

Fate is something completely unknown, something we can absolutely not control, something that is run by God, only he knows where to start, where to stop, and where to end. Anyone who claims otherwise is stupid But what if there are forces that we do not know anything about, forces that are not new, but at the same time unexpected The cake of your ordinary, boring, monotonous destiny, where you study, then work, then marry, then have children, then die. It suddenly hits a thorn in the middle, and when I talk about the thorn, I mean giant gates and imaginary monsters thirsty for violence and blood, so I think you should rethink the matter of marriage!

Omar_Rezk · Thành thị
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6 Chs

mind ball

Zain looked in astonishment at the blood-stained white ball in her hand and said: What is this?

She smiled and said: This will renew your determination and give you strength. Then her smile increased even more as she said

"You will change your destiny."

Talia wasn't terrifying. Her expressions weren't malicious or weird. She was innocent, childlike, and just so beautiful

Zain looked at her wide silver eyes and said in a voice that made you feel he was about to cry: I... I don't know.

She sighed and then said: You feel that there is malice in the matter, or that it is evil or incomprehensible, and it is indeed so! Incomprehensible and not evil, but the truth is that I am tired and I want to entrust this power to someone

Zayn surprisedly replied: Just like that!

_ just like that

_ This is illogical You don't even know who I am This is completely illogical What if you mess with this power What if you become evil?

She sighed again and then said coldly: I have seen enough for me to know that you are the opposite

Then I looked up and added: When I was descending from the sky, I saw you running towards this girl, although you are weak, although you know that if you come close you will die, but you did it and ran like a fool, believe me when I tell you that fools, cowards and villains show their essence in this Situations and you, you weren't any of this

She put her hand on his shoulder.

_You totally deserve it

"She closes her eyes tiredly."

_ And I am very exhausted to search for someone else in all these vast universes, so once again I offer you this power that will change your destiny, so will you accept it?

And she extended her hand with the ball again, saying: It will also give you an opportunity to outperform those who hurt your friend

So Zayn pulled it out of her hand quickly and stared at it

A small white ball that looks like a marble ball

Completely clear in color except for some blood that has stained it

Zayn: How does it work?

Does that mean you accepted?

_ Okay

Talia smiled and said: But before that, let's treat your friend

Zain looked at her sadly and said: "I'll be fine. The beast has hurt her."

_ Don't worry, you'll be fine. It's true that I don't have any healing powers, but I was a doctor, so I'll do my best

_ female doctor !

_ I'll tell you later, but now let's fly!

She spread her shriveled wings

_ Wait, wait, won't you kill that giant monster!

She looked at the beast, who was still sticking its hose into the ground and said: This is a "excavator", an alien race that is skilled in agriculture. Through this hose, they bury their giant seeds at a great depth in the ground, besides that the main hose is surrounded by several hoses, some of which are as delicate as tentacles, and the other resembles a bag. It carries fertilizers and other materials inside

_ Thanks for the biology lesson, but what do these creatures grow!

System tower

_ What?

_ No time to explain stand up and take a deep breath and do not exhale, and comfort the girl slowly

So he did

And from her wings, dozens of feathers flew out to completely cover Zain and Salma, not even leaving an outlet for the eyes.

Then she put her hand on her chin and said this will do

And quickly, Zain and Salma grabbed both of her hands and flew up. She said: I know that, space, but this may be the last time I fly.

Zayn from behind the feathers: Hmph?

Talia: Don't talk, kid. We'll be there in a minute. So

And with great speed, Talia had penetrated the Earth's atmosphere, flying in the vast space. She stood for a while, contemplating, holding her breath.

Then a female voice resounded in her head: Lean forty-five degrees to the left, then go straight.

So I did and with the same supernatural speed I went forward

A minute passed as it then passed through a few thousand light years until it finally stopped

It was in front of a giant space station in the form of a large white ball, very similar to the ball of the mind, smooth and pure white, as if it had no entrance.

But as Talia approached, a thick door opened leading to a white knock, as well, except for a few black lines that decorated it, and at the end of a door with the same decoration.

Talia entered and put Zain on the ground standing, but he soon fell to the ground vomiting while the feathers returned to her wings to quickly disappear as fine particles of light that looked dazzling

From the side of the avenue, a long white tube, in which Talia placed Salma, gently opened and closed quickly inside the wall

Zain was surprised: Where did you go and what is this?

