
Short episode- Moving in!

This episode begins with Q, Gileani, and their children carrying boxes out of a moving van and placing them into a large manor. G and the many siblings of Q were assisting them. Q and his family were moving in with G. Why? Because G is Q's father, and as any parent desires, he wanted to see his kid. (Not to mention they haven't seen each other in almost 20 years.)

G was rather excited that Q was moving in. Q was rather excited to give this 'living with dad' thing a go. Gileani was excited to know more about Q's background after being in the dark for so many years, and Cameron and Penny... were just happy to have Uncles and Aunts join in their silly antics. Especially Q's youngest brother, K, who seems just as immature as them.

Once Q had finished putting the boxes in his hand on the floor. He sighs as he looks up at G.

"I think that's everything..." Q says as he wipes his forehead. "Thanks for the help Mis-I mean Father G."

"Don't mention it, son..." G says as he sits his boxes down. "Just doing what I can to help you out...want to make sure I get rid of as much stress as possible for you..."


G notices Q's disposition. "You alright?"

"It's just...gonna be strange...our life is going to get turned on its head..." Q says.

"Yes my son, there will be stresses along this path, due to this massive change. But son...you're not alone. You have people to rely on, to LEAN on. Your wife is always going to be there to listen to you rant about your stress, and I'm sure she'll be able to relate to you here because she's going through this too. Your children are little bundles of joy that will always make you feel better. You now have me, and your siblings...so you're not alone. You never will be alone." G says with a friendly slap on the shoulder. "Always remember that, okay son?"

"Yeah....thanks, Father G." Q says as he begins unpacking the boxes.