
I thought it through.

Ash Walker was a handsome fourteen year old boy with pitch black silky hair and stark blue eyes, he was rather short at 5 feet but it never bothered him. He was walking down the hallway when he saw a female dressed in a maid outfit that was made short to show her curves, making it obvious that she had a dubious master. She was there with an expression that would make countless men freeze in their tracks, she had a beautiful expression of pain and anguish. There was an evident gash on her stomach which was about 10 inches in length, she would most likely die but she tried her best to breathe and screamed "Help me young master!!" Seeing the stab wound and the woman begging for her life Ash who was carrying a huge brown book which was covered in a thick layer of dirt gave her glance and continued walking.


'Tch. A maid bleeding without a care in the world for the mess she is making. When was the training for maids made so laid back? She had the breath to scream out "Help me please young master!" but didn't even greet me.' He thought while casually walking past the woman.

The woman was just about to die when a girl ran past Ash and quickly put her hand on the wound with a flustered expression. Then a soft green light emanated from her hand and the bleeding from the wound stopped and the wound slowly started closing up but as if out of strength the small girl started gasping for air and the healing abruptly stopped

"Older brother give me some spirit energy quickly!" said the little girl quickly to Ash.

"Why should I? I am a lower level than you, me giving you my spirit power will have negative effects on my cultivation" Ash said coldly with an expressionless face.

Then the maid suddenly stopped twitching...she was dead. The little girl looked at Ash and her face was contorted from her anger, she ran up to him in an attempt to slap him only to feel a sharp pain in her stomach and before she knew it she flew into the wall of the corridor. He had imbued eternal energy into his foot and kicked her in the stomach as soon as she ran up to him.

"Don't be shocked it was natural. Why would I let you slap me? You have your own ideals which led you to try to save her but I don't. Helping her would negatively affect me so I didn't"

After saying that he turned away and entered walked to the end of the hallway and left the dead woman and girl that was passed out from the pain of the kick and entered his room. After entering his room his expressionless face suddenly lit up with excitement as he opened the dusty old book and swept away the dust from the cover and read the title [Spirit Energy Cultivation]. Ash would read this book every day and cultivate using the directions in the book to try to cultivate but even after doing this for 8 years of his 12 year old life he was still stuck on the lowest possible level which was only being able to hold an extremely minuscule amount of eternal energy in his body. Even the thick skinned Ash felt ashamed of this, in fact that little girl if not for forcefully activating the very complex art of regeneration magic which drained her energy to heal the woman, just from being in contact with the energy she unconsciously radiated he would find it hard to move not to mention fight. This book was one of the most simple and widely known cultivation methods in which you would breathe in the spirit energy of the world and then send it all to your heart for easier circulation that was all that was necessary to cultivate this technique but of course there were prerequisites such as having to learn the breathing techniques.

'Heh this cultivation book was left in the library for who knows how long but I have always had a question, Why is it that such a useless method would be so widely known and popular in the ancient times? I came to the conclusion that this technique must have something extremely amazing about it but for what it is I will only find out later.' Ash thought silently.

Of course Ash knew that many other people must have had these thoughts he were having but for all of them not only were they ridiculed as fools even after cultivating the technique fully they would still be ridiculed. Why? Because the technique was absolutely useless not only was it astonishingly slow, it also didn't have any combat techniques, it was useless as useless as can be, Ash however didn't know the outcome of said persons so he still went along with his idea. He sat down with crossed legs and started using the first 3 of the 12 breathing techniques, for this cultivation technique there were four levels which correlated to the first four levels of cultivation which were 'Spirit Energy Condensation' 'Spirit Bender' 'Spirit Wielder ' 'Spirit Master'. Each level would have 3 breathing techniques to take in the Spirit energy of the world.

Ash was cultivating for about an hour before he looked at a small piece of gold that had carvings on it and on the piece of gold there was a symbol which read out 7 indicating that it was 7:00 p.m. after seeing this Ash got up dusted his clothes off and left his room.

'Tch. Dinner tonight is going to be a pain I will have to answer so many questions.'

After thinking this he looked forward to see a massive double door made of gold with two jade carvings of dragons on each side. He opened the door and inside was a huge room adorned with decorations and tapestries and a beautiful chandelier hanging over a dining table with four chairs and three of them being occupied. He promptly sat down in the unoccupied chair before a strange and powerful pressure covered his body and he let out a low grunt and blood leaked from his nose and ears, seeing this two of the three people at the table, a beautiful woman wearing a plain white gown and a man wearing a strange jacket that had blue scales of it frowned. Seeing the frowning faces of the two people the person in the last chair which was none other than the little girl had a flustered expression and the pressure on Ash immediately decreased, stopping the bleeding.

The large burly man that was about 6'5" said with a hoarse voice "Ash explain."

Ash simply looked at him and then recited the situation to the man. The burly man had no change in expression but the beautiful woman in white and the little girl were brimming with rage. After Ash finished reciting the man asked one more question "Why did you not help her?".

To which Ash simply replied "I thought it through."

"It was obvious that death was certain based on the size of the wound and the amount of blood she was lying in me helping would simply not help, of course I could have tried to use the legendary healing art but you of all people know that I would die from using it because of my cultivation level so I left . however after I left your daughter believed to herself to be some kind of hero so she attempted to heal her with the legendary art but of course she was drained of her magical power then she asked if I could provide her but how could I do that? With how low my cultivation is having to push out spiritual energy of my body will harm me so I refused, also what kind of princess would try to harm her own brother over a maid?"

"Hmm. Very well then both of you leave us to our dinner your death stares at each other will ruin my appetite" said the burly man.

Ash and his sister promptly got up and left, of course leaving in opposite directions. Seeing this the man let out a sigh while saying "Ughhh. A king that can't even control his own children. Hmm no, it's all that Ash's fault he is too smart so he always makes me look dumb"

The man then got up allowing a better view of him. He had a robust body that was detailed with muscles making him look very intimidating, he also had a black curly beard that lightly contrasted with his light brown skin. This man was none other than King William Esdnian Walker the fifty-third ruler of the small Walker Kingdom.

"Why don't you just punish him? It will have a change on his behavior." said the beautiful woman in white with some anger being shown in her voice. Of course she was the only one who could talk to the king carelessly as she was the queen, a queen known for her beauty. Her face was exquisite with each feature being perfect, her beautiful blue eyes and perfect red lips that looked very soft. She also had a very curvy body with each part being plump giving a man the urge to strip her clothes off. Her hair was black as well making it obvious that Ash took most of here genes considering how handsome he was.

"Punish him? Hahaha last time I tried I got scolded by his grandfather" said the burly man with a defeated expression a large contrast to the behavior he had when the prince and princess were there.

Hi this is the first chapter of my book POG. Ik you must be wondering why the book cover looks so dark and grim when so far the story seems pretty laid back but all I can say is the 18+ tag is there for a reason and it gets dark. Also if you like it can you recommend it to your friends if you have any.

TheDesolateDaoistcreators' thoughts