
The family

he has found found his queen

Dhaka_Walker · Thành thị
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50 Chs


setting up the nursing

They won their tag team titles against the Latinos, Hunter went to get clean up so he got in the shower there, Viktor went to help out at the studio, before everyone headed over, Kari is showing a lot, guess because she carrying six, she wakes up, "(hey sleeping head how was your nap?) asked. Viktor, she walked. downstairs in the kitchen starting to prepare the food, " ( good, how was your match?) asked, Kari, " (good we got the titles babe, you are my good luck charm,) she smile at him, " (I am your good luck charm, what a thing to tell your wife, you going to help me set up their nursing?) they were doing good, they don't need any help, so he head home, to check on her. " ( you read me the instructions I set the cribs up and nursing sets,) he pulled up at the gates and open them and closed them as he drives inside, he pulled up at the house. He got out of the truck, and open the door, and walked inside the house, " babe I'm home, "kitchen, he walked inside, she got the salads down, and the steaks seasoned, " you have outdone yourself, and you are showing mom, they kissed each other, "don't I know, they kissed each other and head upstairs to set up the nursings, Hunter walked out of the shower, Ivory walked up to him, " Hunter, " leave me alone Ivory I am a married man too, said, Hunter, " who is this woman of Viktor, what her name? he wouldn't budge or tell, " see that not wise Walker, he has what I want, that title, this woman has what my sister wants, said. Scarface, " really now will he work hard to get it and doesn't want you, he told them both, he got all the cribs build, " the nursing is done, looks more like a suite, said. Viktor, she rubs his back, Blade walked up to him, they start to beat him down, in the locker room, as Kari and Viktor were about to kiss each other he got a call saying that Hunter is in the hospital, he got in the locker room by Scarface and Blade, " f*ck! screamed out Viktor, " what's wrong? " Hunter got jump they probably tried to get you out of him, they walked out of the house got in the car and drive out of the gate, " please tell I not in risk, I pregnant here!" yeah you are carrying, I make good sure you or your name wasn't found out by them, that is the way it going to stay you and our son is going to be kept, said. Viktor, they pulled up to the hospital, he got out of the car in ran it, " hey Reno! " crap sorry, he help her out of the car and rushed inside of the hospital, " slow down, please I carrying feels like you pulling me, they walk up to the desk, " can you tell us which room Hunter walker is in, said. Viktor, " do you have any water or juice, asked, Kari. " the second floor, sure, " no time come on." steps Reno can take the elevator, " just stay here, I will be back. " I am your wife who carrying our sons, you just can leave me, he takes her by the hand roundup the steps, " Viktor please Hoff, she falls on the steps she is in pain, " huh, mm, he runs his hair, stay with his wife or go see about his partner, " great he hurt your tail had to fall come on, he helps her up, " Viktor stop I am in pain, give me a minute please, " they better be okay!? " sure they are what me, * hey babe are you okay, " I don't have time for this Madison, just stay here, he walks down the hallway, a couple of nurses walked up to her, " mama are you okay, let's get you to check out, the help her into the wheelchair and roll her into a room, he walks in his room. Hunter looked at him, " they try to get me to tell them about her, I wouldn't, so they jumped me, were is Kari? asked, Hunter, the baby is okay, and she isfine now, " here's your water mama, was he your husband? asked one of the nurses, " unfortunately yes, thank you, he cares more about his partner than his heavily pregnant wife, she drinks some of her water. " I will be back man, he walk out knowing that she is gone when they roll her out, " I said stay put, " please do not go that way everything has been wonderful, I do not want it to stop, he pulled her up, " hasn't I till love you, all of them and her okay? asked, Viktor. that was a cold shot at her, " sir maybe she needs to stay in the chair, " I okay thank you, they walk up the hallway, " what are the heck you doing! " nothing why are you accusing me of? I, not the one who made his wife fall on the steps, he push her into the way hard, " what was that!? huh, yu hurting me Reno please stop, let go, he let her go and walk away, she follows behind into the room, " hey mom, you have nothing to worry about, said. Hunter, " that okay I sorry this happen to you, when you get better come to the studio I help you out, " excuse me, no you don't you staying home Ksri, said. Viktor, " see you tomorrow Hunter looking out I owe you one, they hugged each, they walked out, and out the hospital, he open the door for her, help her in, " fine I get in myself, she struggles to get in the car, he calms down when back to himself, " I sorry for everything nbabe, even putting you in this, hegot her down in hugged her, " I sorry for hurting you I never do that to you again, please don't leave me and forgive me, she looked at him, " Reno we only been married fews weeks, be bound to bump heads, and we preparing for our sonsto come, I love you I am not going to leave you, we building a family, she told him, he helped her in thetruck, and they head home, they went through their gates and it closed behind them, he pulled up at the house and the walked in, andfinishedsetting up the nursing, when everyone showed and enter the gates , they celebrate the litter, eat and drink, after the cookout everyone left, they clean up everything and wash the dishes.