
The Extra’s Survival: Logging into the Game Master System!

The Apocalypse descended as the world turned into a game. And while everyone panicked, I couldn’t help but wonder if there was something wrong with my eyes. [Logging into the Game Master’s Account!] And my ‘oh-so-average’ destiny, changed into ‘is this a cheat life?’ Kind of destiny. [Would you like to Create a Skill? GM Points will be consumed!] While others struggled to kill a single goblin, I was searching for stronger monsters. While they were happy with getting even a random weak skill, I was customizing what kind of skills I needed. Even my Talents and Gifts can be customised. The only limit was my imagination. Heck, even the hidden quests that people would trigger randomly were present in front of me even before the scenario began.  It wasn’t fair by any means. But isn’t that how life is already? [Would you like to make changes to the quests in the next scenario? GM Points will be consumed!] Is this how an apocalypse is supposed to be? I don’t know. I just tried following the script in front of everyone while trying out my cheat in hindsight. Don't get me wrong with the ‘pig eating tiger’ kind of thing. I just don’t like attention. I would rather stay with two trusted friends than with 10 fake ones. [Would you like to Initiate a Custom quest for the Players? GM Points will be consumed!] And for the players who were bullying the ‘weak’ me. One may even wonder how they ended up losing half of their stats and skills in a randomly triggered impossible type of quest.  Fate can be truly scary, you know?  One must always be careful of it.

Ethel_Imaginations · Du hí
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69 Chs

[Volume 2: Epilogue!]

[In the Park outside the Training Camp!]

A group of odd balls were collected. 

A Samurai, a girl with long black hair, a white haired thin man, a cloaked blonde, a red haired muscular man with a broadsword and a guy with a Crow mask.

"With that done. I will be leaving now," the boy with the crow mask spoke as he left from there, vanishing from sight, leaving everyone to look at the area where he was with a blank expression.

"Hey Rebas. Weren't you excited to meet him?" Avida asked with a fear filled voice as she gulped before looking at the skill that she received from Adrian/Crowley right now.

"Are you kidding me? Did you see that grin behind that mask of his? Just what is he planning now to make him that happy? And what's with these absurd skills? When did our little guy become this generous?" Rebas answered Avida's question with a dozen more questions.