
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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341 Chs

Hero's Arrival - Saving and Liberation - Heroic Spirit - Soulbound

Philip witnessed Corleona become a Rapier King using his Definite Sight and Clairvoyance. He was surprised by the resulting fusion of the Rapier Energy and Sacred Mana that struck Diaphthorá which made him fall on his knees

He also saw the Stigma of the Sword on his right palm shine, the moment Corleona became the Rapier King. He was confused and surprised as to why would the Stigma of the Sword would resonate to a Rapier King

This made him question the purpose of the Stigma of the Sword than just him being granted with the qualification of being the Sword Concept

He kept controlling the Fate of Saykrandae and he's waiting to see in the Fate Timeline on what possibilities of branches Saykrandae will go

Instead, he kept seeing one golden sphere and five white sphere. He already saw the owners of the four other spheres and he's only missing one. He strained his eyes to see which person belongs to the one white sphere

It was then that his Fate Timeline updated and the light on his golden eyes flickered. The golden line of Saykrandae split into two white branches and both branches told Philip one word each

Destruction or Liberation

Right now, the white line that leads to destruction had the color of the golden line slowly spreading through it. The white line that leads to liberation remains white and nothing changed

Philip felt danger behind him and immediately looked at the unmoving Sai. Sai was also looking at him with alarm

Philip immediately snapped his left fingers and freed Sai from stasis mode

Sai then unleased her Divine Energy and manifested the Solaris Spear. She immediately enlarged her spear and ignited it. The Solaris Spear bursted in violet flaming aura and shining violet light. It was also wrapped with Sai's Divine Energy

With Sai being around Saykrandae and removing the limits of her power from when she was in Earth, the Solaris Spear also became stronge and more powerful. It was bigger than before and exerts more pressure while emanating Spear Energy

If the strongest residents of the mansion is tied against Earthbound Sai, then Saykrandae-bound Sai would demolish everyone without a sweat or blink of an eye

Not to mention, this Solaris Spear is not the True Solaris Spear yet, as well as Sai's True Divine Energy

Philip did not bat an eye at what was coming behind them. He focused solely on spotting the last owner of the white sphere while Sai protects him from his behind

Just then, thousands and probably millions of futuristic alien spaceships of different sizes and class entered his vision coming from the corner of his eyes. The alien spaceships entered the atmosphere in no time

He also spotted one alien spaceship landing on the crescent moon, Res

"Those two aliens! They have been monitoring Saykrandae for who knows how long!"

"What'd you say?!"

Sai didn't hear what Philip exclaimed in annoyance. She was manipulating and wielding the Solaris Spear in the distance and aiming for most alien spaceships that look important and strong

As the spear hit a spaceships, it explodes and the debris scattered on space. Some were grazed but became damaged beyond compare which made them slowly crash on the surface

The timing of the alien invasion is impeccable. Since the two aliens living on Res, according to Philip's Eye of Sai, they have been monitoring and sending information about what's happening in Saykrandae to the alien colony nearby

Now, that the war is over and the Demon Lord and the Legendary Warrior has been defeated, along with the other strong warriors, the alien colony took this opportunity to invade

Currently, their purpose and goal is unknown but after seeing the giant alien drills drilling into the crust and into the mantle, despite being doused in hot lava and beams of light, the alien's goal is something deep underground that none of the residents of Saykrandae knew about but the aliens know of

The Demon Generals were being overwhelmed but the Monarch Lich is unfazed. Sai is swinging the Solaris Spear around her forcefully which reduced the alien force by five percent

"This is a third party interference coming from outside of my world! Therefore, I can interfere in this business and gatekeep this darn mortals to protect my world!"

Sai declared with fervor as she slashed larger alien spaceships. She wanted to protect Saykrandae even on the last of its breath

The millions of alien spaceships scattered across the sky and orbitted the planet like flies and ants. But this did not distract Philip

Philip looked at every being that's still alive in the battlefield, including the dragons, surviving demons, and billions of undead. He didn't want to miss anyone

Until, his eyes landed on the Monarch Lich, the light on his golden eyes flickered once more and the Fate Timeline changed

A branch grew from the white line that leads to liberation


This is what the new branched white line explained. Meaning, if Philip somehow went to the white line that leads to liberation, he could either go straight or go the extra mile of going to the white line that gives him favor. The white line that leads to liberation still applies, the favor is just like a special quest in games and he needs to find the requirement

