

Warning: This book is heavily AI-made. ππππ In his previous life, Vincent had been a revered influencer known as "Alpha AF," championing masculinity and strength. Now confined within this oversized and robust figure, he understood the need to exercise caution, to blend in seamlessly with this new world he found himself in. Memories from his past life flashed before his eyes, evoking a mix of excitement and nostalgia. He had once been a captivating figure, renowned for his seduction skills, infamous for selling his crash course, "Be the Alpha in 10 Days." Vincent had charmed countless souls and reveled in his own notoriety.

SP_FANFICTION · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

The Enchanting Carriage and The Noblemans Trouble

Middle Astridine, Eldoria Continent

On The Path Of Whisper

10th Aequinox 1344 SE


In the heart of Astridine, on the Eldoria continent, lays a mystical path called the Path of Whisper. This ancient route leads adventurers and pilgrims alike to the fabled Holy Capital, the Imperial City of the Holy Empire.

With the morning sun breaking through the forest canopy, its golden rays illuminate the path, casting a warm and inviting glow on the surroundings. The birds awaken, filling the air with their melodious songs, adding a delightful chorus to the enchanting ambiance.

Above the treetops, a majestic dragon takes flight, its iridescent scales shimmering in the sunlight. With each powerful beat of its wings, it soars through the open sky, overlooking the lush forest below. Its immense size and grace command awe and reverence, leaving onlookers spellbound.

The dragon disrupts the tranquility of the forest as it passes overhead. Animals scurry for cover, sensing the power emanating from the ancient creature. Leaves rustle, and branches sway under the gusts of wind created by the dragon's formidable wings. The air fills with the sound of its exhalations, a hissing mix of smoke and fire.

Unexpectedly, the dragon carries a massive rhinoceros in its jaws as it flies. Blood drips from the rhino's body, staining the path below. The dragon's intent remains unclear, adding an air of mystery to the scene.

Onlookers gaze in awe and disbelief as they witness this extraordinary sight. Their eyes follow the dragon's flight as it disappears into the depths of the forest, leaving behind a sense of wonder and curiosity. The lingering scent of smoke and the faint echo of the dragon's roars are the only remnants of its presence.

Now, the Path of Whisper winds its way through a dense and enchanting forest, captivating all who dare to traverse its beguiling depths. Towering trees with majestic canopies create a verdant ceiling overhead, filtering the sunlight and casting mesmerizing patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor.

The beauty of this forest is awe-inspiring. Vibrant wildflowers adorn the undergrowth, their colors ranging from delicate pastels to bold and vibrant hues. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of countless blooms, creating an intoxicating perfume that lingers in every breath.

As you venture deeper into the forest, the path becomes treacherous. Tangled foliage and hidden obstacles pose untold dangers to anyone who dares to tread upon it. Jagged rocks unexpectedly jut out, threatening to trip and injure the unwary traveler. The forest floor is littered with fallen leaves and branches, crunching beneath every step, emphasizing the eerie silence that pervades the surroundings.

Amidst the tranquility of the forest, occasional sounds of stirring wildlife can be heard. The haunting calls of unknown creatures echo through the trees, a reminder of the untamed nature that resides within. Eyes watch from the shadows, unseen but ever-present, as if the forest itself guards its secrets.

Against this breathtaking backdrop, a solitary carriage emerges onto the path. Its weathered frame creaks and groans as it slowly makes its way towards the Imperial City, each wheel crunching through the layers of fallen leaves and gnarled branches. The sound resonates through the forest, harmonizing with the symphony of nature surrounding it.

The carriage presses forward with a determined pace, its occupants unknown and their purpose unspoken. The forest opens its ancient arms, revealing both its enchanting beauty and treacherous perils, as the wagon embarks upon this path towards the Imperial City, a journey that holds the promise of grandeur and wonder.

As the carriage makes its way along the Path of Whisper, it is acutely aware that the Imperial City lies at least 86 kilometers away, a testament to the endurance and resilience required to traverse this treacherous path. Yet, the allure of reaching the renowned city, with its grandeur and majesty, serves as a beacon of hope, fueling the determination of the wagon's occupants to overcome any obstacle in their way.

Upon closer inspection, one would notice the radiant sunlight seeping through the thick branches, creating a breathtaking view of the scenic forest route. Along this path, a remarkable spectacle unfolded as an extravagant carriage made its way,  Truly a sight to marvel at, this vehicle represented the epitome of opulence and excessive indulgence, pushing the boundaries of grandeur to an unprecedented extent.

The symbol of Drone County was emblazoned on the sides of the carriage in intricate detail. A blue dragon, representing the Dragon of Time and Void, was proudly displayed on a crest of clockwork gears, symbolizing the county's emphasis on power and control.

As the carriage made its way through the forest, the blue flag of the dragon fluttered in the breeze. The flag, matching the color of the crest, added to the ostentatious display of wealth and influence. It seemed to mock the simplicity and serenity of the natural surroundings, a stark contrast to the grandiosity it represented.

