
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

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341 Chs

Visiting Mei'er - Natsu's Soft Side - Natsu's Story - Goal and Request

Philip opened the door to the greenhouse and both him and Tenshi entered. The greenhouse is still the same as before, there were pots of herbs lined up in a rack, flowers dangling from the roof and walls, and assorted plants placed on the walls

The center of the greenhouse looks like a liivng room full of comfortable and luxurious couches, coffee table, flatscreen, chandelier, and a small kitchen at the side. At the corner of the greenhouse is Mei'er's room, a sunroom, complete with her own personal ovjects, a fluffy bed, and the same several flowers that puts her in extreme comfort when she's sleeping

The Celestial Nebular Twinkler, that Justine gifted her several months ago, sits on the coffee table as its white glitters twinkle down the petals like the twinkling stars in the night sky

"Whoaaa! What is this place?! It felt like I just entered flower paradise! This looks like a scene in another world!"

Tenshi exclaimed in awe and astonishment and seeing the majestic plants and gorgeous flowers

"I know right? This is actually called the Flower Paradise just because of Mei'er's role in this mansion"

"I see! What is that flower on the table??"

"That the Celestial Nebular Twinkler, a flower that Justine picked from her expedition around the world. She picked in near a Mana Hotspot"

"Oh, is this the rumored mystical plants that only grows near Mana Hotspots due to mana?"

"Yes, it's the same as that magic forest that grew from the unstable Mana Hotspot before"

"Ah, alright then... It looks so pretty!"

"Yep, there are also flowers that are as beautiful as that"

"Really? I want to see them"

"Well... You're more beautiful than them..."

Philip scratched his head and looked away from embarrassment

'Why did I say that?! I'm cringing to myself!'

Philip was about to laugh at himself, but he resisted it, making his mouth wriggle everywhere

Meanwhile, Tenshi was stunned and she felt embarrassed initially, until she read his thoughts

"Hehe~ So, you're trying to break out of your shell and try something different, huh?"

"At least I tried? You'll only get that once in a blue moon"

"Hehe~ I get it I get it! I appreciate the effort!"

Tenshi had her smug face on as she find Philip's action cute. It's kinda like gap moe, but not really. It's actually off character for Philip to try anything

After a while, Philip and Tenshi walked through the open space towards the sunroom. As soon as they turned the corner, they saw Mei'er lying down on her bed, sleeping, with an unexpected person with her


Philip exclaimed in surprise

"Ah! Philip! Tenshi? What are you two doing here?"

Natsu was startled after Philip and Tenshi entered the room and around the corner

"Well, we're just visiting Mei'er... I think it's time for that, right?"

Philip replied

"Ah, yes... It's about time... I'll leave and do what you have to do"

They were talking about the time during their sleepover in Philip's room, where he taught everyone how to conjure their own mana ball as training for basic mana skills

Natsume conjured a calm solid fireball, Natsuki conjured a flaming fireball, and Natsu conjured a bursting purple fireball or plasma ball. Mathilda conjured the Mobiüs Trinity and Alucard conjured a Blood Diamond

Meanwhile, one of the most noteworthy development in that sleepover is Mei'er's mana ball that turned into her crystal flower. A flower that's crystal in appearance, semi-transparent, and it's in a shape of a lotus flower

Colorful strands line up from the tip of the petals until it dissipates on the middle. At the core of the flower, colorful lights dance around like a light shining through a prism and created a rainbow

"Ehhh... No, you can stay"

"Huh? W-why? Are you also going to add me into your harem?!"

"Huuuh??? What? What are you talking about?!"


Tenshi giggled and she walked towards a chair and elegantly sat down as she closed her eyes to rest for a little bit. She knows this conversation is going to take a while since she read his thoughts on his plans for Natsu

"Nastume already fell in love you and now looks like Natsuki is seemingly falling for you! Two sisters are not enough for ypu and you wanted three?!"


"Justine instantly fell for you and now Tenshi too? You two look like you're a couple! What is that matching rings on your fingers?! That martial artist girl also? I'm sensing love from her but she doesn't know how to express it. That short haired princess from another world? I saw her looking at you differently"

"What does that have something to do with you?"

"Oh! You're not adding me to your harem?"

"I'm not adding anyone to my harem"

"Oh, I see... So you're just ignoring everyone's feelings for you and don't care for them, huh?"


Philip's mouth went agape as he glared at Natsu with questioning eyes

"Did you want to join my harem??"

Philip asked a ridiculous question that surprised Natsu

"What?! Anyways... Why did you want me to stay???"

Natsu tried to change the subject

'She wants to, doesn't she?"

'She does'

「 She does 」

Philip asked in his mind and both Tenshi answered through her thoughts and Emily from his mind

"Well... I want to ask you... Why did you choose to take care of Mei'er? I saw you tending to her during the conference yesterday, and now you're taking good care of her in bed... Mathilda could've taken your role, so why?

Philip already know the answer to his question, but he wants to make sure and hear it directly from her

"Huh... Interesting question..."

Somehow, Natsu seemed to have relaxed her body as her eyes trailed to side and towards Mei'er with a longing expression

"I don't know... Maybe you could call it atonement?? I wanted to take care of a little sister while growing up... When I heard the news of mother giving birth to Natsuki, I was extremely excited, but experiencing life with you little sister and taking care of them never happened, even with Natsume..."


