
Chapter 203

I SUSPECTED that the mages might be the force encouraging the vampires and the shifters to fight. I hated the mages since I strongly believed that they were the ones who had held me captive, tormented me, and then hunted me.

The class ended with an open discussion on the horsemen. Some said War might still be on Earth, but most students wanted to get all the forces to


 work together to stop Death from coming to do even more damage than War.

Whenever anyone mentioned the horseman Death, my heart would skip a beat, then run erratically, and fractured nightmares or visions would swirl in the back of my head, yet I couldn’t catch those horrible shapes. It was just a dark and chilly feeling.

As soon as the teacher announced that the class was over, I rushed out, jumping over obstacles and landing on a few feet that stuck out into the aisle to trip me. Instead of achieving their goal, two of Blow Job’s minions fell over their seats and landed on their big asses on the floor.

I didn’t linger and giggle, as I was looking forward to meeting Danielle, Paris, and Summer for lunch. I sprang to the girls as soon as I spotted them at the brink of the courtyard, waving my hands over my head at them in case they missed me, my backpack bouncing on my back.

Paris had gotten me the backpack filled with textbooks, notebooks, all the necessary stationery, and even a couple of snacks.

It was probably the first time I had owned anything.

They trio shook their heads and smiled at my eagerness, and I grinned back.

“Hey, what are we going to eat?” I asked. “Do we have to pay? All the meals in the military academy should be free, right, since they’re training us to be vampire slayers for them?”

Danielle laughed and rolled her eyes.

“If you keep rolling your eyes, they’ll get stuck one day, Princess,” I advised. “And what if your wolf’s face gets stuck like that?”

“That’s never going to happen,” she said, rolling her eyes again.

That reminded me. I needed to ask them about the Moon Ceremony. I must learn how to shift before then. The last thing I wanted was to embarrass myself in the middle of it and thus embarrass my new friends. If I proved to be uncool, they might dump me. Then what was I going to do?

I brushed the worries aside when I spotted Shade on the other side of the courtyard.

“Canary! Here!” I shouted, but there was no need to yell since he was already heading our way.

Danielle and the girls snapped their attention to him, stars in their pretty eyes.

“Did the prince scowl at me?” I asked them.


 “Yeah, he kind of did,” Summer offered happily. “What have you done?”

“As you all saw, I just waved at him,” I said. “Maybe I should return his scowl. He doesn’t deserve my big smile anymore.”