
Chapter 36

We were all eating at the cafeteria table when Bella revealed, "I heard Miss Lisa quit, which is why we had a new teacher." "Yes, I heard the same thing, but she didn't use it for a month. I'm curious as to why she resigned "Josh stated. 

Lydia, who was sitting in front of me, caught my attention. She didn't seem to be okay with the gist. With the house party tonight, I suppose I should change it. "Yo, who's coming to James' party tonight?" I inquired. 

"I'm sure everyone will go," Stephen replied. "I wish I could throw parties like that guy all the time," Josh said. "It's not just your type who throws house parties," Elizabeth pointed out. "Ouu, that's toxic," I snidely remarked.

"Elizabeth is just claiming savagery," Josh said. "I'm not trying to do that," Elizabeth said. We were all laughing. I turned to face Josh shortly after. His expression was solemn, as if he was conversing with someone. 

I focused my attention on his eyes. On the other side of the table, there was a man. I was curious as to what they were trying to convey to one another. Soon after, I noticed the man standing up from his table and walking away. He had left after a few minutes. Josh stood up to leave as well. 

"Are you finished, Josh?" "Yeah," he said. "All right," Ellie said, and I excused myself to use the restroom while he responded. "Can you tell me why you're all leaving?" Lora asked a question. "But class starts soon," Jack interjected.

I made my way to the toilet, keeping an eye on where Josh was going. I turned to follow him out of the cafeteria. I know Josh is intelligent. It could be in his plans. I'm not going to play along with him. 

I walked away from the cafeteria. I shifted my gaze to the left. I noticed Josh making a right turn. I dashed to catch up with him. I turned to face the new teacher in the classroom. I had to pick up his books after I knocked them over.

"Sorry, sir," I apologised as I handed him his book back. "Are you looking for someone?" he asked, looking in Josh's direction. "No sir, just rushing to get what I forgot in the library," I replied. "OK, be careful next time, you might injure yourself," he said.

"Who did you leave out?" she inquired, tapping my shoulder. I was taken aback. "You revere me," I exclaimed to Ellie. I guess it's a bad day today. Everyone is interfering with my plans. "No, just.....," I stammered. I was told to look for someone, so I didn't find them." 

"Are you certain? "I'm guessing it's a secret you don't want to share with me," she replied, smiling. "What's the secret?" I'm not kidding. "I was told to look for someone," I cooed, "and now I believe you." "That remains me," she mumbled. "You said you wanted to tell me something about Ms. Lisa." 

I coughed, indicating that I couldn't tell her where I was. When I saw Lydia approaching, I walked away, pretending to cough.