
Chapter 69

We entered Mr Fred's house, Lydia closed the door after she entered, and Nicholas was sitting on the couch, as if he knew we were coming. "I thought we agreed you wouldn't be coming near the house until I call for you," Nicholas yelled. 


He didn't even let us sit down before yelling, "I'm here because I need your help," I explained. "Will that be your prize for saving me? If I can help, then I've paid the prize, are you okay with that?" Nicholas inquired. 


"No, that isn't my prize, I'm just asking for help as a friend," I replied, and Lydia and I walked over to the couch next to where Nicholas was sitting and sat down.


“Friends?” He inquired. "Do you even know how old I am that you call me friend?" he joked. Lydia interjected, "Age doesn't matter in friendships." 


"Yeah, I know, but I don't have friends, and we're just here for vengeance," he replied, "I don't trust people," he added, "Okay, please help me out," I begged. 


"All right, tell us what's wrong and we'll see what we can do about it," he said softly. "I found myself in someone's backyard this morning, I don't know how I got there, I could only remember going to bed last night, and after I woke up in the backyard, I found myself covered in human blood," I explained. 


After I explained, Nicholas didn't respond, as if he was thinking about what it could be. "Did something strange happen to you recently?" he inquired. 


I I reasoned deeply, trying to recall something strange that had happened to me recently, and I finally remembered when I fell unconscious in Miss Lisa's house. 


"When you passed out," Lydia explained, "Yeah, yeah - that's it, I felt like something entered into me from behind," I explained. "I guess you've been possessed by a spirit," Nicholas replied softly. 


“Spirit!” "Yes spirit," I exclaimed, "but we just need to confirm that you will be locked up in the cage in the basement," he added, "I think that's what we should do," Lydia cooed. 


"Okay, let's wait until night, then you move to the cage," he said, and I heard the door slam. I turned to see who had entered, and it was Mr Fred. I assumed he'd gotten used to the life of a vampire in a matter of days, and Nicholas must have thought him a lot. 


"Hey Mr Fred," Lydia said softly, and I greeted him as well. "Hey guys," he replied as he walked down to the kitchen. "Do you guys still kidnap people to feed on?" I inquired. 


"We stole blood bags from a hospital, I believe you are cool with that," Nicholas said, taking a sip of blood from a glass cup. "We stole blood bags from a hospital, I believe you are cool with that," he said, taking a sip of blood from a glass cup. I still don't like the idea, but it's better than kidnapping people and draining their blood. "Yeah, it's fine," I said. Then I looked at the wall clock to see what time it was.