
The Fallen's Rise

After Madara's death in the 4th great Shinobi war, an unknown being has taken some interest in him. This being grants him another chance at life in another world.......What does he do.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a harem, so begone harem haters. There will be no yaoi and ABSOLUTELY NO NTR, I hate that crap with all my passion. There will be gender-bent characters as well, so yeah too bad if you don't like that stuff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He will be kinda OP at the beginning...and will get even more OP, the progression is like that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is also just my second fic, so yeah I'm totally a newbie at this, so please be understanding if it is not up to your expectations. Please also give your reviews on your opinion on the novel and if there is anything wrong in it and how I should improve it, in the future. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There will be grammar and spelling mistakes but as soon as I find out I'll edit it. I don't own the anime used here or even the cover photo. I will not be able to post it daily always so it would be whenever I have free time.

Lucifer_Void · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: A New Beginning

A lone figure was perched on the edge of a tall skyscraper, the desolate streets of the urban city rested in silence as the starry sky wept over it. It was a canvas of black, with twinkling stars that shone like diamonds.

"How peculiar....." muttered Madara, as he glanced down at the city, taking in the towering buildings that surrounded him. The sheer size of the structures, which seemed to reach towards the sky. The buildings were a mix of glass and steel, reflecting the moonlight and city lights in a mesmerising way.

He noticed that some of the windows in the buildings were lit up, while others were dark. The lit windows gave off a warm, yellow glow, while the dark ones were like deep, empty caves

Metal... carriages? sometimes moved through the streets at a steady pace. Their headlights lit up the otherwise dark and empty roads, creating a ghostly trail in the darkness. Some of the cars were parked at the edges of the roads, while others continued to speed by.

In the distance, Madara could see a grand tower that stood out from all the other buildings. It was an imposing structure, made of a brilliant red material that was shone by small lights covering it.

For someone from Madara's world, it was truly an unusual and wondrous sight.

"It's truly beautiful...." said an unknown female voice that was smooth and alluring. However, there was a slight tinge of coldness to it that gave it an eerie quality. The sound of the voice was almost seductive, with a subtle elegance that was hard to miss.

"The air is foul, it reeks of filth," came the cold and harsh words the Uchiha

"Hmph, always so grumpy!" The female voice replied in frustration, one could sense she was pouting as well, "You should try seeing the positive things for a change and not just focus on the negative ones"

The one speaking was Madara's new partner. She was currently sealed inside him like a tailed beast, though it was technically not a seal, but something similar.

The vulpine's name was Suki, at least that's what she told him....

After the Bonding Ceremony, as the name suggested, they developed some kind of deep connection between them. They could now, even, somewhat, sense the emotions of each other.

It also revealed glimpses of their lives to each other. It was a way for them to understand each other on a deeper level, to see where they came from and what shaped them into the beings they are today. It washed away any feelings of suspicion and mistrust, allowing them to trust each other and rely on each other as partners. It wasn't brainwashing, it was simply showing them that it would be useless to be suspicious of one another at this point, because even in the end, they would still be together

Despite the trust that had been established, Madara and Suki still didn't fully open up to each other. There were still parts of themselves they kept hidden, fears they kept locked away....but they both knew that it was only a matter of time

"I'm simply stating facts," Madara coolly replied, his tone unperturbed by the frustration in her voice, "Just because you seek positive things, you shouldn't be ignorant of the negative ones." As he spoke, he lifted his leg and took a step forward, seemingly onto nothing but air. With a nonchalant grace, he let himself fall downwards from the skyscraper.

She retorted, "They do say, that sometimes....ignorance is bliss."

"The fool that said that probably died in some random ditch," Madara sneered as he swiftly landed onto a rooftop of a building and took off in a full sprint.

"Hmmm that might be," Suki hummed back, her tone contemplative, "But I bet, in the end, he was happy."

