
The Fall Of The Prince

Year 876, June 15, Dragon Nation.

A month had passed since the previous king, Edward II, died because of a heart disease.

At first, who would inherit the throne would clearly be his eldest son, Edward III, who was also the crown prince.

Edward III is 20 years old, and he received the highest education since he was a child with the goal of becoming the next king of the Dragon Nation.

It could be said that Edward III always took it for granted that he would be the next king and never worked too hard while he was learning the tasks of a king. Although he was very intelligent, the best adjective to describe him is lazy.

While he always did what he was asked to do, everyone, even the king, felt that he could do much more, which led to frequent arguments between the two of them. Although Edward II always criticized his son's lazy attitude, he never questioned his position as the Crown Prince because he knew that his youngest son, Richard IV, was too ambitious and would eventually lead the Dragon Nation into a path of no return.

But things don't always go the way you wanted. At the beginning of the year, the king's health took a drastic turn and began to deteriorate. Like in any society, there will always be a dissident group that is dissatisfied with those who govern them, and in the Dragon Nation, that group was composed of the Bruce and Williams Family, who were part of the five great aristocratic families of the Dragon Nation.

However, this was not a big problem since the other 3 great aristocratic families, the Walsh, Brown and Jones Families, were on the side of the royal family. Edward III's fiancee, and future queen, was part of the Jones family, which turned out to be the most influential of the five aristocratic families, so his position could be considered safe.

Thus the months passed, with the health of King Edward II deteriorating day by day, the preparations for Edward III's ascension to the throne began.

But fate played against him. On the day that King Edward II died, which was also the day Edward III would ascend to the throne, the situation took a 180° turn.

The Jones family rebelled and took everyone by surprise! No one imagined that such a thing would happen, so it was impossible for the side of the royal family to resist the strong offensive launched by the three great aristocratic families.

The battle lasted less than a day, and Edward III was forced to hide inside his personal castle with his closest allies. Edward III knew that it was only a matter of time before the rebel forces will break into his castle and end his life.

Seeing that any effort to try to turn the situation around would be futile, Edward III began to think of a plan that would allow his allies to suffer minimal consequences. According to his plan, on the day of his execution, he would use public opinion to raise the status of his allies in the hearts of the people of the Dragon Nation so that the plans of the three aristocratic families would be delayed.

While he knew that this would make aristocratic families feel that it was necessary to root out their allies, he would at least buy time for them to escape. Considering the methods used by aristocratic families, the best thing his allies could do is escape from the Dragon Nation.

However, while he was thinking about the next steps in his plan, one of the spies his father had planted next to his younger brother, Richard IV, arrived at his personal castle.

His younger brother had allied himself with the three aristocratic families to prevent his ascension to the throne!

Edward never thought that his younger brother, with whom he did not have a good relationship, but neither had a bad one, would betray him in such a way. He couldn´t believe that his brother would resort to such methods to become the king!

But what infuriated him, even more, was that his fiancée, Elizabeth, was in a relationship with his brother and would become the next queen of the Dragon Nation.

So, Edward III decided that he would take revenge against these two traitors. Then, he went to the main hall of his castle and handed over a large sum of money to his allies to help them escape the Dragon Nation. With that, they could start from scratch elsewhere.

While none of them were willing to leave the Dragon Nation, which had been their home since childhood, they knew they had no choice but to escape or their entire family would face a real massacre.

They all left and Edward III was left alone in the huge main hall. The first thing he felt was loneliness, followed by helplessness, but he soon discovered that in one of the corners of the hall there was a figure. His personal maid, Mary, had not left like the others.

"Mary, didn't you hear what I said? I'm ruined, take the money and escape from this hell."

"Your Majesty, do you really plan to surrender?"

"Of course not, but I can't let others suffer because of my selfishness. Go, take the money and escape before my brother gets here."

"If His Majesty doesn't plan to surrender, neither I will. My life is completely dedicated to you."

"Do you know that the path I'll take is one of no return? You still have a life ahead of you, you know."

"Your Majesty, no matter where you plan to go, this little maid will accompany you to the end of the world."

"All right, but have you thought about how we're gonna get rid of those bastards army?"

