
The Desire..!

There was an cool weather...! light breez flows away..! A man called Rio dating with his girl Nisha at beach..! suddenly the weather covered with clouds and the wind get heavy..! Rain stared, they grab there personals they went to under a roof.! and the sun turned off the rain was heavy and roads were blocked due to flood so rush in to hotel and made a room for themselves. They were enough wet and they squeeze their clothes and them dry..! and rio suddenly looks abnormal he had hormonal imbalance the Romantic guy came out from him..! he stared at nisha..! nisha came closer enough to rio that air can't be pass through them..! the cold bodies turns hotter..! nisha heartbeats heavily that can be hear by rio in this deep silence..! and grab onto balcony and made love within the rain..!

After few months they were broke up with an issue..! After breaking up nisha got pregnancy.. she was out of her temper and makes loud sounds..! and out braked and started crying..! he was deeply thinking about her pregnancy..! and suddenly laid down, huge bright light came out of sky and a space ship landed on lawn of nishas home and three men with large nose ears came out of it and they took nisha and went to planet called Carlo..!