
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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341 Chs

Reaction - Explanation - Evolution - Messenger of Fate Canditate

There is a reason why Philip demonstrated a form of spearmanship and performed spearplay in front of Sai

Philip became and achieved the mastery of Spear Concept only because he is the Sword Concept. The ⟨⟨ Stigma of the Sword ⟩⟩ on his right palm also helped in gaining the ⟨⟨ Stigma of the Spear ⟩⟩, which manifested on his left palm. Thus, this makes him the pinnacle of sword and spear, as well as the only being in the universe who has the possession of two concepts, that is two weapon concepts

Philip wasn't teaching Sai, he was showing her the Spear Concept. By showing Sai the full potential of Spear Concept with the use of Pinnacle of Movement and Peak of Being, her Spear Potential should be able to show reaction and undergo breakthrough

「 Sai has underwent several breakthroughs! 」

Sai's Spear Potential reacted from the Spear Concept. The demonstration of the peak of mastery on spears enlightened her. Her Spear Energy became sharper and her Spear Intent became clearer

「 Sai has achieved Spear Saint! 」

Ultimately, Sai achieved Spear Saint, the same level as Sword Saint Jude, two levels of mastery lower than Spear God and ahe skipped four levels from Spear Emperor stage. Even if Sai unlocked the Saint Mastery Stage, she still has to properly reinforce and tempter her Spear Mastery

This means Sai has to consolidate and cultivate her Spear Potential and Energy. She also has to develop command over spears, develop an Ultimate Skill, manifest her Soul Artifact, and create World Skills

The only difference is that, no ordinary spear user can do this, but Sai can easily do this because Philip expanded her Spear Potential up to Saint Stage

"Did you watch carefully?"

Philip asked Sai as he placed the spear down on the shoe while still holding it on the shaft. The aura of the Pure Solaris Spear calmly blazed and burned

"Y-yes... I can't believe this"

"Yes, I am the Spear Concept also"

"Thank you... I watched everything you showed me... Unmatched Heart Spear and Burst Motion Combat was it?"

"Correct... A form that explodes the power of your spear directly proportional to the strength of your heart and a technique that specializes on continuous blunt strikes and compliments your fighting style"

"T-thank you... I don't know what to say..."

"You're a Spear Saint now. You'll be unstoppable and very powerful. But you need to consolidate your Spear Potential and meet the requirements for each stages so that your spear power would be magnified and tempered"

"I understand..."

"Do you have any questions?"

"Yes... How did you achieve Spear Concept?! You're already a Sword Concept, it's impossible for you to be and have Spear Concept"

"That's the mystery... Even if I'm accepting it without questions asked, I want to find it out"

「 Really?? Well, that's fine 」

"Also, look... These are my stigmas"

Philip showed Sai his palms and the Pure Solaris Spear hovered above him

The ⟨⟨ Stigma of the Sword ⟩⟩ is still outlined in blue color while the ⟨⟨ Stigma of the Spear ⟩⟩ is the same as the sword with its basic shape, identifying itself as a spear, but it's outlined with violet color

It might be coincidence that Sai, as a spear user, has her Divinity colored as violet and the outline of the ⟨⟨ Stigma of the Spear ⟩⟩ is also violet. But as always, Philip doesn't believe in coincidences and he believes that there is a meaning behind it

Though, Philip doesn't know where to start, but he has an idea that the basic colors in the universe has a certain meaning within them. The Spectrum of Visible Light, Primary Colors, and its very concept of colors to a quantum degree

"Those stigmas..."

Sai exclaimed with an intrigued expression

"Yeah... I'm predicting that they'll be very useful in the future and I don't think I have used them at all"

「 ... 」

"Huh? Do you think there's something bigger and more powerful than the Sword and Spear Concept?"

"Yes, I do believe so..."

「 ... 」

『 ... 』

"Alright... Thank you for the lesson. I will be cultivating my Spear Potential"

"Wait, we're not done yet"

Philip stopped Sai from deactivating her domain and returning to the mansion

"What? Why?"

"Since you're a World Goddess born from purity and divinity... You had unimaginable potential, until the Council gave you three names, burned your purity, and reduced your divinity. But ever since you met me, you have become stronger and more powerful, in terms of your potential unlocked"

"What are you getting at?"

"Sai... You are capable of evolution beyond of what you are now! By regaining your original purity and divinity, you'll be able to achieve the peak of your power"

"Really?! Hm..."

Sai lowered her head and showed a worried face as her eyebrows furrowed

"What's wrong?"

"I don't think I need power now... I might go out of control if I used a power that I've never used before. I'm afraid that that will happen"

"Hm... I understand where you're getting from. Let me see..."

Philip clutched his chin

"In my opinion, you should gain more power while it's not too late. More power means you can protect your loved ones..."

"But there is still a chance that I go out of control and obsessed with power!"

"You won't, trust me... You're an exception! If you, by chance, happen to go out of control or hungry for power, don't worry, Alucard will be there... I will be there! Just call our names"


Sai was silent. She needed a little more push to make a decision

"What is you goal in doing this?"

"To search for the ultimate end"


Sai was stunned

"Ultimate end?"

"My own ultimate end... You see, I can't die... I won't die... My goal is to die and not experience any more suffering, but I can't achieve that anymore..."

"Wait what?!1"

Sai became even more stunned and overwhelmed

"That's why I'm finding a way that can ultimately kill me, erase me from existence completely, delete my whole concept, eradicate my origin, and destroy my soul..."

