
The extermination of my clan is imminent, but I am not an Uchiha

Reincarnating into the world of Naruto and becoming the young patriarch of the Hagoromo clan during the Warring States Period, Hagoromo Shigeru felt a lot of pressure. Because he faces the crisis of being exterminated by the Senju clan. In the coming years, Madara and Hasilama will reach their full power. However, since receiving the system, Hagoromo Shigeru has become increasingly aware of the danger of genocide. This is a translation of a Chinese story, even so I do my best so that the typical Chinese writing is not noticeable, I correct the names of characters, terms and some conversations. Link to the page where I took the story in case you want to read it directly: https://novelsknight.com/series/naruto-exterminate-the-clan-immediately-but-i-am-not-an-uchiha/

King_Ryuma · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Three ninjas with the level of a clan leader

A place twenty miles away from the Hagoromo Clan.

The temporary camp of the Senju Clan.

Two powerful men at the level of a clan leader arrived at the middle tent.

These two people are none other than Sarutobi Kaoto, the leader of the Sarutobi clan, and Shimura Nesuke, the leader of the Shimura clan.

The Senju Grand Elder, Senju Bōra, sat at the head of the seat, while Sarutobi Kaoto and Shimura Nesuke sat to the left and right.

"Sarutobi-San, Shimura-San, there is only one ninja with the level of a clan leader in the mountain of the Hagoromo Clan. He has not been killed for so many days, which makes me a little doubt his strength." Senju Bōra began by criticizing the two's results.

Here comes a show of strength.

After all, it is about the distribution of profits after the Hagoromo clan is destroyed. As the great elder of the Senju clan, Senju Bōra naturally wants to fight for the interests of the clan.

Sarutobi Kaoto and Shimura Nesuke also understood what was happening.

Therefore, even though they are facing the Senju Clan, they are also doing their best to fight for their own interests.

"Senju-San, the Hagoromo clan is a first-class ninja clan after all. We also paid a high price for Hagoromo Ryōzan to be seriously injured." Shimura Nesuke mentioned the losses of both of his clans.

Sarutobi Kaoto followed suit and nodded "That's right, Senju-San, many members of our two clans have died to deal with the Hagoromo clan in the past few days. If we can't get enough rewards, the death of our members! of the clan will be in vain!"

Seeing this, Senju Bōra waved his hand. "I know the sacrifices you two have made. After the Hagoromo clan is destroyed, you can naturally take a copy of the Hagoromo clan's ninjutsu scrolls."

For ninjas, the value of ninjutsu is evident. But the reason why the Sarutobi and Shimura clans attacked the Hagoromo clan was not only to obtain more ninjutsu and increase the family inheritance.

Thinking of Senju Butsuma's promise, Shimura Nesuke looked at Senju Bōra and remembered "Senju-San, Butsuma-San promised us that after destroying the Hagoromo clan, in addition to the ninjutsu scrolls, we can also obtain half of the Hagoromo clan's goods. Hagoromo clan."

Senju Bōra's eyes widened when he heard this, and the chakra in his body increased.


Senju Bōra slammed the table "Half of the goods, how much did you drink before coming? A thousand cups of sake? You talk crazy! Also, why didn't I know about this? When the patriarch made the promise, I was listening to a "On the other hand, I would know clearly if half of the goods were promised, there is no such thing at all!"

Senju Bōra was lying, he didn't know about this plan before, Senju Butsuma only informed him of this after his clan was attacked by the Uchiha clan.

However, Sarutobi Kaoto and Shimura Nesuke didn't know about this, so of course he simply objected.

No matter how many things Senju Butsuma has promised before, that is the patriarch's business.

As the grand elder of the Senju Clan, Senju Bōra must be responsible for the interests of the Senju Clan.

You must take as many assets as possible after the Hagoromo clan was wiped out.

Seeing that Senju Bōra was acting like a rogue and did not want to keep the promise, Sarutobi Kaoto and Shimura Nesuke looked a little upset.

"Senju, this is something we have agreed upon before. Is it appropriate for you to do this?" Shimura Nesuke was a little upset and looked at Senju Bōra.

Senju Bōra looked at Shimura Nesuke "Wow, you're teaching me how to do things!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little bad, Sarutobi Kaoto hurriedly said "Senju-San, that's not what we mean, it's just that we do it for the Senju clan.

We have suffered many casualties during our work. "If word gets out about the Senju clan not honoring its agreements, it will inevitably damage the reputation of the Senju clan."