Philip was correct in his prediction. Natsu has a soft side to her and she acts all tsundere to Natsuki and Natsume because she mainly doesn't know how to interact with them

"It was because they banished my family from the clan while they kept me within the clan as a little child... I grew up with no family and only elder taking care of me. When we grew up, I was allowed to visit my family, but I never get to interact with my sisters that much... They're all grown up and they're already a strong independent woman... I had no chance of pampering them as my cute little sisters..."

The way Natsu told her story seems like she's about to tear up, but her expression is stull stoic but melancholic

"So, you're doing it to Mei'er?"

"Yes? I had no choice anyways... I had nothing to do here"

"I see... She seems to like you anyways"

"Really? How'd you know?"

"I can read body languages and her body is very relaxed around you"


Natsu broke a tiny smirk. Of course, Philip read her body language and she was genuinely happy

"Now that I've answered your question... That wasn't your real question, right?"


Philip was surprised at Natsu's intuition

"You're right... Though, the reason I want you to stay is that I have something to tell you, not ask you a question"

"Okay, what is that?"

"Well, as I would be telling you something, I'll be asking some questions"

"Of course of course"

"Do you know the Scrolls of Fire Techniques?"

"Huh?! How did you know that?!"

Natsu was startled. Philip was about to tell her that he seek Natsuki's origin back when he was unlocking the potential of the sisters when he realized that he hasn't told that much to anyone yet. They only know of his Fate Control ability

"I know a lot of things... Anyways, have you heard of Power of Fire?"

"Yes... The elders taught me the history of the Natsu Clan and how all of the clan members used to have a power called Power of Fire. A power that directly harnesses the power of the Fire Gnosis and obtain extremely powerful abilities depending on the affinity, personality, and trait of the person..."

Natsu hesitated to explain to Philip, but she then realized that it's useless to hide anything from him since he already practically know everything about the Natsu Clan. She remembered that Philip knew about the sacred Fire Tempering Crucible six months ago

"Yes... The Fire Tempering Crucible was an incomplete and a failure of a technique to remove the Fire Impurities inside of the clan members... Removing the Fire Impurities will lead to making the Natsu bloodline pure once more, thus unlocking and obtaining equivalent Power of Fire"

"Wait... But didn't you remove the Fire Impurities inside of us by touching Natsume's chest and choking me?"

Natsu emphasized the word "choking" because she felt that it was annoying back then, but thinking about it right now, he seemed to be awakening something

A dominant person usually tend to enjoy being hurt and turning the tides against them. That might be what's happening to Natsu

"Yes, I did and that unlocked all of your potentials and maximized your fire abilities... But apparently, that wasn't enough"

"What do you mean?"

"Since all three of you sisters are a pure bloodline from your first ancient predecessor, you three should've received a Power of Fire"

"Then why didn't we?"

"I don't know... Maybe there was a special rule given by the Fire God? Or maybe there was a sinister Power of Fire user that secretly sabotaged the entire clan bloodline? Or the Fire Tempering Crucible destroyed the Power of Fire inside of you... But that shouldn't be the case since Natsuki and Natsume was never entered that technique, right?"

"Yes, that's right... My parents were banished, five years before my mother gave birth to Natsuki and a year later after that as she gave birth to Natsume"

"So, I have a solution and I think it will benefit the both of us, your sisters, and the mansion as it will involve the clan"

"Hmmm... Interesting... I remember you telling me that the Natsu Clan will fall in the future. I also remember that you can apparently see through the future... Is this what it's all about?"

"Kinda? Yes, I do see the future, but only to an extent... I only wanted to destroy the Natsu Clan because of two reasons. One is because of what they did to your family, which hurt both Natsuki and Natsume in the long run, and the second is because I want to take the Fire Gnosis, use it for my own gain, and taunt Fotiá"

"That's... You really care for them, huh?"

"Of course, I already consider everyone a family, even though I had my own history regarding my own family... I too always wanted a younger sibling, but I wasn't lucky enough to have one due to family matters... What I would've done to my younger sibling, I wanted to at least try and do it to everyone here... And that is to make them happy as much as possible"



「 ... 」

Tenshi opened her eyes and looked at Philip intimately. Her eyes were almost about to tear up, but she immediately wiped it off. She never had a family to begin with and was just born four years ago and accelerated biological age for 20 years. Hearing Philip's speech made her think what having a real family would feel like

The HK-5 Squadron could be considered as her family for four years, but it didn't felt like a real family since they always go on a mission and they usually are in different places in the world executing different missions

Meanwhile, Natsu's eyes shone after hearing Philip's speech. She immediately felt a deep connection and relation to what Philip feels. She never knew that Philip felt that way and he has it much worse than her

On the other hand, unbeknownst to everyone, the invisible [Love Shard] is slowly peeking on Philip's back from his right shoulder. It looked like it's looking towards Natsu for some reason

After a while, it hovered down behind Philip and disappeared like a cartoon character

"So, yes... My plan is to destroy the Natsu Clan and take the Fire Gnosis. After that, I have plans for you, Natsuki, and Natsume regarding the gnosis"

"Alright, I understand your plan... Though, is there a reason you're telling me this right now?"

"Yes. I want you to come with me to the Natsu Clan"

"As a guide?"


"Hm... Even though it could be dangerous... Yeah, sure! I agree to your request. You'll protect me anyways"

"Of course! You have my word"

"Alright... As for Mei'er..."

"I can leave now and you can do what you need to do"

"Nah, you can stay. I know you want to. Stop being a tsundere"


I don't think I will make Natsu as a love interest... Maybe... Her relationship with Philip might just be camaraderie, a samaritan, a saint, or more likely a very close brother

Absolute_Authorcreators' thoughts