
The fate of the gifted

Sone Chi, the world's strongest cultivator, stood powerful on his throne with the power to change the world with a twist of his wrist but is now a powerless cultivator with no soul realm He lost his kingdom and was sent a hundred years into the future, he has to start a new life and grow up in a world that he is not from, a world where only a hand full of cultivators live all struggling to develop their skills with now knowledge, Sone hold the key to restart his divine empire but it all changes when he finds out that his past can still hunt him in the future, he has to raise from a soulless cultivate to the greatest person to walk the earth even stronger than his past self in ten years  

CloverXIIV · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Cultivation level one

I let him use me as bait one more only because I badly wanted to start cultivation, his target was spot on with only using one arrow to take down a shadow horse and after we sliced them open and got what we need, the rest were put in void spirit ring, it was a demon ring that could carry larger material in it

" Wow, three shadow horses in one night, " Mika praised

" Yeah even I am surprised, not even one miss, those beasts are said to move faster than arrows" I wondered

"they can only move at that speed when they grow and evolve to a silver beast now they can't move that fast" I explained on our way back,

" but still, they were moving so fast and in this darkness, you can barely see anything, you have to teach me that" Mika praised, her heart was still beating at full speed if Sone's arrow missed or landed on the beast any later both girls would need to be carried back, with hole in their burts

" I still have one question, " something didn't make sense from how fast the beasts dropped after being hit by the arrows " what did you use to paralyze the beast so fast? " she asked, no poision could kill any demon that fast, not even a gold refined poision, I saw him picking random herds but I never paid attention to them

" I could teach you that or start your cultivation, you decide" he removed the crystals, they glowed in a bright blue in the dark with small tresses of red,

" cultivation" Mika happily answered,' if he taught us how to cultivate I would get in, yes ' at this point she never minded near-death experiences if it meant getting in

" can't you do both" I wondered telling me the herds won't take more than a second

" no just one," he laughed,

" BBB" I felt like asking why but only a b fell out my mouth, I sat and watched him light a fire and then draw a couple of patterns on the ground, circling and curvings that looked unplaned until he was done and everything seemed to fall in place perfectly,

" Each of you gets a soul crystal " he distributed them" now I want you to repeat this," he said a cultivation chant, it was long and I understood nothing in the entire chant but still memorized it, he removed the horns and threw them in the flames which turned white hot and we started reciting the chant while holding the soul crystal, I repeated it and soon we were all saying it in unison

The cultivation i taught them was another absorption attribute, one like the one I used on Fei but weaker and it also refined the soul force absorbed it normally takes about three hours but at our state, it will take five to six hours to increase our soul force from a zero to ten which is not much considering we need to reach one hundred to be a bronze cultivator and the higher you go the harder it becomes so this was just the start

my tender eyes slowly opened but sealed shut again seeing the blinding light of the flames, sweat dripped down my face into my cleavage making the amour extremely moist and uncomfortable but my body felt better stronger, and lighter

" ooh my God " Mika screamed next to me and again I tried to open my eyes and saw a cheer red glowing girl, her skin emitted some kind of flame that contained soul force, Sone on the other side emitted a white flame as I was cover in a sea blue flame, I could feel the spirit energy pour from us and into the inscriptions Sone drew on the ground and flowed into the fire between us

" level ten, " Sone said to Mika

, " level Fifteen, " he said to me and my heart pounded with happiness, I had moved from a zero to a fifteen in how long, I looked around and realized how much the environment had changed, I was the break of dawn the sun picked from the east illuminating the trees a little and sing bird had already started to sing their mourning songs

"it's mourning, " I panicked and got up, Master Zangi must be worried sick

" I have to go, I stood up and the flame cooled " thank you so much, Sone, " I bowed in respect and left him my body covered in sweat

' the spiritual energy that emitted from me was like nothing I had ever seen before, I made me feel so powerful, and with this, I was definitely getting in. ' I looked at the red flames that gushed out from my skin and couldn't help but smile,

" it's fine but we need a bath," Sone said smelling the sweat from me, In his previous life he could do this without breaking a sweat but in this life, he was covered in sweat just moving ten steps up,

" what took you so long I thought you were hurt, " Master Zangi addressed seeing me walk into the tent covered in sweat,

" Nothing, master" I bowed and removed my hood showing my face and letting my red hair follow

" Then what took you so long?" he coldly asked

" After hunting shadow demon horses we started cultivating and I guess I lost track of time, " I said but once I said cultivating a surprised look appeared on his face,

" which techniques, " he instantly asked

' So there is actually something special about this boy, if he can teach cultivation where did he learn it from ' Master Zangi wondered from the first time I saw him he emitted a different aura, this was something you can't find in any kid

" I don't know, he didn't say, he only drew the inscription on the ground and told us to recite a chant and when I opened my eyes again I was in soul energy and he said I was a level fifteen" I answered and master Zangi fell speechless, the surprise in his eyes grew even more

" take a bath I want to talk to him, " Master Zangi said lost in thought,

' if this boy has something we don't know that could change everything and take a step in restarting the divine empire, I must talk to him qnd know what he knows 'Master Zangi thought determined this time he was not taking no for an answer, most of the knowledge on cultivation was lost during the fall of the divine empire if anyone found something even if it was burnt scroll it can be sold for millions and rise that person's and his family to power