
Short blast to the past-First Time Stay!

This episode begins with young Q and Gileani sitting on the roof of Gileani's workplace. Q had spent much time with Gileani and was growing very fond of her romantically.

"Hey, it's getting late, Q...I think we should get going..." Gileani says as she stands up. "I'm going to head home, you need my dad to drop you off anywhere?"

"Well...no...I-" Q says nervously, barely being able to finish his sentence. "I...don't have anywhere to go..."

"You don't? I never knew this...why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I felt too embarrassed to say anything..."

"We're friends, Q. That's what I'm here for...to help you...now come on! I'm going to ask my dad if you can stay with us for a bit, and we help you get on your feet.." Gileani says as she pulls Q off the ground.

"Thank you..." Q says quietly.


Later that night, Q and Gileani were at the home of Gileani's father. Gileani had invited Q to sleep in her room with her. Q was nervous at first, thinking about sleeping in the bedroom of his crush, after all. He decided to sleep on the floor, much to Gileani's surprise.

Late that night, Q lay on the floor looking up at Gileani's sleeping form. He noticed her shivering under the covers, she was cold. Q stood up and looked down at Gileani, he placed his hand on her back, feeling her shiver.

"Your so cold..." Q says as he removes his trench coat and places it on Gileani, trying to warm her up. He then gets onto the bed next to Gileani and lays beside her. He slowly wraps his arms around her, being nervous the entire time, as he's never shown this kind of emotion before. Gileani had stopped shivering in Q's arms. Q decided to stay in the bed with Gileani and keep her warm, as well as just be closer to her.

"I never want to let you go..." Q says as he wraps his arms tighter around her. "I...I love you..."

Q then falls asleep alongside Gileani, still clinging to her. Q has never stayed with anyone before, or even gotten this close to another being, but he was doing it now, for the first time in...ever. Q was enjoying it, loving the warmth he received from hugging Gileani so close to him. He never wanted this moment to end. The next morning, Gileani wakes up early. She rolls over, noticing Q's arms were wrapped around her, Q being fast asleep.

"Good morning..." Gileani whispers softly as she smiles as Q slowly awakens. "How long have you been here?"

Q jumps up in embarrassment, covering his face in his coat. "I-i'm sorry..."

Gileani giggles, as she takes Q's hands away from his face. "It's okay, you were probably cold...I'll going to go downstairs and check on my dad, you stay up here okay?"

"Sure..." Q says, still slightly embarrassed.

Q sat up on Gileani's bed, thinking about last night. That night was one of the best nights of his life since...ever.