
The Fate's Game

Tessa Williams is an aspiring neurologist; who aims to have an ideal life in the ensuing time. But in any case, she isn't aware that someone from her past - a chapter of her life, hidden from her insight - is waiting, plotting for when they would meet, and she's unprepared. Can one fight their own fate? _____________________ One fateful night, after returning from a band concert, Tessa Williams gets stuck under a snow storm. Unexpectedly she stumbles upon a girl - the lead singer of band - injured and in need. Despite her mind shouting at her to turn around, she saves the girl. Since then, her fate starts playing a cruel game with her, cutting down all arrangements for the future made by Tessa - to downwind. She gets thrown to the world of spies and the most wanted criminal - unwillingly. With newly formed attachments and a battle between what's right and wrong, Tessa needs to find out who can be trusted and whom she needs to careful from. To protect her sanity and get the key to end her misery with riddled secrets and deluded past - Tessa must not give up or else will be wrecked beyond belief. ______________________________________

Disha1711 · Thành thị
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13 Chs


The Google maps spared us both from talking, as I was not in the state of mind to burn through my time in contending with him. I gazed out of the window, respecting the outside view. Sam too kept his mouth shut. Once we reached home, he stopped the vehicle outside my house and I unfastened my safety belt. I moved to open the entryway when Sam stopped me by calling me out.


I glanced back at him, shocked from the feeling that was presently obvious in Sam eyes. He looked miserable, irate, aggravated, however above all else broken.

"I know that since we met, last night, I have been a total jerk. And I'm sorry, it's just that a lot has happened "

I noticed the roughness in his voice, it spoke exhaustion.

"I have no idea how to deal with it, and here you are annoying the sh*t out of me sometimes" Sam paused, "Sorry," he continued with sheepish look, "But I am very grateful for what you did for my sister, and I am sorry for the way I've been treating you,"

Sam looked down at his hands, as played with his fingers apprehensively. I placed my hand over his. He stiffened at my touch however doesn't expelled his hand.

"It's fine" I told him,

Sam didn't smiled just nodded, that was enough for me. I smiled and moved out. I closed the door behind me and leaned on the window, "See you later"

Sam smiled a little and drove away. As I saw the vehicle heading out, I felt something shift, noticeable all around, possibly minuscule. However, there was an adjustment in his demeanor towards me. I grinned at the idea, yet then grimaced when I recollect how much his mentality changes with time, didn't know when he would again return to his typical self. I shook my head and got inside the house, ready to face my mom's wrath.

God, give me strength.

"Mom I'm home" I called her as I closed the main door behind me and went inside to find her.

I passed through the living room and stopped at the voice of television. I looked inside, when I couldn't find her there, I entered the living room. Of course, I discovered her in the kitchen. Our kitchen was attached to the living room, just so mom could enjoy her shows while preparing food, that's why fitted the television right on the wall in front of kitchen. Our whole house interior was wither in blue or white, nothing in comparison with Max's mansion. But I liked thinks like that only - simple and elegant. The kitchen was small with a island at the center, smalls flower pots decorated the kitchen backsplash, over the blue cabinets. Fruits baskets, knives-spoon holder and jam jars scattered over the island.

I tip toed towards mother as she was making food with her back facing me. I discreetly went behind her and shouted in her ear. She screamed and chilled out from me, dropping the spatula on the floor and covered her ear. Her eyes wide while I chuckled uproariously at her response, she's so entertaining. I didn't realize when she got the spatula and started hitting me with it.

I ran off to save myself from her hits while she ran behind me.

"Mom, I'm sorry, please I won't do it again,"

"No, not today, I nearly got a heart attack" I round the couch and evaded her hits. She at last, got drained and laid on the sofa. I sat adjacent to her and rested my head on her shoulder.

"How's that girl?" Mom asked,

I holded her arm firmly and took a full breath,"I don't know mom, she didn't wake up yet, I'm worried about her, I hope she gets well soon"

Mom squeezed my hand in an assuring manner, "It will be fine"

I nodded

"Mom, where did dad go?" I asked her as I noticed his lack of precense.