The symbol and flag served as a reminder of Drone County's dominance and the nobles' high status. It was a flaunting of power, an assertion of superiority over the simpler elements of nature.

Behind the scenes, hidden from the mesmerizing exterior, a different story unfolded. The whip-wielding wainmen struck the horses with a harshness that bordered on cruelty, desperate to maintain the illusion of seamless progress. Every lash they delivered was meticulously calculated so as not to upset the noble residing inside the wagon.

Though the horses fought valiantly against the weight of the extravagant carriage and the resistance of the air currents, their determination gradually waned. The exhausting struggle mirrored the constant battle between the nobles and the laws of nature.

With each strike of the whip, the horses pressed forward. Their laborious journey was a testament to their perseverance, showcasing their resilience against the challenging elements they faced. It was a testimony to the strained relationship between power and suffering.

As the horses strained against the weight of the extravagant carriage, their once majestic faces wore an expression of sheer annoyance. It was as if they were silently protesting against the colossal being seated idly in the wagon, seemingly oblivious to their discomfort.

The forest animals, mere spectators to this ostentatious spectacle, observed with pity in their eyes. Squirrels paused mid-climb on tree trunks, birds ceased their melodious songs, and even the serene deer paused their graceful journey through the woods. Each creature seemed to empathize with the horses, understanding the burden they carried.

The juxtaposition could not have been starker - the grandiose wagon adorned with riches, inching along at a sluggish pace, while nature's inhabitants solemnly watched, as if mourning the lost simplicity and purity of the forest.

Amidst the picturesque scenery, other carriage occasionally passed by, their occupants raising their eyebrows at the absurdity of the scene. Whispers and subtle chuckles could be heard, punctuating the air with a touch of mockery. Even they, the regular travelers of these roads, recognized the excessive nature of this particular spectacle.

As the wagon trundled on, the whispers of mockery grew louder and more directed. Passersby couldn't help but notice the rotund figure seated within the opulent carriage. The nobleman's ample girth spilled out from his luxurious attire, an unmistakable sign of indulgence and excess.

"Noble indeed," one traveler snorted, shaking their head in disbelief. "More like a glutton! That man could feed a village with his appetite."

The nobles and masters passing by were not shy in their jesting, openly mocking the overweight noble. Their jests and taunts revealed their disdain for such a display, especially from one who claimed nobility.

"He should be ashamed," another noble whispered, barely hiding their amusement. "A noble leading by example, no doubt."

The passing nobles took advantage of the situation to take jabs at the ponderous gentleman, their words laden with sarcasm and thinly-veiled mockery.

"Look at that wainmen, trying to keep up with those horses," a noblewoman giggled, her voice dripping with amusement. "He should have hired an entire stable of them!"

Another traveler chimed in, a mischievous glint in their eye, "Well, at least he's kind enough to give the animals a workout. I'm sure they'll be thankful for the exercise."

The wainmen's attempts to motivate the horses were met with laughter and scorn. Despite his exaggerated gestures and loud encouragement, the horses struggled to pull the wagon at anything but a snail's pace.

Other travelers, overhearing the jests from the nobles, couldn't help but join in the fun. They shared sly smiles and shared comments about the irony of the situation.

"Heillon wainmen! I think your lord, needs a diet more than those horses need a rest," one traveler quipped, eliciting laughter from their companions.

The laughter and jesting continued as the wagon made its way through the forest. The animals, now aware of the mockery aimed at the nobleman, watched with curiosity and amusement. Their eyes seemed to sparkle with unspoken mirth as if they too found the situation rather comical.

In the midst of the grandiosity, the forest stood tall and majestic, its quiet elegance offering a respite from the mockeries and excesses. Nature, ever humble and sincere, seemed to silently reprimand the pretentiousness that passed through its domain.

Inside the extravagant carriage, opulence reigned supreme. The lavishness was palpable in every detail, from the plush velvet upholstery adorned with intricate golden embroidery to the delicate crystal chandeliers casting a warm, ethereal glow.

Seated comfortably amidst this world of grandeur was an oversized Nobleman Vincent, his presence commanding attention.


With jet-black hair that fell effortlessly over his broad shoulders ,Nobleman Vincent's blue eyes gently flutter open inside a wagon, a momentary fluster settling quickly as he takes in his surroundings. With a profound understanding of his situation, he gradually comprehends that he has now reincarnated into an unfamiliar, yet curiously familiar world. Peering down at his colossal form, it dawns on him that he has become an extra character within the pages of the novel, assuming the role of Vincent Valentine, the heir of drone county.

Instead of succumbing to panic, Vincent's composed demeanor and mature disposition shine through, a testament to the wisdom acquired from his past life experiences. he exuded an air of nobility and sophistication.

Facing him opposite seated Rin, a maid whose every movement exuded grace and poise. Her silver hair cascaded down her back in gentle waves, shimmering under the soft illumination of the wagon's opulent surroundings. Her dark blue eyes, like deep sapphires, held a rare intensity that only added to her captivating beauty.

Gazing at Rin's face, the nobleman found himself captivated by her exquisite features. It was as if an artist had crafted her with meticulous attention to detail, forming a masterpiece that could rival the most stunning works of art.

