
Chapter 3

I parked the motorcycle properly and turned off the engine, turning the key anticlockwise and removed it. So I got off the motorcycle and removed my helmet slowly, like I wasn’t late for school, then placed it on the bike and locked it so some asshole wouldn’t mess with it. 


The school has three buildings, three stories each, and the school name ‘Bowhill’s High School’ is written boldly on the main building. The school field is located behind the buildings, and the school also has a garden where students can hang out during the breaks.


I was walking towards the school building when I heard my name. It was Elizabeth. I stopped and turned back slowly. She was standing closer to me. She wasn’t looking happy. ‘I told you to wait at the garden yesterday but you didn’t. Why not?’ she said without even a greeting.


‘Ohh, sorry, I think I slept off,’ I said, looking confused. ‘But you said you were waiting for me at the garden,’ she yelled, and continued, ‘But your motorcycle was parked there.’ I became totally confused. What a good timing when a good friend of mine, Josh Bones, walked towards us. "Hey guys," he said, showing off his white teeth. His smile was affectionate and attracted girls. He was also known for being among the best on the soccer team. 


He noticed something was wrong. ‘Did you guys have an issue?’ he asked. I didn't know what to reply to that. ‘Hey, Josh,’ I replied. ‘Did you guys have a misunderstanding?’ he asked again. ‘Yeah, it’s not really a big deal.’ Okay, by the way, do you remember the guys I told you about?’ he asked, "Yeah, so what did you find out this time around?" I asked, giving him a bad look. I hate it when he keeps talking about the supernatural. " I just found out they are werewolves. They are like a pack of wolves, but what I don’t understand is that they don’t have an Alpha. ’ 

I looked confused. "So, what do you intend to do with this information? Will you report them to the police or kill them yourself?' I asked, and his expression immediately changed. "I'm just joking, dump ass," I said, hitting him in the chest to change his mood. The bell rang for classes to begin, and we turned and walked into the school building.It was a long hallway. There were lockers lined up. It was separated by transparent double doors.


Everyone was rushing to their various classes like their lives depended on it. Within a short period, only a few students were left on the walkway. We entered the class.

The class had five rows and five columns. My seat was on the last row and the last seat beside the window. I like sitting near the window to get a clear view of the field when the class is boring.


The seat beside me was for Josh. We liked sitting close to each other. At the front of the class there was a deck with well-arranged text books placed on it, with a chair backing the white broad.