Which has something to do with the Monarch Lich

Just then, his eyes landed on the naked Polem. His golden eyes shone brighter and all the white spheres in the Fate Timeline became gold

The gold color that is slowly spreading to the line leading to destruction, that is almost halfway, instantly receded and reversed. The gold color then quickly spread towards the line of liberation, just before the favor

If this Fate Timeline is called liberation, it could only mean releasing the five people from their suffering and despair in this world. Which means, he needs to remove them from this ending world

With logic, Philip thought that if he's Sai's summoned hero and the hero of Saykrandae, then he would have powers while in Saykrandae. This claim is supported by the faint yellow aura around him and the gaint yellow color on his black hair

Philip became excited and flew towards the surface, in the middle of Last Hope. In a few seconds, he made an appearance while hovering in the air

A Hero of Saykrandae has the power of natural flight, just like Legendary Warrior Polem

Everyone looked at him with confusion, except for the aliens. The aliens bombarded him with projectile blasts but the Pureblood acted on its own to protect him

The Pureblood tried to manifest Blood Shield using Blood Manipulation on his own blood. Since Philip didn't have too much blood, the materialization of th Blood Shield failed and it only formed parts of a shield like streaks and lines

Philip snapped his left fingers and the alien spaceships that shot at him exploded and destroyed from his Sword Aura that expanded, which made anyone who has the knowledge of sword become shaken. The alien armada became alarmed and tried to focus its firepower on Philip but they were too late

The world of Saykrandae reached its critical point due to Polem's Calamity Immolation and covered the whole world with white light. Everyone can only see several meters in front of them and only a blurry silhoutte from afar

Philip immediately moved to save these five people in Saykrandae; Polem, Corleona, Clara, Braudain, and Viz. He first focused on getting them out of this world and decide their Fates once they leave because Saykrandae will explode

Using the Hero title, he utilized his speed and appeared in from of Corleona and her group. He could see everything even with the blinding white light because of his Definite Sight and Clairvoyance abilities

In Corleona's eyes, a person appeared from her limited sight. Her eyes widened as the person's face is a few feet away from hers. His black-yellow hair fluttered and his golden heterochromia eyes were glowing. She was surprised and froze in place as she doesn't know what to do since she's aware that the world is currently ending and being destroyed by the metal ships and chunks

Braudain is still on the ground while applying pressure to his injuries and also because of his intense fatigue. He's sweating bullets and his eyes are showing signs of pain and struggle. He's gritting his teeth and his body is shivering

Clara is still kneeling while holding the ring on her finger with her right hand and Proto-Gauntlet

Viz had her hope lost and she knelt down. Tears flowed from her eyes and his face is devoid of emotion. The diamond crystal is still hovering above her palm

The diamond crystal then rotated and accelerated its rotation speed. It detached from Viz's palm and hovered above her head. Viz then disappeared and his body disintegrated into the diamond crystal. The diamond crystal then fell on the ground

Philip watched Viz disappear and he became confused. He picked up the diamond crystal and he'll use Origin Seeker later to know what happened

The temperature and pressure then drastically increased in the surroundings. Gravity was suddenly turned off and everyone and everything started to float into the sky, including the lava in the cracks and the ocean. Gorde's Ice Sanctuary cracked and shattered and the pieces floated to the sky

Clara became unconscious and Corleona grabbed her and wrapped her around her left arm and she grabbed Braudain by the leg with her right hand

The ring around Clara's finger suddenly glowed and light up. An invisible force field then wrapped the three in a sphere

Corleona looked around in wariness, unaware of what's going on, until the Sacred Mana Amulet floated in front of her eyes. The amulet shone in a blinding light and a voice was heard inside her mind

"Trust this man. He's the Hero that Goddess Sai summoned"

Corleona became even more confused. Why did the Hero only showed up now when the war is over and the world is about to end?

Before Corleona could become angry and judge Philip, the amulrt in front of her eyes shattered into pieces and wrapped the invisible force field in Sacred Mana. This aslo made Corleona and Braudain lose consciousness

At this point, Philip won't have to worry about liability since they are protected, but they are not safe yet. Since the sphere is wrapped with Sacred Mana and Sacred Mana is a different kind of Mana, he could conttol and manipulate it

He extended his left hand and carried the large sphere with his left hand. They were floating inside the sphere, so Philip doesn't have a hard time carrying them. In other case, he would use the strength of the Hero title to carry them all at once

He needs to examine this Hero title in a later date

As Philip was moving quickly towards Polem, he was blocked by the Archdemon Blood and confronted him

"Who the hell are you?!!"