Taking a moment to compose himself, the nobleman responded to Rin's comment about teleportation. "Indeed," he mused, his voice carrying a hint of weariness. "Teleportation would have been a more expedient option, but alas, the scarcity of Telesthia wizards in our county leaves us with no choice but to journey by wagon."

Rin's keen eyes flickered with concern, but she quickly masked it with a professional demeanor. "Very well, my lord. If you say so. However, I must admit, your behavior has been rather peculiar. You seem...different somehow."

Vincent's heart skipped a beat at Rin's astute observation. He knew he had to tread carefully, ensuring that his true identity as an outsider from another world remained hidden. "Ah, it must be the stress of the journey," he replied nonchalantly. "But fear not, Rin. I shall recover soon enough."

As he spoke, his eyes flickered with a mixture of determination and a hint of anticipation. It was clear that the nobleman was accustomed to the luxuries befitting his status, and yet, there was a glimmer of intrigue in his gaze - a longing for the unknown that awaited beyond the confines of their sumptuous surroundings.

As Vincent sat in tranquil silence, his towering physique dominating the space. His obsidian locks cascaded around his face, accentuating his mesmerizing sapphire eyes. The realization of his recent transmigration into the body of the esteemed nobleman, Vincent Valentine, still lingered in his mind, filling him with both awe and exhilaration.

In his previous life, Vincent had been a revered influencer known as "Alpha AF," championing masculinity and strength. Now confined within this oversized and robust figure, he understood the need to exercise caution, to blend in seamlessly with this new world he found himself in. Memories from his past life flashed before his eyes, evoking a mix of excitement and nostalgia. He had once been a captivating figure, renowned for his seduction skills, infamous for selling his crash course, "Be the Alpha in 10 Days." Vincent had charmed countless souls and reveled in his own notoriety.

He contemplated the contrast between his previous reputation and the refined nobleman he now appeared to be. Though his past self cast a lingering shadow, Vincent was determined to prove that he had shed his old skin. The wisdom and experience gained from his previous life merged with his new persona, creating a unique and formidable individual.

His wisdom and maturity from his past life granted him an advantage, a hidden power he intended to wield.

In stark contrast, Rin, his loyal maid, radiated an air of simplicity and innocence as she served him tea. She remained blissfully unaware of the man Vincent had once been, completely absorbed in her duties. Vincent marveled at the depth of their connection, realizing the unspoken trust that Rin placed in him.

Rin , her expression softening with concern. "I have prepared a special herbal tea for your headache, my lord. It might help ease your discomfort."

Vincent's eyes lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, Rin. Your thoughtfulness is truly appreciated."

As Rin turned to retrieve the herbal tea, Vincent's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. He marveled at the intricacies of this new world, a manifestation of the very novel he had once immersed himself in. But now, as Vincent, he had to adapt to this colossal body and the responsibilities that came with it, all while concealing the truth from his loyal maid and the rest of his entourage.

Taking the steaming cup of tea from Rin's delicate hands, Vincent's mind wandered to the magical realm that awaited him. Gone were the attachments of his previous life, the adoration of adoring fans and the hearts of countless women he had ruled with a charming confidence. In this new world, he would have to forge his path, discovering the true essence of his soul.

Sipping the tea, Vincent's eyes met Rin's gaze, and he mustered a genuine smile, hoping to dispel any lingering doubts. "Thank you, Rin. You've always been there for me, and I am grateful for your unwavering support."

Rin's lips curved in a warm smile. "My lord, it is my duty and honor to serve you. Should you ever need anything, do not hesitate to ask."

Vincent nodded appreciatively, determined to navigate this extraordinary world while hiding his true self. As the wagon trudged onward, his gaze out of the window shifted from anxiety to anticipation. He knew that his journey had only just begun, and there was a magical destiny waiting to unfold before him.

Their eyes briefly locked, conveying a silent understanding. Vincent couldn't help but wonder about the possibilities that lay before them, the uncharted territory that awaited their arrival.

With an air of confidence, Vincent raised the tea cup to his lips, savoring the warmth spreading through his body. The carriage continued its rhythmic journey towards the Imperial City, an air of anticipation filling the space. The bond between Vincent and Rin, though hidden beneath their roles as lord and maid, pulsed with a magnetic energy that transcended the boundaries of their positions.

As the wheels rolled steadily towards the bustling Imperial City, Vincent's gaze shifted to the letter clutched in his hands. Embossed with the emblem of a harp and golden wings, representing the revered Aurelia Sanctum Academy, a spark of anticipation ignited within him. Excitement tingled in his veins as he imagined the possibilities and opportunities that awaited him within those hallowed halls.

Vincent's confident smile broadened as his eyes trailed back to Rin. He admired her unyielding support and steadfast devotion, a silent understanding passing between them. In an effortless display of elegance, Rin poured a steaming cup of tea for Vincent, their eyes interlocking in a fleeting moment of shared anticipation. The atmosphere was charged with promise, as if destiny itself had woven its enchanting tapestry around them.