Madara didn't say anything and just snorted in annoyance, as he continued his relentless pace

"Are you following the direction that he gave us?" Suki asked after a while as she stated the 'he' with concern and suspicion. It wouldn't be wrong to say that they certainly trusted each other more than they trusted that Kami.

Just before their departure, Kami had provided them with a specific path to follow upon their arrival. He said that they could go there if they wanted, there were things, events that would be interesting to them. It was their choice, he said....

It would be the last interaction he will ever do with anything to do with them.

"Yes, the old man can't do anything anyway, he made an oath," Of course, Madara didn't just blindly trust him because of the oath, but he simply didn't believe that Kami would do anything to them at this point at least....they were too unique, as he said before...

Silence was Suki's only answer yet inwardly she agreed with him

A calm and peaceful atmosphere surrounded them as Madara moved from building to building like the wind. The buildings loomed around him, casting elongated shadows in the moonlight, but Madara moved with confidence and ease. He was like a seasoned traveler in a foreign land, navigating the familiar route with practiced familiarity.

There was a comfortable silence between them, a mutual understanding that words were not necessary. Both of them were at peace for the first time in a long while. The burdens and obligations from their previous lives had been left behind, they were free and on a new path

A wide smile shone on Suki's face

A faint smirk formed on Madara's face as well, as he could sense her emotions and see her as well. He could guess what she was thinking, and he felt the same way. But his smile quickly faded as he realised Suki could do the same

...but it was too late, Suki's smile only widened softly as she giggled in amusement, but she didn't say anything, saving the Uchiha from further embarrassment.

Suddenly a glint passed her eyes as she furrowed her eyebrows in irritation, she shrieked at him angrily, "By the way...I STILL HAVEN'T FORGIVEN YOU FOR CALLING ME ALL THAT STUFF BACK IN THAT GARDEN, YOU KNOW"

Madara's face twitched in frustration, as he heard her voice echoing inside his head, "Oi! Quit screaming inside my head, it's annoying!" he barked back at her.

But his comment only served to escalate the situation. Suki's voice grew louder and more intense, as she ranted and raved about the past incident. Her words came at Madara like a barrage, bombarding him from all sides. He could feel his head beginning to pound. His head was literally exploding with all the noise.

"-and also, how dare you compare ME to that Kurama?! I saw how he looks like in your memories, the AUDACITY to compare my silky fur-coat to that disgusting orange trash. I bet he doesn't even take care of his fur, he's the one who's probably flea-infeste-"

However, she abruptly stopped mid-sentence as she saw what Madara was looking at, through his vision.

"We're here..." he simply said, as he came to a halt and gazed forward, his arms holding onto the railing of the rooftop they were on. A fair distance in front of them, they could see a sprawling school-like building in the distance. Although it was quite a distance away, they could still make out the details of the structure with ease. The building was in a state of disrepair, with cracks and fractures marring its walls and broken glass littering the ground below. A massive hole had been punched into one side of the building, as if something.....big went through it

On a platform, they could see three people gathered. One of them was on their knees, while the other two were standing

"That white-haired girl, she's strong," stated Suki, acting as if her previous outburst didn't happen at all

A sinister grin spread across his face, as excitement and adrenaline coursed through his veins. His fingers dug into the metal railings, crushing them as his heart pounded with the thrill of a possible upcoming battle.

"I know..." He said, his voice filled with an almost inhuman eagerness. He could feel his blood lust rising, a fierce and insatiable hunger for a good fight.

Oh, he knew it....How he wished to just go out there and fight her, it had been so long.....so very long....

...Well, technically not that long but still, it felt like ages since he had a decent fight. Especially with someone as strong as her. He literally craved to go out there.

"...Battle-junkie" Suki sensed this and could only sigh as she shook her head


??? POV:



Miss once again...

She lunged towards me with a ferocious growl, her arms extended in front of her to get hold of me. I calmly sidestepped, nimbly avoiding her grasp. It was almost comical, how pathetically slow she was.