The Archdemon Blood screamed towards Philip while he was severely alarmed and shaken. The blood around the Archdemon Blood is violently swirling and wriggling around him, showing extreme anger and intense shaking

The blood also somehow seemed to be disobedient and refused to follow the Archdemon Blood's orders in front of Philip

"I'm not sure... But I'm the Hero of Saykrandae"

Philip lifted his right hand and put a hand gesture that's pointing his two right fingers. He swung his right arm, directed towards the Archdemon Blood

"Sword Concept: Severed Cells"

Philip considered the ability of the Archdemon Blood and he predicted them he'll have insane regeneration from his blood. He severed the the Archdemon Blood's cells so that he won't regenerate and live

The Archdemon Blood was sliced in half vertically. The blood in him tried to reconncct the split body but it was being stopped by an invisible well. Instead, the blood exploded and Philip's chest glowed red

The blood from the Archdemon Blood flowed towards Philip and went into his chest, injecting itself into his bloodstream. He felt the stinging pain and his chest became hot. But that's the least of his worries as he went to Polem immediately

Even the ground, the earth, and the lava is already levitating in the air. Philip maneuvered and dodged around the debris and loose hazardous objects

A moment later, he arrived at Polem's floating body. Her naked body is laid in front of his eyes but he doesn't care since he needs to hurry

He was about to grab her body when their surroundings became even brighter that Philip had to strain his eyes. Polem's body then move and opened her eyes. Her eyes were emanating yellow light and her cut hair was waving

"Are you the hero summoned by Goddess Sai?"

Polem asked with weakness after sensing Philip's energy and the Disaster Energy from his aura that was granted by Sai when he became the Hero

"Yes, be quiet and save your energy. I'm going to save you"

"I appreciate you saving me, but it's too late. I've already immolated myself and there's no saving me. Humanity won the war agaisnt the demons but lost the battle since humanity will be wiped out. These unknown invaders will wipe all life in this world and they will perish along with it"

Polem said in a melancholic tone. Cracks suddenly formed around her body and bursted into flames. Her skin hardened and began to lose moisture and dry up

Philip saw the change in Polem's body and he wanted to save her. He was about to use Fate Control when Polem talked again

"This is my Fate... I have completed my purpose... I'm happy and satisfied to have saved the world... Please, leave me and save them instead"

Polem is talking about Corleona, Clara, and Braudain. Her eyes also hardened and the surface chipped away. Her hai slowly faded into dust and her skin began to disintegrate. The cracks on her body began to emit light

"The Monarch Lich is immortal, but since the world is going to end, he'll likely die because his heart is somewhere in this world. He wasn't supposed to side with Diaphthorá, he was forced to. Please, save him also"

The Devil Titan and the other titans has already been obliterated by the beams of light from the core of Saykrandae and the alien warships and motherships. The Volcano Hydra Wyvern has been taken down by the alien destroyers. The Ancient Dullahan was burried deep in the mantle which he then got obliterated

"I refuse"

Philip refused Polem's request of leaving her behind. She frowned and gave Philip a sad smile as her face became unrecognizable

"But I'm a lost cause... I'll disappear..."

Polem stopped talking after she felt Philip's presence come near her

"I'll liberate you from your Fate. You won't disappear anymore"

Philip extended his right hand tapped the middle of Polem's chest with his index finger and used Fate Control. Polem's body curved backward and the light emanating from her body intensified

Philip believed that he won't be able to save Polem if her entire being actually got obliterated. But her body is the only one that's destroyed and her soul is not. Philip aimed for that

Polem's body suddenly shattered and disintegrated into dust. Her body revealed a shining orb that's located at her heart

The orb was transparent and at the middle of it shows a symbol of two wings and a teardrop. Philip grabbed the orb in a distance with his Mana. He then looked at it with Eye of Sai

> Heroic Spirit (???)

The name itself is enough for Philip to understand what the orb is. He then snapped his fingers and the light around them wobbled for a bit. He used Fate Control on Polem to liberate her soul and house her soul. He looked at the Heroic Spirit with Eye of Sai

> Heroic Spirit (Polem's Soul)

Philip nodded to himself and he decided to grant Polem's wish. He went towards the Monarch Lich to save him. He's about to go towards the line that leads to favor in the Fate Timeline