
Chapter 222

Now that I’d regained my strength with solid food in my belly, I rose to my feet and stalked closer to the bars to smirk at him. “But I can’t pay you, Highness. You’ll be disappointed that I don’t have deep pockets.”

“I’m not looking for money, but I hear the jingling of gold coins in the future.” He chuckled. “I wonder if Jared regrets dragging you all the way here. I bet he didn’t expect you to be such a headache.”

I put up a finger. “First, he couldn’t really drag me here. I came willingly because I trusted you, Canary. And second, the Alpha Heir can just exile me. Don’t shifters have rules about banishment?”

I’d hate to leave Danielle, the girls, and Shade, but if it was my lot, I’d take it.

“He’ll never let you go, Pip,” Shade said quietly. “He might reject you for political gain, but his primal need is to keep you in his sight. He won’t let any other man claim you.”

“He doesn’t own me,” I said. “And he’ll truly regret it if he thinks and acts as if I were his possession. He rejected me, and I reject him back.”

Shade gave me a long look. “Did you feel the pull when my brother was close to you?”

I might not want to reveal everything to Shade, or to anyone, but I wanted to be as honest to my friends as best I could.

I nodded. “I can’t deny the attraction, but it’s just biological. It means nothing to me.”

Shade sighed. “Jared is stupid for rejecting you so openly, but he also doesn’t know what to do with you. One day, he’ll realize that the sun doesn’t always shine out of his butthole.”

“So he dumped me in the Academy.” I snorted. “But I like it here, because of Danielle and the girls. Plus, you’re here. I know if I ever get out, BJ will try to make my life hell every waking moment. But some things are worth fighting for. And for me, friendship is worth more than gold.”

Shade reached for me and squeezed my greasy fingers that held a chip and a pickle between them. “You’ll get out of here soon, Catnip, I promise.


 And I always keep my promises.”




T hey decided to let me live and released me from my cramped cell a day later, just as Shade had promised.

Danielle, Paris, and Summer came to meet me. As we walked across the campus toward our building, many students gave us a wide berth. It seemed no one wanted to be near the crazy chick who had bitten off the most powerful princess’s ear. But a couple of students waved at me. Guess I’d earned some respect by standing up to the biggest bully at the Academy

“That rabid rat should’ve been put down,” someone said behind me. It must be one of BJ’s goons.

“Ignore her,” Paris said. “We prepared a feast for you.”