
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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341 Chs

Inducing Fear - Mental Attack - Mental Weakness - Death Variants - World of Imagination - Hopelessness and Dread - Eradication

Once Philip snapped his fingers, the first level of Fate Control has been used. The darkness was pushed even further and it was wiped off from the space. Everything became white and two individuals was revealed behind the darkness

The first individual that was revealed was a boy in his 20's. His black hair is very messy and ruffled while having a bandage wrapped across his head and face in an X. His eyes are sinister red in color and he has sharp teeth. He wears no upper clothing and his toned body is revealed as bandages in wrapped diagonally across on his chest. His arms and his entire lower body are black in color, as if it's already a clothing. His fingers and toes are pointed like it were claws. On his right hand, he wields the scythe made of darkness that he tried to kill Philip with. The pointed edge of the scythe is destroyed and shattered

It also turns out that this individual is the one that Philip turned his head towards to. His eyes is full of anger and hatred and it is being directed towards the individual. The being, which is apparently Death, was taken aback and subconsciously took a step back. Death's face is filled with uncertainty and confusion

Meanwhile, the other individual is Tenshi that is a few distance away from Death. She qas still sleeping like an angel while curled up on her body as an orb of light surrounded her

"Are you really Death?!"

Philip asked the question again amd Death flinched because the space around them rumbled once again

"What if I am?"

Death called Philip's bluff of being brave and angry at him. No mortal beings could ever give such willpower in front of Death himself. Unless, they dare to confront Death, which he is uncertain about Philip, especially since that he is a Fate Controller and he had already controlled the fate that fills this space with darkness

After indirectly answering Philip's question, Philip exploded. His Sword Aura became larger and his negative aura bursted out of the dam. The Blood Horn couldn't keep his emotions in check and was overwhelmed. Even the Pureblood was surprised but it couldn't do anything more, unless it activates various blood power amplification abilities to increase the Blood Horn's potency

"If you are actually Death... I am extremely angry at you that you have no idea!"

Philip snapped and the space on his right temple cracked and created a spider web of crack

"If you're not Death... I'll teach you how to not imitate Death and self-proclaim yourself as one of the most important beings and concepts in existence"

A loud deafening sound reverberated around the space. It sounded like something was being torn apart like paper

"What I hate the most is that they think they are Death himself because they can easily take any lives away. Death is not like that"

Tears began to fall from Philip's eyes and flowed down his cheeks. His pupils are still violently swirling from the unparalleled anger he's experiencing

"I know that for a fact... Death wasn't coming to me no matter how much I have called for him... I suffered longer because of him... Why wouldn't he come to liberate me from this universe?! I didn't want to live any longer! Is he playing with me?! Is he enjoying my suffering?! Is he entertained?!!!"

Tears kept flowing down his eyes and every words that he shout shakes the space. His body began to tremble from anger, depression, and extreme restlessness

"I'll ask again... Are you really Death?"

This time, Philip asked in a calm tone. His mood change instantly that it gave Death shivers up his spine. He asked in such a way that anyone would choose to answer him with honesty because it has tugged their strings

But, instead of answering Philip, Death instantly appeared behind Philip the moment Philip lifted his head to look at Death

Death extended his hands and grabbed Philip by the sides of his head while touching his temple with his fingers. His hand released a smoke of darkness because it was being cut by the Sword Aura but Death endured it. The smoke is being blasted away by the Sword Aura and negative aura

"You may be the Fate Controller and you have achieved an arsenal of unusual abilities that it makes you powerful enough induce fear, even towards me... But... Your mental stability and capacity is weak!"

Death whispered sinisterly to the stunned Philip. He directly attacked Philip's mind and collapsed it instantly. It was an easy feat for him because Philip's mind is already unstable

"Now, I'll take your soul and your body"

Death exerted all of his power in Philip and a sphere of black light surrounded them. Black lightning also crackled around the sphere and imploded back into Philip

Death disappeared and the remaining mist of darkness seeped into Philip's ears and entered his head

"By the way... You're right, I'm not Death. My true identity is Tenebris, the God of Darkness"

Those were the last words that Philip heard after he lost consciousness and his body was left floating in the white space. His eyes became empty and transparent and his activated abilities were not responding. They were calm and waiting for a response, even the Pureblood is unmoving


In this universe, there are countless variations of Death. There are those who proclaim themselves as Death just because they have the ability to take lives into their hand

Some recognizes them as Death because they have the power of darkness which looms over life and extinguish them. Some considers them as Death because they have the symbol of Death, a scythe and a skull. While some say they are the spawn of Death and they only fulfill the purpose of Death by taking necessary lives with no good or evil attached

Some also thought that Death was evil and all evil are Death, but others also say that Death is good and he's only doing his purpose of taking lives to not overpopulate the universe and cause imbalance. There are even cults and religions that worship Death as a god and they bring sacrifices to offer yo him

There are a lot of variations of Death among all living existences in the universe, even the gods see Death as just another god and the higher gods doesn't consider Death because they never felt death before

But Philip only believed in one thing, there is only one Death in this one and only universe, possibly across the multiverse and dimensions. The reason why Death didn't answer his call because he was too busy and he can't make an exception to answer his call among every being in the multiverse. Philip was aware of that

That was why Philip is incredibly angry at Death. What's more, if someone was being a fake Death, he would be more angry because it will feel like everybody is mocking him. He wanted Death, but fake death is being given to him

Philip's anger subsided and it was replaced by wrath


The God of Darkness, Tenebris, appeared in a dark space. After his body has assimilated inside Philip's mind, the dark space was swept and became white

"This should be the Fate Controller's mental world..."

