
the legend of the lake house

Jack woke up at 8:00 a.m. but today was a good day because today he was going on a road trip with his family he loved his family but sometimes he felt like they didn't love and he was always paranoid that his wife was cheating was it the case we might never know today he was going on a road trip with his family to their family lake house he woke his wife up then he made his oldest kids wake the other siblings up then they all got in the van Jack had the van in order youngest sit up front oldest sit in the back that's how Jack always did it in total Jack had five older children three boys and three girls but now that changed I got a new rule in the van boys in the back girl Jack said but in front Jack Jr Marcus ,Lawrence those were Jack's Three sons Jack Jr who was 16 Marcus who's 15 in Lawrence who was 14 Jack also had three daughters Lily Laura and Kimberly. Lily was 17 Laura who's 12 and Kimberly who's 9 they all got in the van and Laura and Jack Jr kept complaining about that there was no phone service Jack snapped at Jack jr and Laura because it wouldn't be quiet they wouldn't let their other siblings sleep Jack Jr and Laura kept quiet for the whole entire trip it took him 3 hours to get there but they finally made it they can't look like something from Friday night the 13th but it wasn't the pace didn't feel right to Jack Junior and Laura was annoyed that she couldn't talk to her boyfriend Jack didn't like Laura's boyfriend Jack thought that Laura's boyfriend was a bad influence on her before Laura met her boyfriend she was a nice girl who got straight A's but then after she met her boyfriend she started getting and D's and f's and even Laura had to go to summer school but she did not like because she couldn't be with her boyfriend now back to the trip they walk to the camping grounds Jack made all his kids except except for Kimberly and Lily hey Dad Marcus and Lawrence said what sons Jack said why doesn't Kimberly or lily help because son through your younger siblings he'll come out whatever dad your dad whatever the two boys said Jack's wife Amanda was making food hamburgers hot dogs they all ate the food that night

Oh yeah also Jack is a former Marine

I'll post a new chapter tomorrow

hope you guys like this one

SSB_Derekcreators' thoughts