
Chapter 195

My awed gaze fell on the statue of a magnificent wolf in the center of the square. It was over twenty feet tall and condescending.

“That’s a sculpture of my ancestor,” Shade said with a chuckle that was filled with pride. “His name was Fenrir, the Wolf God. The book of our family tree says that he rode over fire with twin flames burning forever in his eyes.”

“No shit,” I said with a grin.

Sideburns flashed me a hard look as he finished typing something into his tablet before stepping out of the jeep.

“First lesson, Pip,” he snapped. “You’ll learn to censor every word before it comes out of your mouth.”

“Then I won’t be able to speak for a month, good sir,” I said, not dropping my smile. No kind of schooling would bind my tongue.

I turned to Shade. “Are we getting lunch? You can tell me more about this Fenrir wolf guy.”

Suddenly, a crowd of students appeared, boys in gray and blue uniforms, girls in gray and red skirts and socks, flooding into the courtyard from all directions.

The boys looked at the Alpha Heir with reverence, but most of the girls either stole a glance at Shade or gawked at him. I heard some giggles as



“It’s lunch break.” Shade smirked, enjoying his popularity with the


I scowled at him. I hadn’t been wrong about him being a man whore,

and he flashed me a grin and winked at a giggling girl nearby.

A gorgeous tall blonde in a gray and red skirt uniform swept toward us like a force of nature, as if she owned half the campus. Maybe she did, since she carried the regal air of a princess. Then it dawned on me who she


Everything about Princess Viviane spelled royalty, power, and riches.

Every feature on her face indicated her high breeding. Her makeup was also impeccable.

Her classic blue eyes fixed on Sideburns. It didn’t take a genius to see that she obviously regarded him as her equal and the rest as trash.

“Jared,” she purred and pouted. She used his first name to indicate their close relationship. “I thought you’d be back yesterday. I was waiting for you all night!”

She was staking her claim in public, but, in my humble opinion, she sounded a bit too desperate by telling the entire school she’d been waiting all night for him.

The princess didn’t spare me a look but shoved me hard in the chest even though I wasn’t exactly standing in her way. While I tried to steady myself, she ran into Sideburns’ arms.

I understood that she didn’t like me standing too close to her beau, but shouldn’t she go after him instead, since he was the one who had walked to my side to scold me while secretly inhaling my scent?

“Ex—” I protested, my face flushing in anger. “Excuse me?”

The princess snapped her disdainful gaze toward me as if I wasn’t a person. She’d shoved me intentionally to put me in my place. A lowly girl like me had no business standing close to a high and mighty Alpha Heir. I should have cowered ten feet away from him so as not to offend her.