
Chapter 29

"I suppose you'll be sitting next to me," she chuckled. "Do you know who each other are?" Josh was curious. "Yeah, kind of," I said. I was terrified when I saw Stephen walk into the classroom, heading in our direction, because he hadn't seen me fighting the beast the day before.

"Can I see you for a second, Josh?" He asked of Josh, "Sure," Josh said as he followed him to the corner of the classroom. I'm not sure what he was trying to tell him, but I'll use my super earring to find out.


I took out my phone and dialed Ellie's number. It rang for a few seconds before she picked up. "Hey, Ellie," I said calmly. "Hi, Adam, how are you doing,” she asked, “I’m good, what about you,” I said “I’m fine,” she answered "Are you busy today, if you aren’t can we meet?" I inquired. 

"I’m not busy, sure we can meet," she replied, "Okay, where should I meet you?" I asked. "I'll text you the address," she said. I heard someone knocking at the door. "All right, I'll see you soon." I replied “Yeah,” she said “I have to get off the phone right now, someone is at the door, bye," I cooed “Bye,” she mumbled.

I hanged up and slid my phone back into my pocket before standing up to open the door. "Hey!" she said softly. I was surprised to see it was Lydia. "Hey," I replied . "Did Mrs. Lisa request that you come meet me to teach you your assignment?" I asked. "Nope, I'm moving in," she said. "Like seriously,” I giggled.

“Adam, is that Lydia,” My Mum asked, “Do you know Lydia,” I asked, “Yes of course,” she answered, “Coming in Lydia,” she added. I was surprised that my Mum supported her relocation; I had no idea what was going on,  I excused her. She walked into the house carrying a luggage bag, “Ms Lisa told me a lot about you, I hope you enjoy it here,” she said 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys last night, oh my God, I forgot," she said  pleading.

"Thank God Lora is here now, everybody, this Lydia, she will be staying with us now," she added. Lora was relieved to hear she would be staying with us, but I was the only one who seemed to dislike the prospect of her staying with us. Lora showed Lydia around the house while I left to meet Ellie.


I alighted from my bike after turning off the engine. Ellie arrived. "Oh my God, you scared me," I said, placing my hand on my sternum. My heart was pounding. 

"What was it that took you so long?" she inquired. "It's a complicated story. When did  you decide on the woods as a meeting place? "I inquired. "I wanted to show you something, so I thought we could meet here. Please stick with me "She cooed and walked into the woods. 

"Like seriously," I mumbled as I followed her down a narrow path in the middle of the woods, there was a river down the narrow path