
Chapter 223

“A feast?” I asked in glee. “Then let’s hurry!”

The girls laughed, and we picked up our pace.

“And all-you-can-eat cakes,” Danielle added to my great pleasure.

Once we reached the penthouse, I showered, changed into clean clothes,

and rushed to join the girls in the living room. It was indeed a feast—all sorts of dishes, desserts, and drinks were crammed onto the table.

“Can the table hold all the weight?” I asked, a bit worried, though I immensely appreciated their efforts.

“Worry about your stomach holding the weight,” Summer said with a smile.

I accepted the challenge and dove into the grand feast meant to celebrate my freedom.

“My father canceled his journey,” Danielle swallowed a bite of cherry pie, “seeing how King Grayson had already signed the paper to release you.


 I’m surprised the king got involved in the Academy’s affairs, even though this was a special case since you attacked BJ. There’ve been talks about merging all the shifters under one high king. King Grayson will need the support of BJ’s father, the European Shifter King. But still, King Grayson didn’t deliver you, a girl who doesn’t have any ties, to the European king to please him.”

Her message was clear. She suspected something and thought there might be something I hadn’t told her. The princess was sharp.

But what could I tell her? That I was a girl without memories, country, or clan? And I was being hunted by powerful mages, vampires, and possibly other species? That I was also the rejected mate of the Alpha Heir?

Paris and Summer also peered at me, and I shrugged, my face closed off. A feeling of loneliness washed over me.

Danielle didn’t press further but sighed. “Both princes pleaded on your behalf. I wasn’t surprised that Prince Shade defended you, but it’s kind of strange that the Alpha Heir also spoke for you. I heard that he also made a deal with Viviane and her father afterwards. Prince Jared will soon openly propose to BJ.”

My heart skipped a beat. A stab of pain deep within my chest followed.

I shouldn’t have cared, as Sideburns had made it clear that he would never choose me, but I still felt physical pain every time his rejection was brought to my attention.

It was as if I was being punished by the universe when it wasn’t even my fault. The universe was a big, fucked-up place.

I schooled the emotions threatening to break my expression. “Whatever. They deserve each other.”

“BJ has been pushing for their engagement for over a year,” Danielle said. “She’s finally getting what she’s always wanted. The European Shifter King is keen for royal grandbabies.”

“We need to tread carefully,” Summer reminded us. “Especially you, Pip. Keep your guard up at all times.”

I hated that we weren’t in the same classes, since they were a year ahead of me. That left me alone most of the time during the day.

Paris nodded. “BJ won’t let it go easily. She’s the most vengeful bitch ever. If she doesn’t come after you right away, it only means she’s biding her time for something really nasty.”