
Tyson’s girlfriend

*At dorm* "Tyson has a girlfriend now." Kay looks back so hard his neck cracked, "WHAT?" Bryan's eyes widen, "Uhhhhh.... you okay?" Kay rubs his neck, "Yea I'm fine. But he has a girlfriend??" Bryan laughs, "Yeah you didn't know?" Kay nods, " No man what the heck???"

Meanwhile Tyson is texting a girl while he's at work.

*At dorm* Tyson barley gets home, "Hey guys!" Kay gives Tyson a 'I know what's goin on' look. Tyson looks at Kay, "Why you lookin at me like that pip squeak?" Kay smirks, "So you have a girlfriend?" Tyson looks like confused, "I suppose you can say that haha."

Meanwhile Xai walks through the door, "Hello?"

Everyone turns and looks at Xai. He starts to stand there smiling awkwardly. Kay yells, "DID YOU KNOW THAT TYSON HAS A GIRLFRIEND?!" Xai laughs, "He's literally the most single man I've ever met, it's impossible to have a girlfriend with the way he acts towards them. Plus he's very shy." Tyson starts blushing, "Stop exposing me. Yea he's right the girlfriend is just a friend that is a girl. That's all it is." Kay looks at Tyson and squints his eyes, "I should've none."