
Chapter 234

A full mirror covered the entire wall in the private training room. It was exactly what I needed.

I’d shifted into my rainbow wolf three times, and I still couldn’t get enough of how amazing and mind-bending the process appeared. But then, I couldn’t catch it all, since one second I was in my human form, then next, I was a wolf.

“Quit it, Catnip.” Shade couldn’t take it anymore. “I’ve never seen any shifter vainer and more self-absorbed than you.”

“That’s not true. I just want to get used to this shifting gig while making sense of it,” I said before shifting back into my wolf.

I twirled and turned my head to study my rear in the mirror. I had a nice ass. I flicked my tail, pleased to see a rainbow streak along its length.

“You can’t exactly make sense of it,” Danielle said. “Shifting is magical.”

When I wheeled back to the front, my wolf’s reflection stared back at me, her eyes like golden flames, similar to how I looked in my human form, but more intense and brimming with icy intelligence.

From the mirror, I saw Shade shake his head in irritation. “I’ve never seen a wolf act like this before. It’s not normal.”

I skidded to the left in a dancing move, then leapt to the right in an arc. Paris and Summer laughed at my silly wolf. I grinned back, then arched my back. My sleek wolf leapt across the room and brushed past Shade to irk him some more.

“Stop fooling around,” he barked. “That’s enough shifting for you today.”


 The prince also forbade me from shifting more than four times a day since it’d consume too much energy and even cause harm. But I didn’t feel tired. I felt exhilarated to experience this newfound freedom.

Worried he might come after me and grab my tail to show me that he meant business, I slowed my movements.

“Shift back, Pip.” Shade grunted his command. “If you don’t, I’ll make you do a hundred extra pushups, then lift weights before we go into our fighting lessons.”

I hated doing pushups and weight training. I wanted to go straight to fighting, but Shade insisted on us following his strict methods, especially after what had happened to me at the lake.

When Danielle, Paris, Summer, and he had learned that BJ and her pack had nearly killed me during the ceremony, they’d raged. Shade was especially upset, so he’d come up with a plan to make me one of the best shifter fighters. His private coaching schedule included hand-to-hand combat as well as sword fighting. He wanted me to increase my chances of survival, and I totally agreed with him. He’d also mapped out nightly outdoor sessions to train my wolf to track, escape, and fight with claws and vicious bites.

He’d also attributed my overcoming BJ and biting off her ear in the first battle class as a fluke due to the element of surprise on my side and my raw strength and savage attitude.