
The Fatal Attractions

Katelyn is a young teenage girl who believes that she might be getting into something deep, something that should not even exist. "I'm a werewolf" Nate explains confusing me. I think he might be going crazy.

Kenlynn_Thomas · Khoa huyễn
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18 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Molly P.O.V

Katelynn has certainly got herself in trouble. Who does she think she is coming on our turf. I can not look after a human like her. She should be killed and fed to the wolves. Katelynn's so lucky that my dearest step brother found her and not drain the blood from her. Nate seriously needs to deal with his toys.

"You do know what this means right?" I say to her. She can't live no longer, she needs to be killed. Katelynn knows way too much already. "No I don't, it's not like I've knew about you guys for weeks." Katelynn explains.

I can't believe the nerve of this girl. She honestly thinks she could come on my turf and talk back to me with an attitude. I'm in charge of her life right now. I can just snap her neck and suck the blood out of her in a split second. "I could kill you right now but since the hybrid as told you all about us luminous beings, I'm sending you back to him." He sure as hell feast on her. Her blood is irresistible and so pure I could smell it from a mile away.

"Not good at writing but that never stopped me from doing it anyway." hope y'all like it

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