
Short episode!-Vicky

Short 2: Meet The neighbor's kid: Vicky.

Gileani hears the doorbell ringing and goes to answer. She opens the door to see a tall 13-year old girl with blue hair dressed in a dinosaur outfit.

"Hello Ms. Gileani!" The young girl says with a lisp. "My parents said I could come ova for a little while because they'uh wunning ewands. Awe Camewon and Penny here?"

"Hello Vicky," Gileani responds. "Yes they're here..."

"Could you ask them if they could come outside?..."

"Certainly..." Gileani says as she makes her way upstairs. "On second thought, come up here and see them!"

(Lore Intervention: Victoria (Vicky) is the daughter of neighbors, Bryan and Lauren. Vicky has mental disorders that stunted the maturity of her brain by a few years, which is why she dresses the way she dresses and talks the way she does. Vicky has known Q and Gileani ever since she was 6 years old, becoming close to the couple just as her parents had. She bonded the most with Q due to both of them being 'weirdos' in a way.

Vicky was so close to the couple that she even had a chance to hold Cameron when he was an infant, this blossomed an older sister-like bond between herself, Cameron, and Penny. So she hangs out with them when she can.)

Vicky follows Gileani upstairs and surprises Cameron and Penny.

"BIG SIS VICKY!!!" Cameron said as he hugged Vicky close to him.

"Hi, Vicky!" Penny says as she gives Vicky a high five.

"Hello fwends!" Vicky says happily "You guys wanna come outside and play? My dad brought me a new ball, and it's super bouncy!"

"Cool, can we go outside and play with Vicky, Mom?" Cameron asks.

"Yeah, I don't mind...just make sure to be inside by your curfew."

"Where's Mr. Q?" Vicky asks "Is he at work?"

"Yeah...you'll see him later today, I think." Penny responds.

"YAY!" Vicky says as she runs out of their room. "Until then, Come on, let's go play!"

Cameron and Penny follow Vicky outside and see her bouncing her ball off the ground. The ball bounced high as Cameron and Penny watched in awe. All three of them said "Whoa." In perfect Unison.

Meanwhile that evening, Q was busy at the C.I.A's base, helping Kenneth search for a suspected serial bomber.

"Any leads at all on this guy?" Kenneth says in frustration. "Identification or anything?"

"I do have something on his Identity...but don't know if it can be considered a lead." Q says. "His name is Dennis Walker, he's 32 years old, and his last known whereabouts was a neighborhood in Chicago."

"That's actually not bad...how did you get this information?"

"I managed to match his appearance somewhere on Social Media...and I got a lot of info....trust me, those apps share a lot more than anyone should be comfortable with....That's why I don't use it."

"That's a good point there.....Here you are, always impressing me, Q!" Kenneth says as he grabs Q's shoulder and pats it. "I don't even use social media myself....never understood it honestly...that social media will probably get worse over time- Oh! That reminds me, it's time for you to go home, and see your 'little lady' so to speak."

"Speak of the devil, you're right...I should hurry home. See you tomorrow Kenneth?" Q says before grabbing his trench coat and getting ready to leave.

"See you tomorrow."

Later in the evening, Vicky, Cameron, and Penny were still playing with the super bouncy ball, whilst Gileani watched happily. Vicky would bounce the ball high in the sky, and then Cameron and Penny would race to see who could grab it first. Cameron may have been taller, but Penny could jump higher, leaving her victorious most of the time.

"No fair!" Cameron says, as Penny catches the ball yet again. "You have much better legs than I do!!"

"Haha....it's called, 'Getting Good' at the game, dude!" Penny says happily. "You're just bad!"

"Hey now, let's show good sportsmanship to each other..." Vicky says as she grabs the ball off of the ground.

Gileani laughs and nods in agreement with Vicky's words. "Well said, Vicky."

All four of them turn their attention to the car pulling into the driveway. Q was home from work. Q exits the car as Cameron, Vicky, and Penny run up to him.

"Hey Cameron, Penny....and what do we have here? A plesant surprise....What's up Vicky?" Q says as he hugs all three of the children. "Where are your parents?"

"They said I could come over..." Vicky says as she grabs her ball . "They had ewands to wun."

Q chuckles before Gileani whispers into his ear (the children look confused as they can't hear what the two are talking about), and looks at him with concern in her eyes. Q grunts in response and looks down at Vicky.

"Vicky....have your parents been running errands ALL day?" Q asks.

"Yes suh..." Vicky says as she clutches her ball close.

Q grunts again. He pulls out his phone and dials a number before waiting for someone to answer.

"Hello?" Q says on the phone. "Hey, Bryan....You and Lauren alright?...Yes, she's here with us, playing with Cameron and Penny.....oh? Really...okay....No, no it's fine..I understand...of course she can...You're very welcome. Bye, take care.."

Gileani looks at Q with worry, as do their children, and Vicky.

"Is everything alright?" Gileani asks in a hushed tone.

"Bryan's car broke down...they're fine...no one is hurt, and they've already called a tow truck." Q responds quietly, not trying to worry the children.. "He asked us to keep Vicky with us until they get back..."

"Of course we can..."

Q nods at Gilenai and approaches Vicky

"...Tell you what, Vicky. You come inside and have dinner with us until your parents get back...you okay with that?"

"YAY! I'd love to stay and have dinnuh with you guys." Vicky says as Cameron and Penny shout with glee.

"Alright then! Now that it's settled, let's head inside..." Q says as Gileani opens the door and ushers the children inside and up to Cameron and Penny's room. She stops Q and kisses his cheek.

"I'm glad you're home dear..." Gileani says lovingly.

"So am I." Q responds back. "I'm also glad Vicky's parents are alright..."

"Me too...Now come inside, I have to start dinner..."

Q nods and walks inside the house and sits on the couch, pulling a novel out of his coat and already beginning to read, He's followed inside by Gileani, who heads into the kitchen and begins cooking dinner. All the while, Cameron, Penny, and Vicky were upstairs playing with toys. Despite the odd circumstance of Vicky's parents, her night was able to go like normal with Q, Gileani and their children. So all was well in the end. Except for the two eyes that were watching Q and his family through the window.

"There you are..." The unknown person says, watching through the window. "But I need to make sure it's you..."