
Chapter 25

It's been two weeks since I declared war on Narkis and started training Ignea. The war is going well for now as we managed to take a few territories from the border but they didn't make any big move yet so it is to early to give a verdict since they are surely planing something. As for Ignea, her training is going magnificent, in the last two weeks she managed to power up tremendously, as she is right now she is about S-class and she still has a long way to go. I think that by the end of the war we might see the birth of a new X-class being, but that is still far off. For now I think I should take her to the second level of the library.

-So what are we going to do after going down a level?[Ignea]

-Eh, pretty much the same thing, reading grimoires, training with artifacts and learning close quarter combat.[Seiji]

-So we won't do anything else?[Ignea]

-Well I was thinking about you having a spar with someone, maybe my little sister or Eleanor at 10% power or maybe a demon general.[Seiji]

-A demon general... do you think I could actually match one?[Ignea]

-No, you'd just suffer an embarrassing defeat but who knows, miracles do happen sometimes.[Seiji]

-I want to fight one![Ignea]

-Is that so? Are you sure you want to do this?[Seiji]

-Yes but you don't seem to confident in me.[Ignea]

-Well, we are talking about fighting people that can destroy entire countries with a swing of their weapon. And if we're talking about fighting Toki or Eleanor seriously than you'd be dead meat in the first few minutes.[Seiji]

-Than let's make a bet. I'll fight Toki or Eleanor and if I win I can give you an order and if you win than you can do anything with me![Ignea]

-Quite confident, aren't we?[Seiji]

-What, afraid you'll lose the bet?[Ignea]

-Fine. In that case, let's go back upstairs. You go prepare yourself and I'll make a barrier around the arena.[Seiji]


{Ignea's POV}

I went and made a bet but how am I supposed to win? I have no idea how strong Eleanor is but Toki should be able to easily destroy me, she's the demon king's little sister and one of the military commanders for the royal guards! I have to calm down, I want to impress Seiji, after all, he did make me into a heroine, gave me a noble title and invited my parents into Yafrenia, I owe him so much so I have to at least give something back. Also for some reason I really just want him to see me win and for him to congratulate me. I don't know why but for the last few weeks I've known him I really had a lot of fun and I don't think I could go back to a time where he's not involved in my life. I don't know why but... wait, this ain't no time to be sentimental! I have a fight to prepare for!

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

Also the next chapter will probably be mostly in Ignea's POV.

Kojou5creators' thoughts