"He went to the workplace, needed to complete some significant report possibly, he'll come late tonight" she murmured.

My dad, George Williams, is a workaholic person and never care for hsi health.

"He has to realize that he is getting old, he should rest now" I told her sternly, mom snickered at my words.

"Oh dear, you know how he is," she said with a sigh.

"What would you like for dinner?" She asked.

I wanted to tell her to make something light, but my phone started ringing. It was a call from the hospital. I picked up the phone,

"Hello, Doctor Tessa speaking?" a girl spoke on the other side.

"Yes," I answered in a stern voice.

"Doctor Tessa, there is an emergency case, you are needed immediately,"

"Okay, I'll be there"

I cut the call and got up quickly.

"Mom, I need to go hospital" I picked up my belongings and took my car keys.

"But darling, you just came" she tailed me out,

"Don't worry, I'll come back soon"

I embraced her, and went behind our house where I parked my car. I got inside the car and took it out of the driveway and hit off the street. I reached the hospital in 10 minutes. Luckily my home was near to the hospital.

I immediately got off the car and made my way into the hospital. Suddenly I stopped and looked back.

Strange I am sure I felt someone watching me.

I turned around and began moving again, but I was unable to shake off the feeling of somebody watching me.

As I approached the reception, my subordinate nurse, May Hall, approached me holding a writing pad and a coat.

"Thank god you came, sorry we had to call you at such short notice, but we couldn't get in contact with any doctor except you. Everyone else is busy with other cases," May rushed out the words in one breath.

"The patient's condition is very crucial. Last night he got admitted with these injuries," she said pointing to the writing pad. The patient had many internal injuries and marks on his face, hands of struggle and fight. His left arm is broken, and his ribs bruised.

"Although in the morning, he was okay," she knited her eyebrows in confusion as she spoke. "But suddenly his pulse dropped, and internal bleeding started. We didn't know what to do, so we called you,"

I took the coat from her and wore it.

"You don't have to be sorry. I am a doctor; it's my duty," I smile at her.

I thought they must had taken care of police as it looked a case of severe fighting, so I didn't asked her about it.

Once we reached I.C.U, I went inside.

The nurses were going around the room, occupied in checking his vitals. I wore my mask.

"So, what's the current condition?"

Everybody stopped after hearing me. One of the medical caretakers came up to me, "Doctor, his situation is getting worse, he has lost lots of blood,"

"Okay then, get the arrangement of blood quickly" I told her,

She nodded and went out. I moved to the patient, and my next four hours went in operating him. Contrasting with Crystal, his condition was somewhat less unsafe.

This case was itself too intense for me. For the first time in my two years of experience I got such a case, it was a difficult task for me, but luckily I was able to get the patient into a stable condition. The internal injuries were too many, but not too serious. In the wake of infusing blood into his framework, his circumstance showed signs of improvement.

I gave out a relieved sigh once the operation was over. I removed the mask and came out of the I.C.U. Standing for too long brought back the pain in my ankle and I limped towards the wall to lean against it. Just then I felt a stare on me, I liftee my gaze to see a guy looking at me intently. I couldn't help but feel intimated under his gaze; I knited my eyebrows in confusion when his eyes widened in shock from which he quickly recovered and composed himself. I felt like I have seen him somewhere; those eyes held some strange familiarity. Before I could ask him anything May came up to me again.

"How are you feeling, Doctor Tessa?" May asked,

"Good, it was a tough case but ya it was successful" I said, Pelling my gaze away from the stranger guy,

May beamed up at me. Suddenly a thought occurs to me.

"Do you know what happened to him?" I asked her,

I couldn't help but ask as his injuries were not usual, it looked like he was in some vicious fight.

"No, the person who brought him here refused to say anything, we tried to have a police verification but he made some calls and got away with it," she finished with a shrug.

Since last night all strange things were happening to me only. Till then my mind was filled with new thoughts.

What exactly happened with that guy?

And why would that person hide the fact behind it?

I needed to know if there was something serious or not.

"Just tell where that person is who brought him. I'll talk to him," I told her,

"He's just here, you can talk to him" she turned behind and pointed towards the empty corridor. I noticed the guy from earlier was gone too.

