

The sound of breaking glass echoed through the small apartment. Luke jolted awake, his hand instinctively reaching for his gun as he sat up in bed. He listened intently for any other noises, but the apartment was silent. He got up, putting on his robe and quietly made his way to the living room. As he rounded the corner, Luke's heart dropped. His grandmother, who he had lived with for years, lay on the ground in front of the shattered window. Blood pooled around her head and her eyes were closed. Luke ran to her side, his hands shaking as he felt for a pulse. It was too late. She was gone.

DaoistuNP3JZ · Hiện thực
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: Clues and Suspects

As Stella and Luke sat in the small interrogation room, they went over the evidence they had collected so far. The latest victim, a local business owner named David Chen, had been found in his office, with a gunshot wound to the head. Stella had been the one to discover the body, and had immediately called Luke to the scene.

They had interviewed the employees and searched the office for clues, but so far they had come up empty-handed. As they sat across from each other at the small metal table, Luke rubbed his forehead in frustration.

"We're not getting anywhere," he said, leaning back in his chair. "We don't have any leads, any suspects. This guy is just too good."

Stella nodded, tapping her pen against the notebook in front of her. "I know. But we can't give up yet. We have to keep digging."

Luke sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just feel like we're missing something. Like there's some piece of the puzzle we're not seeing."

Stella leaned forward, looking at him intently. "What if there is? What if there's something we're overlooking?"

Luke sat up straighter, his eyes narrowing. "You're right. We need to go back over everything we've collected so far. We might have missed something important."

They spent the next several hours poring over the evidence, looking for any clues they might have missed. As they worked, Luke's mind kept going back to something that had been bothering him since they first arrived on the scene.

"Stella," he said suddenly, looking up from the file he was reading. "Do you remember the way the body was positioned?"

Stella frowned, trying to remember. "I think he was slumped over his desk, right? With his head on his arms?"

Luke nodded. "But his arms were stretched out in front of him, like he was reaching for something. Like he was trying to grab onto something."

Stella's eyes widened. "You're right. I remember now. But what could he have been reaching for?"

Luke stood up, pacing back and forth in front of the table. "I don't know. But we need to find out. We need to go back to the crime scene and look for anything that might explain it."

Stella nodded, standing up as well. "Let's go. Maybe we'll finally find something that will break this case wide open."

As they drove back to the crime scene, Luke couldn't shake the feeling that they were getting closer to something. That they were on the verge of discovering the clue that would lead them to the killer. He just hoped they weren't too late.