And a fountain of vomit exploded from him

Talia shivered slightly after Zain vomited and said: Don't worry, she will undergo a simple cleaning and restoration of her wounds before I operate on her.

Zain wiped his vomit from his mouth and said with astonishment and fear: Operation, what operation!

From the door at the end of the alley, Talia passed through, and Zain passed behind her, shouting: Abortion!

_ Yes, and don't scream, I hate the loud voice

_ Ah, I'm sorry I'm screaming, but you're telling me now that you're going to abort my sister's baby! How the hell would a baby be in a quarter of an hour or less

They had entered what looked like a hall, a large spacious place filled with white furniture and appliances with black lines. Zain thought for a moment how strange and wonderful this taste is also black and white at the same time, as the entire dome was transparent highlighting the blackness of space and the luminosity of its stars.

In a visually stunning scene

Next, she exhales: The sperm of Satan's race is alive

_ What!!

_ The explanation would be long if I told you, just know that inside your sister there is something black, the size of a broomstick, gnawing at her womb and feeding on her blood.

Zain groaned and warmed his face. It seemed that he was going to cry or fall into epilepsy, but he was firm and said: Please help her

She smiled at him, then stroked his head and said: From now on, everything will be fine, so don't worry

He shook his head, her smile increased, then she rushed towards the center of the room from which the tube came out vertically, then it quickly tilted until it settled horizontally while it was still closed, not even Salma appearing from it, and on a black screen in the middle he wrote, "One minute left for the treatment."

Talia: My dear friend, your voice is getting farther and farther away

"It's okay, you bastard, that was your decision, and I understand."

Then Talia laughed softly and said: I feel that you are the opposite of that by insulting me

Zayn, surprised: Who are you talking to?

She extended her right hand to him and said: She is

Zain with greater astonishment: The ball?

_ This is the space of my whole life friend and my source of strength

From the ground, a small black column rose above a semi-circle, inside which I dug an entrance for a ball, in which I then placed the ball, and suddenly a thick female voice appeared saying: I am not your friend, you damned bastard.

"Oh space, my dear. I've already explained that. I'm tired."

"smiles bitterly"

Space: Well, well, just shut up and don't show me that sweet, sad face, and you, you bastard, I'm honored!

Zain was offended: The honor is mine, Miss Space

Talia laughed softly, and then the tube whistled, then opened, revealing Salma's naked body

Zayn looked at her for a moment

Space shouted: Don't stare at the girl, you dirty bastard!

To go out of nowhere, a circular helmet obscured Zain's vision

Zain from under the helmet while trying to remove it: I wasn't staring at anything, it's my sister!

Space: Shut up, shut up, and sit down. The process will start anyway, and I don't like you to see

Zayn sat on the ground, sighing: Well

Talia: She is currently unconscious, but she will still feel the pain. Sis is anesthetized. A smaller tube came out from the side of the tube, the end of which was a syringe that slowly pierced a vein in Salma's neck, and he returned again to his place.

_ Well let's start

Zane: Hey! Doesn't the drug take time to work!

_ Next, no, this is not what you have. Just calm down and let me do my job. I was a skilled doctor

_ Good

Slowly, Talia wiped Salma's stomach with her hand, from the lower chest area to the opening of her vagina, and she felt a slightly hard thing twisting and moving.

_ Space, run an x-ray

So she did, and what appeared under Salma's skin, her organs and bones, and a huge black mass filling her entire vagina, moving and turbulent at random.

Talia looked at her with disgust, then said while sighing in relief: He has not fixed himself in the wall of the uterus yet, so my surgeons do not intervene, fortunately.

Zane: So how?

"Hand of the Ruler"

Slowly, next, she moved the object from inside Salma towards the opening of the vagina, so that its black tip slowly appeared, and slowly she moved her hand until it came out.

It was a revolting sight, a black, viscous, writhing mass emerging from the vagina of a drugged girl

Until it came out whole, she raised it next in the air while looking at him with disgust as he twisted until what appeared to be a mouth appeared in him and he screamed!

He shrieked like a mouse being burned, an annoying, terrifying, disgusting and goosebumps sound

Zayn shuddered at the sound and stammered: What is this!

Slowly, she placed it next in the pipe that sprouted from the ground, back inside, and she breathed a sigh of relief

_Hof, that was tense

Space: I didn't feel anything

Zane: Are you done?

