
Chapter 145

"Long time, brother," Alaric said.

While he walked closer to Nicholas, they were both looking at each other without saying a word for a while. I believe what Fiona has told me is true. How did he know something was happening here without anybody informing him?

"I didn’t want us to be meeting like this, but it’s nice to see you again, brother," Nicholas said.

"And me also," Alaric replied.

But all of a sudden, a head was thrown from upstairs. It landed on the floor. I guess Lora and Ellie have found where they are keeping her. A body followed immediately. We all looked up. They are already alert. I have to keep them busy while they are saving her.

"Stop them from saving her," Alaric yelled.

One of them jumped up holding the railings. I immediately jumped after him, grabbing him by his leg and pushing him back to the ground. It was going to be hard to hold all of them because they would be stronger than me. If they work together, they will be able to overcome me.

But everything is also working according to the way we had planned it. I guess it was time for Jack and Josh to throw in the smoke that had Gladius in it.

While the smoke was being released into the air, I had to get Ellie and my mummy out of here because the smoke could harm them. I looked up to notice there was an issue upstairs, which I think they would be in need of my help. Alaric was blocking Lora and Ellie from escaping with my mummy, while he also got an assist from two of his army.

Meanwhile, Alaric told Robert to handle Nicholas, and it was three on one because Manson and Richard joined in fighting Nicholas, but I’m not sure if Robert, Manson, and Richard will survive it out of here because of the smoke, which had gladius in it, which is harmful to normal supernaturals apart from the first blood supernaturals and could get them killed.

I jolted up the stairs to help Lora and Ellie, in order to get my mummy out of Alaric's slight and stop him from going after them. While the smoke kept on spreading into the air, I saw Josh taking my mummy with him, using the other stairs that led downstairs. Josh had a gun with him, which I guess he was using it for protection.

I spotted Ellie grumping on the floor. I assumed he had hurt her. While she was trying to buy Josh and Jackson some time to get my mummy out of the house, I ran towards Alaric with my supernatural speed, hitting him so hard that he had to let Lora out of his hands, and he flew into a room close by.

I moved closer to Lora to check if she was alright. I placed my right hand on her shoulder and asked softly, "Are you okay?".

"Yes, I’m okay," she replied faintly.

"That is nice, but you need to get out of here as fast as possible with Ellie. The smoke is spreading out fast," I said and removed my hand from her shoulder.