As she stumbled forward, I quickly appeared behind her, our backs facing each other. I leaned backwards, my shoulder brushing against hers as I whispered into her ear, "My student's watching," I said with a hint of mischief in my voice, "...So I'm going to show off a little."

She rapidly spun on her heel, her arm whipping towards me in an attempt to strike me with a backhand. But I dodged, in one smooth motion, I grabbed hold of her wrist, using her momentum against her as I pivoted her around and delivered a sharp slap to the side of her face.

She was weak, but that was to be expected...It was only one finger after all

Actually, considering this is just one finger, this was not bad at all.

No wonder she was considered a force to be reckoned with, if she had this much power at 1/20th of her total strength. I guess that was the reason she was considered the Queen of Curses.

I swung my hand and repulsed her, sending her flying backwards through the air along with the debris that had been created by the force of my attack. She crashed into a railing with a loud metallic clang, her back bending at an unnatural angle

However, she seemed unfazed by the impact and quickly shrugged it off, straightening up with a wild, crazed smile on her face

Hmm, it didn't injure her, which wasn't surprising to be honest

She lunged towards me once again, her eyes shining with a maniacal light as she focused her cursed energy into her fist. It was a considerable amount, especially considering that she just got incarnated and would be unfamiliar with her vessel.

She stated, as she charged at me, annoyed, "For crying out loud....You Jujutsu sorcerers are always such a pain in the ass..."

She got close enough, and suddenly launching herself into the air, bringing her fist back, in preparation of crashing down towards me with incredible force

"...No matter WHAT THE ERA!" She fiercely shouted, her voice ringing out through the air.


The force of the attack was devastating, reducing everything in its path, including the part of the school behind me, to rubble. A cloud of dust and debris filled the air

Me? Of course I was unharmed, not a single speck of dust on me either

"....Though, that doesn't really matter to me" Came her smug voice from within the smoke, as she lowered her hand.

A gust of wind blew away the cloud of dust, and I could see her face once again. But this time, her once arrogant expression had distorted

Ahh, the satisfaction I get whenever I see someone react to Infinity. Well, time is getting over now, this was a little fun.

She's really weak now, but considering this is only 1 finger....I smirked

"Seven, eight, nine.....About time," I said, my usual air of smugness firmly in place, which I'm sure everyone loves. Sigh....It can be tiring to always be this attractive, but someone's got to do it.

I watched as her eyes widened before closing, and the black tattoo-like marks, as well as the extra pair of eyes, disappearing into her skin. Her neck sank a little before she straightened up, a different glint present in her eyes this time. An energetic and cheerful voice, a stark contrast to the previous one, resounded, breaking the silence.

"Oh, was everything okay?"

My eyes narrowed, so she can really hold Sakuya after all, huh. I was surprised, to say the least. "Well, color me impressed. You really can control it," I said genuinely as I started walking towards her.

"She's kind of irritating though," the girl said, looking annoyed as she hit the side of her head in an attempt to stop the voice, as if it were some kind of faulty radio.

Amusement ran through me as I watched her antics.

"It's a miracle that's all she's doing," I stated as I brought two of my fingers together and lightly tapped her on the forehead. Her eyelids fluttered briefly before drooping, and she eventually fainted as I caught her unconscious body.

"What did you do?" My dear black-haired student asked, looking worried.

"Just knocked her out," I answered simply, my thoughts already wandering elsewhere. 'If she isn't possessed by Sakuya when she wakes up, she might have potential as a vessel.'

Turning to my student, I asked, "Now, I have a question for you. What do you think we should do with her?" I wanted to see how she felt about her

Her face was etched with a deep frown as she gazed upon the body cradled in my arms. For a moment, she simply stood there, silent and still. But then, her lips finally parted, "Even if she's just a vessel, Jujustu regulations demand her to be executed. It's only right we follow those rules...."

I raised an eyebrow

"However.....I don't want to let her die!"

I smirked, "Personal feelings?"

"Yes. I have considered her to be a friend of mine, without her I probably wouldn't be alive. So please Sensei, do something about this!"

