Qiu's doing. What's the reason?"

Qiu Huan felt incredibly uneasy under the stare of Li Qiao's dark, doe-like eyes.

Struggling to explain due to his guilty conscience, he braved himself and said, "Sister Qiao, this really is a misunderstanding..."

Li Qiao withdrew her gaze, her expression detached, "How can you prove it?"

Qiu Huan, acting as if unrelated to the matter, scuffed the lawn with his leather shoe and bent down to apologize with a smile, "That dumbass Zhang Leshan, I'll take care of him for you. How about that?"