
The band practice

*At dorm* "Alright what new song are we making. I haven't thought of any lyrics for Kay to do." Kay laughs, "You truly underestimate my power of creating the beauty of stuff." Bryan make a smug face, "You're joking right?" Tyson laughs hard, "HAHAHA! We should let him do it on his own this time and see what comes out."

When they had to rehears Kay was very nervous he couldn't sing.

Once the actual concert started, Kay stopped being nervous and started singing all of his emotions out. Everyone on the platform felt Kays sadness in the song.

Everyone was looking at him, the crowd and even his band mates. But at the end of the show they all celebrated that they did good job.

Kay went home because his girlfriend was waiting for him. But once he got home she was sound asleep. He got really excited to tell her in the morning about what happened.