"Haaa?! Why do you want that?! You're just going to leave everyone?!"

"That's why I will try to live long enough until everyone ultimately dies, either to natural causes or a mistake"


"My inability to protect them at a crucial moment"


Sai became silent. She now understand what Philip is trying to say

"I need more power and a helping hand to protect everyone alongside me... Don't worry, everyone also needs protection, so I will protect the protectors. I don't need protection since I'm confident in myself"


Sai was speechless. She never knew that Philip felt this way and she was ignorant of his suffering, even though she tried to understand him as her Disastrous Hero

"Therefore... I need you... I think I can't do this alone. Even if I do nothing, all sorts of dangers will come our direction just because of my power. Now that everyone's involved, I have to step up to protect... That's my goal before my ultimate goal""


Sai took a moment of silence before speaking

"Who else knows this ultimate goal of yours?"

"Tenshi and the Old Man, including you now"

"I see... Beings who are powerful enough to bring change... I'm flattered that you recognize me as someone who's strong and powerful as them"

"It's because you are"

"Hmph! Don't flatter me more!"

Sai crossed her arms

"Alright, show me how I can evolve! I'm still an arrogant goddess who thinks she deserves more power because she is all high and mighty"

"Very well"

「 Wait! Do you even know how to evolve her? 」


「 How? The system or I won't help you, you know? 」

'C'mon, it's not that hard to figure it out... As I have said, there's no such thing as coincidence and every moment in time has a significant effect to the chain of results in the future'

「 Geez... How come you're able to figure these out without any hints? It's mysterioys for me, even the system! 」

'Facts and logic! Sai is a World Goddess with full of potential... Supposed a part of the Echelons of Divinity... Supposed to have high levels of purity and divinity... And your clue that perfect purity and divinity leads to a divine being with Puredivinity... What else is that, I brought Chibi Sai here, who is also newly born'

「 !!! 」

『 ... 』


Philip called out to Sai


"Pick up your younger self and hold her around your arms"

Sai bent her knees and carefully picked up Chibi Sai and embraced her around her arms. Chibi Sai was smiling cutely and she seemed to enjoy to be embraced by Sai

"Her only name is Sai, compared to yours, which is Saykrandae Cladis Saigai..."

"Wait, how did you--"

"Concentrate your mind into Chibi Sai and establish a connection or link between the two of you..."


"Match Chibi Sai's heartbeat and harmonize with her"


"Now, engage with her soul and create a bond. Remember, she may be you and you may be her... But, she is exactly not like you and you are exactly not like her"


Sai entered deep concentration and her entire domain became calm. Her aura and divine energy flowed like calm water around her in a swirl. Philip then let go of his control over the Pure Solaris Spear and let it float back to its rightful owner. The spear then hover behind Sai

Meanwhile, Chibi Sai was dancing the entire time as she wave her arms in the air and kick her feet in a pattern. She aslo tilts her head left and right

After a few minutes, Sai opened her eyes

"Nothing's happening, did I do somethinf wron-----"

Just then, Chibi Sai's expressuon became serious and she stopped waving and kicking her arms and legs. She wasn't smiling anymore and her extremely cute and detailed violet eyes shone brighter

Meanwhile, light beamed out from Sai's eyes and mouth. Her black hair released violet light and illuminated her whole hair. Her body released strands of violet light that wrapped her body, like some kind of skinny suit or mummy bandages. The Pure Solaris Spear also illuminated and shone that it almost became light itself

The atmosphere quickly trembled and her aura and divine energy blasted away from her. The domain tended to collapse, but it fortunately regained its stability. The pressure and energy was powerful enough that it could move a planet

Philip wasn't affected because he is assuming a defensive and immovable form. ⟨⟨ God Submission ⟩⟩ has also been activated to minimize the divine energy and divine power being poured on to him, but it doesn't seem to affect both Sais, meaning, they have achieved a state or being higher than a god

「 This is unbelievable! I can't believe you were able to pull it off 」

'As long as there's power involve and as long as I have a set goal in mind, I'll find every logical way to achieve it'

Emily forgot that Philip was once a scientist and a researcher before he got kidnapped into the Mystical Academy. He made several improvements, not just on machines for industrial or engineering fields in construction, manufacturing, production, or home appliances, he also improved and fixed common problems around the world within the community to make their lives better and easier

Finding out how to evolve Sai was easy enough for Philip, as long as he had the necessary and crucial information to make it work. As well as his logic that helped him understand the fantasy side of things that made sense

「 Sai has underwent evolution!! Special condition requirements has been unlocked! 」

「 Puredivinity World Goddess of Disaster Saykrandae Cladis Saigai has been born! 」

「 Due to Sai being able to be the first existence to achieve Puredivinity, special condition requirements has been unlocked! 」

『 Saykrandae Cladis Saigai has earned the title [Messenger of Fate Canditate] 』

「 The Solaris Spear has underwent change! Special condition requirements has been unlocked! 」

「 The Solaris Spear has split into two Solaris Spears. Pure Solaris Spear and Divinite Solaris Spear 」

「 Chibi Sai has accepted Sai's entire being and permanently fused their being 」

Even if Sai and Chibi Sai are separate entities, their power and being has been fused. Wherever they are, both of their strengths are the same. The only difference is that Chibi Sai has no experience, she's incapable to talk, she has no memories of the past from Sai, and she has no spear mastery

On the other hand, arcs of violet light chaotically draws and fly around the air, like it was either orbiting Sai or the arcs are searching for something