
The Exotic Conqueror

Kasper Gelt, a powerful sorcerer was killed when his planet was invaded by a superior race. His soul was transmigrated into the body of a certain Alfred Elrod in another planet named Nolmar, of a distant universe. The planet was still young, peaceful and had abundant mana and natural resources. Unfortunately for Kasper Gelt, Alfred Elrod was a nobleman tried and found guilty of treason and was locked up to be executed in the most excruciating manner. Kasper Gelt, managed to escape but was the most wanted man in the empire, he would later go on to uncover the darkest secrets, mysteries of the seemingly harmless planet. Conquering the dark forces of Nolmar and uncovering shocking conspiracies.

AM_Raphael · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Rescuing Alfred's Daughter

The news of Alfred's daughter being sentenced to execution struck Kasper like a bolt of lightning. He couldn't fathom the cruelty of the situation. The poor girl was now paying for the alleged crimes of her father, and Kasper felt a deep sense of responsibility to ensure her safety.

"We have to save her," Kasper declared with determination, his mind racing to find a way to rescue the innocent girl.

Martel nodded in agreement. "I knew you'd say that. But we must be careful. The authorities are undoubtedly watching for any sign of your return."

Kasper realized the gravity of their situation. He was a wanted man, and the risk of being captured was high. They needed a plan, and they needed it quickly.

"First, we need to gather information," Kasper said. "We need to find out where she's being held and the details of her sentencing."

Martel nodded and sipped his coffee. "I have some contacts within the city who might be able to help us discreetly. I'll reach out to them and see what information I can gather."

Kasper appreciated Martel's willingness to assist. "Good. While you do that, I'll work on securing a means of transportation out of the city. We'll need a way to get her to safety once we locate her."

They agreed to meet later in a secluded spot, away from prying eyes. Kasper knew that time was of the essence, and they couldn't afford to waste a moment. He left the house his mind racing with thoughts of the impending rescue mission.

Over the course of the day, Kasper managed to secure a hidden passage out of the city. It was an old, forgotten tunnel that led through the city's ancient sewers. It would be a treacherous journey, but it was their best chance of escaping undetected.

As evening fell, Kasper met with Martel in the designated spot. Martel had obtained some crucial information. The daughter, named Elara, was being held in a heavily guarded prison within the city. The execution was scheduled for the following evening in a public square.

"We need to move quickly," Kasper said, his voice filled with urgency. "The public square will be crowded, making it difficult to extract her."

Martel agreed. "I've also learned that there's a secret entrance to the prison. It's guarded, but it's our best chance of getting inside without raising suspicion."

With their plan in place, Kasper and Martel set out under the cover of darkness, Kasper changed his looks with the art of deception so he wouldn't be recognized, he knew he had limited time before the magic wears off so he had to be quick. They navigated the labyrinthine sewers, their only source of light a small lantern. The journey was foul and filled with obstacles, but they pressed on.

Finally, they reached the hidden entrance to the prison. It was concealed behind a stack of crates in a dimly lit alley. Two guards stood watch, but Kasper and Martel had anticipated this. Kasper used his magic to create a distraction, a flicker of fire that drew the guards' attention away.

While the guards investigated the illusion, Kasper and Martel slipped inside the prison. The corridors were dimly lit, and the air was heavy with the stench of despair. They followed Martel's directions, navigating the labyrinthine passages until they reached the cell where Elara was being held.

She was a frail, frightened girl, barely more than a child. Her eyes widened with surprise and fear as Kasper and Martel appeared before her.

"Who are you?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

"We're here to rescue you," Kasper replied gently. "There's no time to explain, but we need you to trust us."

Elara hesitated for a moment, her gaze shifting between the two strangers. But the desperation in her eyes was evident, and she nodded in agreement.

Kasper used his magic to unlock the cell, and they hurriedly led Elara through the winding corridors of the prison. They encountered a few guards along the way, but Kasper's magic and Martel's quick thinking allowed them to evade capture.

Finally, they emerged into the cool night air, free from the confines of the prison. But they knew they were not out of danger yet. The city was on high alert, and they needed to find a safe place to regroup and plan their next move.

As they made their way through the darkened streets, Kasper couldn't help but feel a sense of purpose and determination. He had come to this world as a stranger, but now he was on a mission to protect an innocent life and uncover the mysteries of his own existence.

The night was fraught with peril and uncertainty, but Kasper, Martel, and Elara pressed on, driven by the belief that they could change their fates and uncover the truth hidden in the shadows of Nolmar.


With Elara now safe by their side, the trio hurried through the labyrinthine streets, shrouded by the cover of darkness. The weight of their predicament pressed down on them. Guards patrolled the streets, their lanterns casting flickering shadows. Every footfall seemed to echo like a drumbeat of danger.

Kasper led the way, his senses alert for any sign of pursuit. He had studied the city's layout during their escape planning and knew of a safehouse nearby, a place known only to a select few. It was hidden behind a nondescript facade, blending seamlessly into the row of buildings. Kasper rapped lightly on the door in a pattern known only to its trusted occupants.

Moments later, the door creaked open, revealing a man of middle age with a weathered face. He took in the sight of Kasper, Martel, and the trembling Elara and stepped aside, gesturing for them to enter.

"This way, quickly," he whispered, guiding them down a narrow hallway into a small, dimly lit room. The air was thick with the scent of herbs and candles, creating an atmosphere of solace and secrecy. Shelves lined with books and scrolls hinted at the room's occupants' scholarly pursuits.

Kasper closed the door behind them, shutting out the world they had just escaped. It was a moment of respite, and he could finally relax the tension that had gripped his shoulders since Elara's rescue.

Elara, still trembling, was offered a seat on a worn but comfortable chair. She wrapped her arms around herself, finding solace in the presence of her newfound protectors.

Martel approached her gently. "You're safe now, Elara," he said with a warm smile. "We won't let anyone harm you."

Kasper studied the room, his sharp eyes taking in the details. It was clear that the man who had let them in was part of a secretive network that opposed the oppressive regime in Nolmar. The room was filled with hidden knowledge, a sanctuary for those who sought refuge from the city's darkness.

"We owe you a debt of gratitude for your assistance," Kasper said, addressing their host. "Without your help, we wouldn't have been able to escape."

The man nodded solemnly. "We do what we can to resist tyranny in this city. But now, tell me, how did you come to be in such a dire situation? and why were you being pursued?"

Kasper hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. He had many questions of his own about his presence in Nolmar and his connection to Elara's father, Lord Alfred. But for now, he chose to focus on their immediate concerns.

"We rescued Elara from unjust imprisonment," Kasper explained. "Her life was in danger, and we couldn't stand by and let her face execution for crimes she didn't commit. As for me, I find myself in a world that is not my own, with no memory of how I got here."

Their host's eyes widened with curiosity, but he didn't press for more details. "You are welcome here as long as you need to stay," he offered. "We will do what we can to help you, but you must remain cautious. The city is teeming with informants and spies."

Kasper nodded, his thoughts already turning to their next steps. They were safe for the moment, but the pursuit would not end so easily. They needed allies, answers, and a plan to navigate the treacherous path that lay ahead.

As the candles flickered in the dimly lit room, Kasper, Martel, and Elara settled in for a much-needed respite, knowing that their journey had only just begun.


A/N: I've been working on this novel for quite a long time, there'll be a mass release of chapters for 3 days.

After that, I'll be releasing 2 chapters per day.