"Strange, he was here a few minutes ago, he might have gone back" May said with confusion,

I checked the time, it was already 7 pm.

"Okay, I'll take care of it later. I need to go now. Just text me details of that person, I'll talk to him later and keep updating me regarding the patient's health," I told May,


I bid her goodbye and went outside to my car, limping all the way. I drove off from there. On the way I got a message. Once I reached home, I parked the car in the driveway, and checked the text. It was from John.

Hey, Shirley and I are at your Uncle's house. Shirley has decided to stay there only so she could check on that girl, and your Uncle hasn't refused as he said he might need some help, and the thing is that her condition is stable, but there's no improvement. She has not wakened up, and honestly, there are no signs for any sooner. I am also staying for a few days as I already took a week off from my job. I think they need you too.

I cursed loudly after reading the text, not precisely what I was expecting. I was now conflicted between my job and Crystal. It was true that Crystal needed me, but at hospital also I was required.

I went inside the house, the smell of freshly baked cookies welcomed me. Somehow even the aroma of my favorite cookies couldn't lift my mood. I huffed out in frustration and went to the living room.

"Tess darling, is that you?"

I heard mom calling me once I settled down on the couch.

"Yes," I said in a monotonic way. She must have detected something off in my tone as she came to the living room and stood in front of me.

"Is everything alright?" she asked and sat beside me.

I rested my head on her shoulder while she continued to run her hand over my head in a soothing manner.

"I don't know, mother," I told her about my dilemma. Once I finished, she looked at me like I was a fool.

"Tessa, I don't understand why you are so tense about it. I think you should go there and about the patient who is here," she paused as she stroked my head. "I am sure there will be someone who can take care of him. But dear, try to understand who needs you more right now," she patted my head before going back to the kitchen.

I pondered over her words and noticed that she was right.

Crystal needed me more, other doctors can look after that patient, but the situation at Max's house is different. They can't call someone from outside.

I quickly called May to inform her that I would be busy in some other case so if there was any emergency then only contact me, till then my subordinates could handle that case.

"Okay, ma'am as you say, also I have texted you the details of the person who brought the patient at the hospital," May said after I informed her everything,

"Thanks, I'll check it"

Once I hung up, I went through the messages to see a new text. I opened it.

John Maxwell- 2225550191

I was about to ring that number, but mom's voice stopped me.

"Tessa, have you decided what you are going to do?" She asked,

I put the phone back in my pocket, thinking of calling later.

"Yes mom, I'll be going there," I told her,

"But not before having food, dinner is almost ready," she insisted,


Meanwhile, I went to my room to pack a few of my clothes and belongings in the suitcase. Half an hour later I carried it downstairs. Till then mom had already set up the dining table. Luckily the pain from Spain had lessened, it was still there but I was not limping anymore. I reminded myself to apply a medicine on it after reaching Max's house before the swelling increases.

"I am going to miss you" Mom hugged me tightly as I stood at the doorway. We both were each other weakness and couldn't stay apart for a long time. The whole time, while we were having dinner, I could see her getting emotional. She always got paranoid for my safety.

"I'll miss you too" I told her. She sobbed as I stood outside the car.

"I'll come to visit you both tomorrow, tell dad to take care," I told her before getting inside the car. She pecked me on the forehead. I waved her goodbye and drove out from there. I played the radio and enjoyed the soothing wind.

I was about halfway through Max's house when a car passed by me at full speed, making me press the brakes abruptly. I almost got wind knocking out of me from the impact. I looked out of the window to see the car already speed off to the next cut.

That was a close call.

I leaned back on the seat, breathing in and out to calm myself. Once I felt okay, I started driving again, this time more careful of my surroundings. I looked in my rear-view mirror and found a vehicle intently moving behind my car. I felt it strange and sped up. I might be overthinking, but it looked like it was following me.

I didn't want to take any chances, so I took many sharp turns to get away from that car. After a few turns, when I checked again, no car was there behind me.

I sighed out in relief but didn't want to take any risk, so I kept driving fast. I knew I might be wrong, but something was not right, and I felt the need to tell about it to Sam as soon as possible.