Tenebris spoke to himself after looking around the space

"Where would I start invading his body and taking his soul... Hm? What's this?"

Tenebris' attention was caught after seeing an unusual object in this space

He saw an aluminum polearm spinning around. He then saw an amulet with a dragon encased in metal. There are also peculiar looking spaceships and vehicles just floating stationary all around the space. But there's only one thing that caught his eye

In a very far distance, he could see a raging black hole swirling. The black hole has a large accretion disk and a storm around it that rumbleds every so often. Around the black hole are smaller black holes that orbit around it. They are also sometimes being engulfed by the bigger black hole but the number of smaller black holes seemed infinite

"That's a terrifyingly dense collection of negative energy. I don't want to get near that. What did the Fate Controller went through?"

Tenebris move on and flew forwards in caution. The random objects floating around the space disappeared one by one but the black hole in the distance stayed

"I guess I should start spreading my Divine Energy around here? Let's do it"

Tenebris lifted his hands and darkness slowly emerged from his palms. After a second, the darkness disappeared


Tenebris became confused. He closed his hands and opened them again to release his Divine Energy. But nothing happened

A moment later, he was suddenly stabbed in the chest by a normal iron sword


Tenebris exclaimed and coughed out blood which is unusual for a divine being because he shouldn't receive that amount of damage from just being stabbed by a sword. Tenebris lifted his arms and tried to pull out the sword but it won't budge

"What's happening here?"

Tenebris asked himself

"I wonder that too"

A voice was heard behind Tenebris and he quickly turned around in shock

"Fate Controller?! But how?!"

"I also don't have any idea... After you went into my mind, I also came here. I've been watching you ever since"

Philip appeared in front of Tenebris with his usual appearance and no abilities are activated

"With me being here, it could only mean one thing..."

Tenebris' eyes widened in realization. He realized it later after learning that Philip's consciousness is present in this space. He felt extreme danger and wanted to leave. But instead, nothing happened once again

"Hm? Are you trying to leave? You can't do that when I'm here. As I was saying, it could only mean that I control this world. I can do whatever I want in here!"

Dread immediately filled Tenebris' face and he decided to turn around and run, but Philip pointed a finger on him and stopped him

"Who said you could run away? There's a saying that you can run but you can't hide. Well, in this world, you can't run and you can't hide"

Philip's voice is calm this entire time. He felt good after discovering this new ability of his and he has to thank Tenebris for that

"Before we get down to business... I want to thank you for discovering this world and showing it to me. I didn't even know I have this ability! I'll call this world... World of Imagination"

Philip closed his eyes and thanked Tenebris sincerely. It was then that the black hole in the distance began to generated crackling sounds and it grew slightly bigger

"So, as you were saying? You were not Death? You had my hopes up earlier... You had to confess and tell the truth. You should have just admitted that you're Death. Now, you have to face your greatest punishment of your existence"

Philip opened his eyes and looked down on Tenebris. His pupils began to violently swirl once again which made Tenebris feel extreme fear, dread, and hopelessness


"You won't be able to talk. I can't afford to hear your voice again. It's making me angrier"

Tenebris tried to talk but Philip shut his mouth a few minutes ago

"Now, what do I do with you..."

Philip played with his finger and circled it around on the non-existent ground. In response to his gestures and mindset, a large violent storm was created under them

"I have a question... Do you know Sai? A World Goddess of Saykrandae?"

Tenebris had no reaction. It was understandable because Sai was only a World Goddess, whereas Tenebris is a god of an aspect of the universe

"How about Fotiá? The Sword God? The God of Metal, Diamond God, and Carbon God?"

Tenebris' eyes widened everytime Philip mentioned well known gods one by one

"I made an enemy out of Fotiá and the Sword God. They were scary, scarier than you"

Tenebris trembled. Tenebris was supposed to be stronger than the Fire God and the Sword God but Philip reduced him into trash

"Don't get me wrong! You should have obliterated me but you underestimated me. What's more, you triggered me by saying you're Death. You have yourself to blame"

Tenebris trembled once again. He wanted to challenge Philip once again and show him the true power of the God of Darkness

"That's enough!!!"

The space violently shook and Tenebris' mind was jogged to the point he almost lost consciousness

"We're getting nowhere with this conversation. You're a dead man, god, anyway"

Tenebris' eyes widened. He wanted to asked what Philip meant by a dead god

"Even if this was the past, I don't know how far it is, I will be killing you right here. Whatever happens in the Divine Realm of the Gods and Goddesses, I will deal with it when I return to my present"


"Remember, you could only blame yourself. Also, if you think you will be able to survive with your Divine Soul escaping, think twice. I'll be taking your soul instead, it will be a waste to throw it away"


"Goodbye, Tenebris, the God of Darkness"


Philip then disappeared without a trace and left Tenebris in the World of Imagination. It was then that he was released from his shackles and he can talk again


Tenebris exerted his True Divine Power throughout the World of Imagination but it's not comparable to Philip's power in his shout

Tenebris became alert, he looked around and prepared for the worst. After a while, nothing happened, but as soon as he turned around, a wall of complete total darkness appeared in front of him

The wall is extremely wide that the edge couldn't be seen as far as the eye could see. Apparently, this is an black hole and it's about to engulf Tenebris

The black hole shook the very space in front of him and he immediately turned around to run. The black hole responded and move faster to catch up to Tenebris. Eventually, Tenebris' feet was caught by the event horizon and he was immediately sucked into the black hole


His voice was abruptly cut as his head entered the event horizon

His body was completely obliterated and eradicated. His soul was then spewed out and the black hole disappeared. The Divine Soul of a divine being remained in Philip's mental world

The black hole of negative energy in the distance remained and kept increasing in size, alebit slightly