With that, she lowered her head in a deep bow, her hair falling forward to hide her face. I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly

I wasn't actually intending to follow through with executing the girl, but Megumi's response still filled me with a sense of pride, "Well, It's a request from a precious student of mine..." I said, a grin spreading across my face, as I gave her a thumbs up, "Leave it to me!"

Her face lit up with a soft smile

With that, I carefully lowered the body on the floor as the grin on my face faded.

Megumi, nearby, looked confused by my actions

Now that that's taken care of, let's see who our guest is...

I cast my gaze towards a nearby building, I had noticed their gaze the moment they came. I looked straight at them, "I know you're out there," I called out, my voice carrying on the wind. "Don't be shy now. Why don't you come out and show yourself?" My words were tinged with a teasing, almost mocking, tone

My student Megumi, startled by this revelation, rapidly turned her head towards the direction I was looking at, Her eyes darting back and forth, trying to locate and find the one I was calling out for.

Suddenly, a deep, throaty chuckle echoed through the air, and the emptiness in front of us seemed to flicker for a moment. In an instant, a man materialized before us, his presence filling the space and commanding our attention.

He donned a dark blue high-collared shirt and pants, complemented by a striking crimson armor encased with numerous plates. The bandages wrapped around his shin indicated that he was no stranger to the harsh realities of war, and the air of a seasoned warrior surrounded him.

Despite his fearsome appearance, he possessed an alluring charm that was impossible to ignore. He stood slightly taller than me, who was no slouch in the height department, with long wild hair cascading down to his waist. Far from appearing effeminate, this untamed mane only added to his rugged, handsome appearance. A smirk played at the corners of his mouth, and his black orbs glinted with a eager glimmer

His aura was strong and tyrannical, almost making people lower their heads in submission without even realizing it. Despite the feeling of dread that lingered around him, I noted, he wasn't a cursed spirit as well.

A smile betrayed my face, this one was strong....

I couldn't see how strong though. This was going to be VERY interesting, my curiosity was certainly peaked.

Megumi looked at him in slight curiosity and apprehension. She tried to stand, but her injuries prevented her from doing so. I gave her a stern look, one that left no room for argument, and she reluctantly returned to her knees on the floor once again

"So you did know...." A rough and course yet charming deep voice escaped his mouth

"Lucky guess~" I replied back with a wink

"So handsome, what might you be doing out here so late, peeping at us frail and delicate ladies in the dark?" I asked 'pitifully' as I held my arms inwards towards my chest acting afraid.

'Well, let's see how this goes,' I thought as I gazed into his piercing eyes, anticipation bubbling inside me


3rd POV:

"Frail and delicate, huh..." Madara muttered as he tore his gaze away from her and took in the full extent of the destruction behind her

When he returned his gaze to the woman, all he was met with was an innocent look. He inwardly sighed

'Ah, she was one of the annoying types,' He thought, as images of Hashirama and the blonde brat's faces appeared in his mind. They covered their mouths, pointing a finger towards him as they giggled at him with goofy faces, as if taunting him

A vein popped on his temple imagining this, making him groan in annoyance. Clearing his mind, he refocused his attention back on the woman in front of him

She was a fairly tall woman, just slightly below him. Her long, snow-white hair flowed in smooth, silky waves, cascading down her back like a waterfall of pure silk. Her skin was as smooth as porcelain, unmarred by any blemishes or imperfections. She wore a dark blue zip-up jacket with a high collar that was fairly wide. Along with that, she had on a slim-fit matching black pants and black dress boots.

She had a slim figure with a slender waist, but one could point out the alluring figure hidden inside by the curves that were shown on the already slightly baggy clothes. A number of black and silver rings decorated her fingers.

But what truly set her apart was her blindfold, a black piece of cloth that covered her eyes, which only served to enhance her mysterious and enigmatic character. Her facial features that were uncovered, proved and hinted at herself being quite attractive.

