
Chapter 63

I was standing in front of a standing mirror, which was more of my height. I was smiling and admiring myself. Even though I have been going through a lot lately, I was still in good shape.

I rinsed my hands, placing both of them at 90 degrees. I was trying to flex my muscles for a while. It wasn’t bad, my biceps were strong, and I still had my abs showing. "Damn, Adam, you're super hot," I thought to myself, laughing.

"Adam, you're going to be late for school," my mother yelled from downstairs.I exclaimed and bolted to my wardrobe to get a nice round neck top. I opened the wardrobe.

I looked for a perfect round-neck top. I got a glimpse of a black round-neck top that I thought would be a perfect match with what I was wearing. I stretched my hand towards it in order to remove it from the hanger.

I wore it and walked back to the mirror to check how it looked on my body. "Wow, it looks cool on my body," I said to myself, smiling. I picked up my perfume from the shelf where I keep my accessories. I opened the cover and sprayed it on my clothes so I could smell nice to the girls.

I remember that I was already late for school. I bolted to where my jacket was hung. I removed it and wore it. It was close to where my school bag was kept. I reached out for the bag and hopped it on my back.

I rushed out of my room and headed downstairs. When I got downstairs, I walked to the kitchen to have my breakfast. I met Lydia and Lora having their breakfast. I walked up to the cutting platform in the kitchen. I sat down on a stool waiting for my breakfast.

"Good morning," I softly said."Good morning, Adam. Why are you always getting up for bed late recently?" she asked, putting a cup of tea in front of me and toasting bread on a plate.

I stretched my hands towards the cup and plate to bring them closer, then carried them to the dining table to join Lora and Lydia, who were almost done eating. I dropped the cup and plate on the table, then dragged the seat I wanted to sit on. It was opposite the both of them. I took off my bag from my back and dropped it beside the seat, then I sat down to eat.

My mum added, "I told you not to stay out late. You won’t listen." I stood up and moved to the dining table, trying to not answer that question. "Adam, have you seen my new ride?" Lora asked, trying to show off.

I just wanted to snub her and continue eating, but if I don’t reply to her, she will think I’m upset she got a new car, "Nope, and why are you trying to show off?" I asked, as the two of them busted into laughter.