
Chapter 175

That lie sent a wave of misery rippling over me. I didn’t know if I had a home. Other than the Vampire God and the hunters, I didn’t know if anyone had ever looked for me or missed me.

“You’ll be coming with us, Pip,” Sideburns insisted with authority. “That’s my final decision, but I’ll get some answers later.” His gaze shifted to Shade. “Get your hands off her!”

Shade let go of me while rolling his eyes.

Sideburns walked off, and then came back to hand me a plate of dried fruit, meat, and a half-roll of bread along with a new bottle of water.

“We’ll leave as soon as our wounded soldiers can walk,” he said sternly, then left to check with the healer.

I watched him go, wishing I didn’t feel burning heat for him simmering inside my core.





We camped in a valley between the forest and the desert. We were far from the ocean and deeper inland now, near the border of North California and Nevada, according to Shade.

The shifters bustled around, setting up beds and tents. A few of them roasted game they had hunted en route over hot flames. I was excited, thinking of a hearty dinner and a good night’s rest beneath the starlit sky.

Shade and I huddled around the campfire, chatting easily and sharing snacks. Going-gray came toward us.

“Alpha Heir requests your presence,” he said gruffly.

“For what?” I asked, my heart suddenly thundering.

I wasn’t up for questions when I myself didn’t have answers. I also

didn’t want anyone to know that I’d lost my memory and that Pip wasn’t my real name.

Going-gray stared hard at me. He wasn’t used to anyone questioning his superior’s orders. He stepped forward, ready to grab me and drag me to his boss. If he touched me, I’d kick him in the nuts really hard, and he wouldn’t like it.

But Shade shot to his feet first and stepped between us with an easy, bright smile.

“C’mon, Catnip. Let’s do something instead of being lazy.” He glanced at me over his shoulder. “My brother will only ask you a few questions so let’s get it over with. The roasted rabbit isn’t going anywhere. I promise.”

My stomach grumbled. For the sake of a full belly, I rose and walked after Going-gray. Besides, if I refused to go, I might not get dinner tonight.


 No one was too nice these days, and they all wanted a piece of ol’ Pip. I had nothing to give, though they didn’t have to know that. When you had nothing to offer, everyone treated you like trash.

I followed Going-gray into a large tent that must belong to Sideburns. Before I disappeared altogether within thick, canvas material, I glanced back once at Shade to make sure he was still with me. I felt better knowing he was here, stronger even.

Witch-light crystals lit the interior of the tent, casting a golden glow in all directions. A makeshift bed lay in the corner, neatly made. Three folding chairs and a folding table had been set up and placed upon an ornate, thick rug.