Hearing what Sarutobi Kaoto said, Senju Bōra was silent for a moment.

In fact, if you do this, you will get a bad reputation.

After all, the Senju are also known as the Love Clan and their reputation is much better than that of the Uchiha.

If word spreads about the breach of contract, it will affect the Senju's image to a certain extent.

Even if the previous agreement was just a verbal promise from the patriarch and there was no paper evidence, it would not be good to break the agreement.

"How much do you want?" After hesitating, Senju Bōra looked at the two of them.

Shimura Nesuke answered without hesitation "what we agreed before, half of the Hagoromo clan's assets."


Senju Bōra refused without even hesitation. "The patriarch of our clan has never promised such a thing. Son, now that I am willing to give in, it is a sign of kindness from the Senju clan towards you, Shimura and Sarutobi, so don't push."

Shimura Nesuke was unwilling to give up the benefits he had gained. He insisted on the original agreement between him and Senju Butsuma "Half of the assets of the Hagoromo clan, this is what we have agreed upon. If you, the Senju clan, break the contract, I have to reconsider the attack on the Hagoromo clan!"

Anyway, there were still the Hagoromo and Uchiha clans situated between the Shimura and the Senju, so he did not believe that the Senju could cross these two clans and come to deal with his Shimura clan.

As for the already offended Hagoromo clan.

The Senju had already made the Hagoromo clan quite miserable, so they had no time to deal with the Shimura clan.

After hearing what Shimura Nesuke said, Senju Bōra's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a dangerous look. "Are you threatening the Senju clan?"

Seeing this, Sarutobi Kaoto quickly stood up. "Senju-San, the Shimura clan has suffered a lot in the past two days and Nesuke is not in a good mood, so he talked too much. We can still discuss the Hagoromo clan's assets." . Sarutobi Kaoto then approached Shimura Nesuke and stopped him when he was about to speak "Nesuke, we have already taken action against the Hagoromo clan. If we stop now, not only will we lose everything, but the losses within the clan will be irreparable, too." Even thousands of people were killed. Grudge goes hand in hand, so be patient now, even if it is less resources, it is better than nothing."

Sarutobi Kaoto whispered to persuade Shimura Nesuke, if the Shimura clan retreats at this time, then the Sarutobi clan will be in a dilemma.

If you stay here, you will undoubtedly offend the Shimura clan you are friends with, but if you follow Shimura and leave, the loss will be even greater.

When the time comes, there will be no way to make up for the losses caused by attacking the Hagoromo clan, not to mention offending the Senju clan.

Therefore, at this time, the Shimura clan must not retreat. If he withdraws, the Sarutobi clan will be in trouble.

It must be said that, in terms of IQ alone, there is a gap between this Shimura Nesuke and his future grandson Shimura Danzo.

At the very least, Danzo is known as the Darkness of the Ninja World. Although his methods are a bit dirty, he can understand the situation clearly and will never offend the Senju clan in this situation.

Fortunately, Nesuke Shimura wasn't really a fool. After hearing Sarutobi Kaoto's words, he did not continue to confront Senju Bōra, but remained silent.

Seeing this, Sarutobi Kaoto breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Senju Bōra and discussed "How about our two clans take a third?"

"Impossible, it's too much!" Senju Bōra looked at him and rejected Sarutobi Kaoto without hesitation.

"We can discuss it again, how about twenty-five percent?"

The interests of the two clans were negotiated by Sarutobi Kaoto, and Shimura Nesuke didn't even talk much at this time.

Anyway, half of the interests here belong to Sarutobi.

"One percent!" Senju Bōra said the number.

The corner of Sarutobi Kaoto's mouth twitched: "Senju-San is very good at joking, I think twenty-five percent is appropriate."

"One percent."




Territory of the Hagoromo clan.

The morning sun shone on the patriarch's house.

After washing up, Shigeru began to practice on the training ground.

After practicing the Rasengan for half the night last night, there was no progress, so Shigeru decided to temporarily give up Rasengan training and master the ninjutsu mastered by his predecessor.

It just so happens that the predecessor mastered close-range ninjutsu.

Although the lethality is not as great as the Rasengan, it is also very powerful in terms of close-range damage.

Translator's Note: According to my understanding of the novel, someone with strength at the level of a clan leader is equally strong as a Kage, since they are always put above the elite jonin level, only the Kage finished because villages haven't been invented yet.