
Chapter 33

"Have you guys given any thought to staying in the sanctuary permanently?" Mika asked.

"I've thought about it, but I'm not sure what Sven wants. I don't plan to leave his side either." Helga replied.

"So you care about him a lot huh? He seems like a nice man. Earlier though I saw Astrid was the one on top of him. Mind if I ask how that works?" Mika asked as she continued to sweep the forest.

"Well at first I never wanted to share Sven. After Astrid, and I became close. Then I realized I do enjoy being together with the two of them. Sven has a way of drawing in those around him. I don't feel right trying to keep him to myself. Especially since I haven't been honest about how I feel for him, and I think he still cares for Bethany. I know that loss isn't something that can simply be replaced." Helga replied.

"Who's Bethany?" Mika asked.

"It was someone he grew up with and cared about deeply. During his awakening, his village was wiped out by Omega. She was one of the victims. So long as I can be by his side it's good enough for me. If I have to share him with a few extra people that's fine, but I won't lose to them when it comes to his favorite. Is there anyone you like?" Helga asked.

"Well, there is.." Mika was saying before a sudden noise was heard above them.

Helga noticed it to, and immediately blasted sound waves into the trees. Two women quickly leaped from the trees. One was a short blond hair woman, with tan skin, and blue eyes. She was wearing a white dress. The other had long red hair, green eyes, and tan skin. She had on black pants, and a cloth bound around her chest.

"Let's get rid of these two quickly before Acrisius becomes angry."The long-haired woman ordered.

'We have engaged two of the harpies. Find the others before they can band together.' Mika relayed to the team.

They wasted no time. The blonde one charged forward brandishing her claws. The one that stayed back raised her hand into the air swiping it down as a wheel of wind launched towards Helga. She dodged and quickly drew her bow launching an arrow at the woman charging ahead hitting her knee. Mika raised her bow, formed a lightning arrow shooting it at the woman in the back as she circled around to take her side.

"You handle that one!" Mika yelled as she quickly charged in.

Helga was using a combination of little sonic blast, and arrows to keep the woman dodging or healing. The woman in the back immediately began swiping more wind wheels at Mika. However, her perception is one of the best among the gods. The wind blades were easy for her to dodge. After missing over, and over just by small margins. The woman became enraged as she aimed ahead, at her legs, and head launching two. Mika jumped up and elegantly dodged between the middle of the two attacks as she launched her arrow. As soon as she released the arrow it immediately pierced the woman's shoulder. The harpy ripped it out as it dissipated. The wound healed rather quickly but when she tried to use the arm again she couldn't. The nerve in her arm was still being electrified. Mika took advantage of this wanting to finish her off as she launched another for her heart. The woman jumped up into the trees, and before Mika could follow up she released into her awoken form. Her shin down became talons, her forearms were now armored, and along the bottom of her arms grew a large pair of wings. She took off into the air to recover. Mika transformed into a hawk and went after her.

The harpy Helga was fighting was closing the distance as she got used to Helga's attack patterns. She closed the distance knocking the bow from her hand and was about to swipe for her neck. Helga smiled as she touched the necklace Sven gave her, She poured lunar energy into it as a small cyclone enveloped around her creating a barrier. It was like a wall of wind grinding together to cause a barrier that would tear up any who tried to pass it. The harpy leaped back quickly as her hand healed.

"You think you can stop a harpy with just wind? Such a naive little girl." The harpy mocked as she enveloped herself in a layer of wind.

She then charged in intending to barge through it. Helga knew harpies had an affinity for using the wind. Awakening she flew up with her wings calling her bow back. As Helga ascended she quickly drew an arrow poured energy into causing it to ignite with flames launching it into the wall of wind. This caused the harpy to be engulfed in flames. She shrieked in pain as she leaps back escaping. Helga saw her recovering and exploited it quickly. Quickly started singing as massive soundwaves came crashing down on the woman, and her bones began to shatter. As she tried to escape the area of the attack. Helga switched notes while imbuing energy into her arrows before setting up formation around her. While the harpy was starting to get her footing she noticed the arrows glowing in the ground. In a panic, she jumped into the air about to awaken to take off. The arrows in the ground hummed loudly, as yellow ropes of lunar energy quickly bound the woman tightly yanking her to the dirt.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" The harpy screamed furiously.

With no one around Helga could harm she did what she was best at. Helga intensified her singing as the soundwaves drove the woman into the ground. The harpies' bones rapidly collapsing under the immense pressure. Her eyes, mouth, and ears were oozing blood. Even the nearby trees were starting to be blown away. After seeing the village Helga had no doubts about what to do. When her song finished all that was left was a pile of blood and guts.

Her partner was now high in the sky, but when she heard the cries of pain she launched down trying to help. Mika was caught up though and turned back to human mid-air right behind the harpy. Quickly channeling lighting in her hand as she struck her neck to paralyze her. From the massive heatwave from Helga's attack combination earlier, the sky was becoming cloudy, and storm clouds have since formed. Mika gathered all the lunar energy in her body into her fist clenching them together. Lightning quickly began to form around her hands. The lightning in the sky began to strike her fists repeatedly. Her hands were quickly engulfed in massive amounts of electricity as she stuck down over the harpies' head with all her might. Instantly exploding her head as her body shot to the earth in a bolt of lightning crashing through a tree. Mika nose dived to the ground and morphed into a hawk briefly before landing.

"We've handled two of them. I'll begin scouting again momentarily." Mika relayed.

Sven was happy to hear she was okay.

"That was an insane amount of lightning. How did you pull that off so quickly?" Helga asked while running up to check on Mika.

"It was thanks to that combination attack you set off. I could see it from pretty high up. Just channeled lightning in my fist to make it a conductor for the storm clouds. You're a powerful warrior, Sven is lucky to have you by his side." Mika said while reaching her hand out to Helga.