Talia: Yes, take off his helmet, Siss, and leave it to the ship to make the clothes and take care of Selma.

_ you got it

The helmet slipped off Zain's head as if a swarm of ants walked over his shoulder and hand, then returned to the ground again.

Talia: Nanotechnology is impressive, isn't it?

Zain looked stupid for a moment, then said: Oh, yes, this is the first time I see something like this

She laughed lightly and said: You will see a lot, but now remove space from its place and come behind me

He glanced at Salma's face before he did, so he extended his hand to pick up the ball from its ambush, and when he caught it, he threw it suddenly in pain.

Talia: What's up?

He showed her his hand, which was bloodied

She frowned spontaneously and looked at the ball from which pointy parts appeared and extended her hand to pick it up so that the parts would return: Do not worry, she just does not accept the matter yet.

I'm trying, but it's getting difficult

"Siss, don't you think that's enough?"

The ball shook and moved nervously!

_ Oh, I understand, don't worry, you won't be far from me

_ What, what does she say?

_She says she will miss me and a few other sentimental things


_ What's strange

_ Very emotional as if human

_ This is a secret that space does not know, even about itself. It has super intelligence and tremendous strength, but it does not know where it came from or who made it.

I see, but where are we going?

* * * * * * *

In a wide white room devoid of anything, Zain stood completely naked, covering his private parts, and in front of him was Talia, who began to say: The operation will be somewhat painful.

Zain is worried and ashamed: To what degree?

Talia, turning to stand behind him: to the fullest degree, prove!

So he did

He asked: How long will it last?

Talia, piercing the back of his head with her finger: A few minutes

Zayn suddenly shuddered, but did not move from his place. He lost the ability to speak or to scream. Slowly, Talia took out her bloody finger and slowly pushed the ball inside and pushed it a little inside.

With a more accurate vision, the ball began to roll inwards, permeating between the folds of the mind, until it settled in the middle of it completely

"System is being installed"

Many minute tentacles branched out from the ball, and spread inside the mind. Zain was in pain as a result, and he began to twitch on the ground.


"Adapting the user's body"

Suddenly, Zain rose violently, and slowly his teeth and hair began to fall out, followed by his skin, which dried up and fell off.

The nerves burned, and as a result of their burning, Zain screamed a loud cry, in which Talia remembered herself doing that for the first time.

After the nerves, the fibers froze and began to disintegrate and fall to the ground while Zain was still screaming

He has become a skeleton now containing organs. Suddenly his lungs exploded, as a result of which Zain's voice subsided, then his kidneys, then his liver, then every organ that remained in his body except for the heart and mind!

Talia watches as her face shrinks spontaneously

Here the bones disintegrate and become ashes and only remains on the ground around body parts, pieces, ashes and blood, heart and mind

And from the mind, the skeleton began to form, moving like clay, and then solidifying in the shape of the skeleton like iron!

Several white tentacles extend from the brain and go to the places of the organs, to sprout from the end of each of them the organ that exploded previously

Then several other thin and flattened tentacles extended to cover the whole structure with a white tissue, then several other tentacles replaced the nerves inside and outside, then other thin and flattened tentacles replaced the skin.

So that the body would end completely white in color, as a result of which hair would grow, and everything would be impossible to its natural color

Zain's brown skin became clear, his hair became softer, and his body seemed a little larger and more solid, with the muscles that invaded all its parts.

Talia looked at him smiling, it seemed like it finally worked


Here Zayn's heart throbbed and his eyes opened wildly

Talia supported him as she patted his back

Don't worry, you're fine, you're fine

Then she stood while he was still sniffing and exhaling and said: Indeed, it is difficult to do that, but it is necessary for the test

He said while panting: What is necessary?


To snap her fingers to open under Zain a gate in which he falls with his face on the hot sand, then he hears Talia's voice saying: You have twenty-four hours and I will come back to take you

Here Zain quickly stood up and looked at her with a look of shock mixed with stupidity and said: Hey, don't leave me here!

She smiled at him and then moved away saying: Beware of worms

Then the gate closes, and he stupidly says: Worms?

Here Zayn felt the ground below him move

He stomped hard to make sure he wasn't delusional or stuck in quicksand

Let the sand explode from under it, revealing the mouth of a giant who swallowed it

Then he dives into the sand again