"Your Majesty, why don't you fake your death? In that way, others won't suspect that you left the Dragon Nation and plans to take revenge. I think a good way to do that is to stage a suicide scene where you have burned yourself to death. The best thing would be to leave your most precious personal belongings so everyone will think you're dead."

"Hahaha, what a good idea Mary. That bastard Richard is as stupid as a fucking monkey, he'll never know I'm still alive. I swear I'll come back and give him the worst possible death!"

So, with that plan on mind, Edward III went to his backyard, where he found one of the collections of exotic animals that his father gave to him when he turned 12 years old. There he looked for one of the chimpanzees, who had a body similar to his own. Although he knew that what he was doing was unfair to the chimpanzee, his life was at risk and this was the only way to preserve his life. On the other hand, only in this way would others believe that he is indeed dead.

The process did not last long and Edward quickly set up a large campfire, in which he placed the corpse of the dead chimpanzee and his personal belongings. Then he went out through one of the secret passages accompanied by Mary.

Edward's assumptions were correct, his brother and the others arrived at his castle a couple of hours after his departure. All they could find there was a completely charred body surrounded by a small crown and other valuable objects.

"Hehe, who would think that my idiot brother would end his own life? This is fantastic! That idiot saved us a lot of work."

"That might not be so true, Richard. Are you sure this is your brother? Though I did not like him very much, I must admit he was a very clever and intelligent boy, even more than the First King." Joseph, the head of the Jones family, couldn't help but say. This was definitely not the style of Edward III.

"This crown was definitely given to him by his mother and he never goes out without it. That idiot really is a mommy's boy. While I hate that bitch, I must thank her for not being able to give more children to my father, which allowed my mother to enter the royal family, hahaha."

"Well, Richard. Now go prepare yourself to ascend to the throne, but remember who is the true ruler. If you dare to play dirty, I'll make sure you will have a worse death than your brother."

All right, I know my place. Take care of this disaster," Richard answered while he suppressed the anger that was burning in his heart. While he hated the old man's act in front of him, it was not yet time to take care of him.

"You'll see, old man, I'll do the same with you as with my brother. Kekeke, I can't wait to get on the throne and f*ck that bitch of a daughter of yours. When I'm done with you, I'll make sure your other two daughters will become my slaves."


May 16, second day since the King's death.

Earlier today, the square was packed with people who watched as Rochard IV, the king's youngest son, ascended the throne. Unlike Edward III who had an impeccable image, Richard IV was known for playing with women and then making them disappear when he got bored of them.

Almost everyone believed that he would not be a good king, but in their eyes, it was more acceptable than the Jones Family ascending to the throne. This was the main reason why the Jones Family allowed Richard IV, the son of the former king, to assume the throne.

If they had made someone from their family or their allies take the throne, it was very likely that there would be a revolt on the part of the commoners.

The ceremony continued with complete normality despite the dissatisfaction that people had with Richard IV's ascending to the throne. At this time, no one could have imagined that the Crown Prince, Richard III, was on the outskirts of the city accompanied by a young girl of about 19 years of age.

"Your Majesty, we're already on the outskirts of the town. Where are we going now? What are you planning to do?" said Mary, who finally convinced Richard to let her accompany him.

"The priority now is to get out as quickly as possible of the Dragon Nation. After all, my brother will soon start hunting my allies, so it will be more difficult to escape when that happens. We will go north, to the Beetle Nation, and from there we'll go to the Desolate Lands."

"The Desolate Lands?! Your Majesty, are you sure you want to go there?" said Mary, alarmed by Richard's decision.

It was public knowledge that it is a place where anarchy prevails, and there were numerous local tyrants attempting to take control of the other territories found there.

Not even the Ren Empire, which was considered the great power of the Floating Continent, was able to take control of the Desolate Lands.

"Yes, if I want the throne of the Dragon Nation, I will need resources, an army and above all, power. The only plausible way to achieve my goal is to go there, where else can I get men and resources? Though I am now the fallen prince, one day I will return in glory and majesty with my army to recover what belongs to me. When that happens, everyone will know my story as the legend of the fallen prince!