Under her delicate nose, her cheeks were soft and rosy while her thin lips stretched into a slight playful smirk. Her entirety glittered in the moonlight making the already beautiful woman look even more captivating.

'Was she blind?' A random thought crossed Madara's mind that he himself didn't bother to think more carefully about. After all, it didn't matter if she was blind....

He didn't answer as he simply clenched his fists, cracking his fingers.

"Hey! You do know it's rude to just ignore someone like that," She exclaimed with both of her hands on her waist while pouting with mock anger.

No response ever came except him bending his head sideways as he cracked his neck as well.

She continued, sounding actually a little frustrated this time

"Helloooo? I'm talking to you! Can you even hear m-!?" She cut herself off as she ducked, dodging a blurring side kick to her face.

'Fast' She thought to herself, as she sprang back up, tensed, before swiftly back-stepping and creating some distance between the two.

Before she could even say anything else, another attack came rushing towards her. This time, as an over-head axe kick. She nimbly sidestepped, dodging it. The axe kick landed with a thunderous crash on the concrete platform beneath them, causing it to cave in. Cracks appeared, splitting the surface and creating a gaping hole, pulling both of them in

"GOJO-SENSEI!!!" A loud shout resounded on top as both Madara and Satori fell downwards.



....however, nobody saw the hand of the unconscious girl hanging down from the newly formed hole, as an eye sprouted on the palm.



Both of them deftly landed on their feet, and Madara charged at her once more, without waiting for a second. However, just as he was about to reach her, she whipped her hands forward and repulsed him.

As if a truck barraged him, he was pushed backwards, but unlike the case with Sakuya, he didn't get thrown off like a rag doll. His feet were still in contact with the floor as he skidded backwards, using friction to slow himself down, clouds of dust were released under the soles of his feet as he slowly halted.

'Oh, she repelled me?' analysed Madara,'...It's somewhat similar to the Deva Path'

Though this wasn't what Satori was exactly expecting, she finally achieved what she wanted. A CHANCE TO FINALLY SAY SOMETHING!

"HEYY, THAT WAS TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR!!" She yelled out with dissatisfaction

"You can't just come at me out of nowhere without even bothering to introduce yourself and giving the reason behind it," she quipped, "I mean, seriously, I don't even know who you are!"

Her words hung in the air as she waited for some answer or explanation. She got annoyed when she got none. Then, suddenly her expressive eyes started sparkling with mischief, "Oh, I get it now," she mused, her voice laced with theatricality. "You must have been walking by, caught a fleeting glimpse of my irresistible charm, and instantly found yourself smitten. But then, you were at a loss for words, unsure of how to approach me."

"You must be one of those tsundere types." She ended with finality and a nod, as if she made the most rational judgement in the world

Despite not knowing what that word meant, Madara felt seriously offended for some reason

He didn't say a word as he stepped forward and made his way towards her.

She groaned in frustration, "Ughh, okay... wait."

He kept on treading


He didn't stop


Finally, he paused. He stopped in his tracks as his gaze locked hers

"At least tell me why?" she implored him, her tone now serious, a stark contrast to her previous playful demeanour, though there was hint of expectation hidden in her tone, "Why are you attacking me?"

Silence consumed the space for a few seconds as he simply stood there, studying her with an unreadable expression. Then, slowly, he began to speak

"Why, you say" he said, his voice low and rough, "Why am I attacking you?" He paused, his eyebrows furrowed, "You mean, you need a reason....to fight?"

A beat passed and then he chuckled, a deep rumble that echoed in the empty space.

"Very well," he said, "I'll give you a reason."

A powerful gust of wind rushed past, and the earth cracked beneath his feet as a massive outpouring of pressure was released from him. He blinked once as his black orbs changed. Goosebumps ran up her skin as her eyes widened underneath the blindfold seeing the different eyes.

And then, in a voice that was almost casual, he spoke


His iris shone crimson in the dark. He looked like a damned beast lurking in the abyss






"...because it's fun"